Man's Best Friend(ACT II) 1

Don't worry, Alexandra. We'll find the owner.

How, Robbie?

Let me think.

Gemma, sit. Good Gemma. Give me your paw. Good Gemma. This dog is well trained.

With a little help from the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They're the ones. We once found a cat. She was caught in the branches of our tree. And Dad called the ASPCA. They came and solved the problem.

Robbie, let's call them.

Let me see-ASPCA... Here it is. ASPCA Animal Shelter. 555-7700.

Hello, ASPCA.

Hello, my name is Robbie Stewart. I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you. How late are you open?

Thinking Question: What is the telephone number of the ASPCA?


Now let me announce the answer of the last issue:


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