
1 ActiveX和BHO是微软开发且闭源的,仅适用于IE







 int RegWebProtocol ( LPCTSTR lpszProtocolName, LPCTSTR lpszAssociatedApp, int nIconIndex/*=0*/ )
		if ( !lpszProtocolName || 
			lstrlen(lpszProtocolName) < 1 || 
			!lpszAssociatedApp || 
			lstrlen(lpszAssociatedApp) < 1 )   
			return 0;

		CString csSubKey;
		DWORD dwBufSize = 0;

		// 如果该该协议已经存在
		HKEY hKey = NULL;
		if ( RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
			&hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )

			csSubKey.Format ( _T("%s\\shell\\open\\command"), lpszProtocolName );
			CString csCommand; csCommand.Format ( _T("\"%s\" \"%%1\""), lpszAssociatedApp );
			dwBufSize = csCommand.GetLength();
			if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey,
				_T(""), REG_SZ, (PUCHAR)csCommand.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
				return 0;
			return 2;
			hKey = NULL;

		// 创建协议子键
		if (!CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName ))
			return 0;

		// 设置协议描述字符串
		CString csProtocolDesc; 
		csProtocolDesc.Format ( _T("%sProtocol"), lpszProtocolName );
		dwBufSize = csProtocolDesc.GetLength();
		if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName,
			_T(""), REG_SZ, (PUCHAR)csProtocolDesc.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
			return 0;
		CString csAppFile; csAppFile.Format ( _T("%s"), lpszAssociatedApp );
		dwBufSize = csAppFile.GetLength();
		if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProtocolName,
			_T("URL Protocol"), REG_SZ, (PUCHAR)csAppFile.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
			return 0;

		// DefaultIcon 子键
		csSubKey.Format ( _T("%s\\DefaultIcon"), lpszProtocolName );
		if ( !CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey ) )
			return 0;
		CString csIconParameter; csIconParameter.Format ( _T("%s,%d"), lpszAssociatedApp, nIconIndex );
		dwBufSize = csIconParameter.GetLength();
		if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey,
			_T(""), REG_SZ, (PUCHAR)csIconParameter.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
			return 0;

		// shell\open\command 子键
		csSubKey.Format ( _T("%s\\shell\\open\\command"), lpszProtocolName );
		if ( !CreateRegisterSubKey ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey ) )
			return 0;
		CString csCommand; csCommand.Format ( _T("\"%s\" \"%%1\""), lpszAssociatedApp );
		dwBufSize = csCommand.GetLength();
		if ( !WriteRegister ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, csSubKey,
			_T(""), REG_SZ, (PUCHAR)csCommand.GetBuffer(0),&dwBufSize) )
			return 0;

		return 1;

其中,HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes是一样的。具体的原理是,The IURLSearchHook interface is used by the browser to translate the address of an unknown URL protocol.

 When attempting to browse to a URL address that does not contain a protocol,

 the browser will first attempt to determine the correct protocol from the address.

 If this is not successful, the browser will create URL Search Hook objects and call each object's

 Translate method until the address is translated or all of the hooks have been queried.


 当浏览器企图去打开一个未知协议的URL地址时,浏览器首先尝试从这个地址得到当前的协议,如果不成功,浏览器将创建在系统中注册的URL Search Hook对象并调用每一个对象的Translate方法,直到地址被转换或所有的URL Search Hook都尝试过。 也就是说,我们可以注册一种目前不存在的协议(类似HTTP),当浏览器遇到新的协议时会自动调用Translate方法来翻译我们的协议, 甚至激活我们自己的程序。这里注意,改动注册表的时候,必须以管理员身份来运行;


 RegWebProtocol("YYP", "D:\\xxx\\测试源码\\SurfaceRender\\UrlCall\\Debug\\UrlCall.exe", 1);



 3. Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)


英文帮助的文档 https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/wiki/GeneralUsage.md#markdown-header-entry-point-function

3.1 同源(origin)

origin = scheme(协议)+ domain(域名)+port(端口);例如,

url= "http://baidu.com:80/pub/new";  

origin = "http://baidu.com:80";  

CEF3 runs using multiple processes. The main process which handles window creation, painting and network access is called the “browser” process. This is generally the same process as the host application and the majority of the application logic will run in the browser process. Blink rendering and JavaScript execution occur in a separate “render” process. Some application logic, such as JavaScript bindings and DOM access, will also run in the render process. The default process model will spawn a new render process for each unique origin (scheme + domain). Other processes will be spawned as needed, such as “plugin” processes to handle plugins like Flash and “gpu” processes to handle accelerated compositing.

3.2 浏览器进程 Browser Process和渲染进程 Render Process

目前我的认知内,一个实例只有一个浏览器进程。它的作用有二。第一、负责通过CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser函数来创建页面窗口,以及,对应的渲染进程和其他进程(插件进程和GPU进程等进程);第二、其他的进程向浏览器进程发送消息,进行通讯;我们可以定制不一样的回调句柄,来处理renderer process发送的信息;使用CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser函数,为新的原点(origin)创建新的html的浏览器(CefBrowserView)和当前原生窗口绑定到一起(Windows系统,就是一个对话框或者Frame),另外,浏览器进程会接受子进程的消息回调,用来处理这些子进程的发出消息。回调的类,需要开发者自定义一个ClientHandler类用来继承一些Cef的接口,来处理渲染进程或其他进程发送来的标准回调消息;例如,处理子进程生命周期的回调函数,下载的回调等,例如,CefLifeSpanHandler,表示的是Implement this interface to handle events related to browser life span. The methods of this class will be called on the UI thread unless otherwise indicated. 当使用函数CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser(info, m_handler.get(), strUrl, settings, NULL);来创建浏览器的时候,会调用CefLifeSpanHandler接口中的OnAfterCreated函数关闭的时候,会调用 OnBeforeClose函数

class ClientHandler 
	: public CefClient,
	public CefDownloadHandler,
	public CefLoadHandler,
	public CefLifeSpanHandler,
	public CefRenderHandler
// Include the default reference counting implementation.
	virtual void OnAfterCreated(CefRefPtr browser) OVERRIDE
	virtual void OnBeforeClose(CefRefPtr browser) OVERRIDE
	virtual CefRefPtr GetDownloadHandler() OVERRIDE 
	{return this;
	virtual CefRefPtr GetLoadHandler() OVERRIDE 
	{return this;

	bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefRefPtr browser,
                                CefProcessId source_process,
                                CefRefPtr message) OVERRIDE
		ClientApp::RenderDelegateSet::iterator it = render_delegates_.begin();
		for (; it != render_delegates_.end(); ++it)
			(*it)->OnProcessMessageReceived(NULL, browser, source_process, message);
		return true;

	virtual void OnPaint(CefRefPtr browser,
                       PaintElementType type,
                       const RectList& dirtyRects,
                       const void* buffer,
                       int width, int height)

3.3 CefFrame 和 CefBrowser

没一个CefBrowser都有一个主的CefFrame和0和多个子CefFrame,例如一个网页包含两个iFarme标签,就是一个主的CefFrame,两个子CefFrame对象;Each CefBrowser object will have a single main CefFrame object representing the top-level frame and zero or more CefFrame objects representing sub-frames. For example, a browser that loads two iframes will have three CefFrame objects (the top-level frame and the two iframes).

3.4 动态交互,进程间的通讯 Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

由于CEF3在多个进程中运行,因此有必要提供用于在这些进程之间进行通信的机制。CefBrowser和CefFrame对象同时存在于浏览器和渲染过程中,这样设计有助于进程间通讯。每个CefBrowser和CefFrame对象也有一个与其关联的唯一ID值,该值将在流程边界的两侧匹配。Since CEF3 runs in multiple processes it is necessary to provide mechanisms for communicating between those processes. CefBrowser and CefFrame objects exist in both the browser and render processes which helps to facilitate this process. Each CefBrowser and CefFrame object also has a unique ID value associated with it that will match on both sides of the process boundary. 进程间的消息可以通过CefProcessMessage来实现,示例如下

// Create the message object.
CefRefPtr msg= CefProcessMessage::Create(“my_message”);
// Retrieve the argument list object.
CefRefPtr args = msg>GetArgumentList();
// Populate the argument values.
args->SetString(0, “my string”);
args->SetInt(0, 10);
// Send the process message to the main frame in the render process.
// Use PID_BROWSER instead when sending a message to the browser process.
browser->GetMainFrame()->SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, msg);

一个从Browser进程发送到渲染进程的消息,是通过CefRenderProcessHandler::OnProcessMessageReceived()来实现的;反过来,从渲染进行到浏览器进程是通过CefClient::OnProcessMessageReceived().函数来实现回调的。A message sent from the browser process to the render process will arrive in CefRenderProcessHandler::OnProcessMessageReceived(). A message sent from the render process to the browser process will arrive in CefClient::OnProcessMessageReceived().

 4 通过websocket的方式

4.1 websocket原理介绍



GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:10010
Connection: Upgrade
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/112.0.1722.64
Upgrade: websocket
Origin: null
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6
Sec-WebSocket-Key: Nehn10clcDKqzQ69hrsxOw==
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits


HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: fmZxN7gu1bI/ZfLrHITOcm33JJQ=

4.2 websoket示例代码

