The retrospective material for final English exam unit_3 disease

unit_3 disease

Getting prepared - academic exploration 1

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. pandemic(n. [C] a disease that affects people over a very large area or the whole world 流行病,大流行病,瘟疫)
      • The COVID-19 pandemic has caused mass trauma for the world, and the impact will last for many years to come._ 新冠肺炎大流行已经给世界造成了极大的创伤,而且这种影响将持续很多年。
    • Transported between major towns and cities by people buying and selling goods, once the disease reached a new area, many people were quickly infected, and it caused many pandemics.
    • 该疾病借由买卖货物的人在主要城镇之间传播,一旦传播至一个新的地区,就会有许多人很快被感染,这造成了许多次疾病大流行。
    1. propagate(vt. (fml.) to spread an idea, belief, etc. to many people 传播,散播,宣传(观点、信仰等))
      • Building confidence in vaccines will require cooperation with social media platforms to ensure that they are not abused to propagate harmful rumors. 要建立对疫苗的信心,就需要与社交媒体平台合作,确保它们不会被用来传播有害的谣言。
    • John Snow’s words to Henry Whitehead had come true: "You and I may not live to see the day, and my name may be forgotten when it comes, but the time will arrive when great outbreaks of cholera will be things of the past; and it is the knowledge of the way in which the disease is propagated which will cause them to disappear."
    • 约翰・斯诺对亨利 • 怀特海德说的话应验了:“你和我可能活不到那一天,我的名字可能会被遗忘,但霍乱的大规模暴发将成为过去,这一天将会到来。正是因为人们了解了霍乱的传播方式,才不会再有霍乱暴发。”
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. The following standard operating procedure must be followed by all laboratory workers where laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals.
    2. Current literature provides adequate evidence that intensive lifestyle modifications could lower the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular(心血管的) diseases.
    3. In the hospital, every patient is potentially at risk of acquiring and transmitting infectious diseases to other patients and healthcare workers.
    4. Immunization provides the chief defense for children to survive deadly diseases.
    5. People may be infected by touching something contaminated by the COVID-19 virus and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.
    6. Experts across the globe predict that there will be another viral pandemic sooner rather than later.
    7. The government has launched a series of programs to propagate knowledge about the recent pandemic outbreak and preventive measures against it.
    8. Obesity occurs when too much fat is deposited in the body due to an imbalance of energy intake and consumption.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. Most people with healthy immunity (免疫力) are not easily affected by bacteria on the skin, but people with a weakened immune system are more at risk.大多数免疫力良好的人不容易受到皮肤上的细菌的影响,但是免疫系统较弱的人面临感染的风险更大。
    2. Globally healthcare professionals are convinced that technologies like personal health monitoring devices will play a vital role in creating a positive healthcare future. 全球医疗保健专业人士坚信,诸如个人健康监测设备之类的技术将发挥至关重要的作用,为医疗保健创造一个光明的未来。
    3. Notably, early risk detection on the outbreak of the infectious disease will help to impose timely and effective public health measures to prevent its spread.值得注意的是,及早发现疫情风险,有助于采取及时有效的公共卫生措施,防止疫情蔓延。
    4. Medical researchers proposed a new disease category of skin disorders.医学研究人员提出了一种新的皮肤病类别。
    5. Further analysis revealed significant differences between the control group and the treatment group. 进一步的分析显示,对照组和治疗组之间存在显著差异。

Getting prepared - academic exploration 2

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. catastrophic (adj.causing a lot of destruction, suffering, or death 灾难性的,毁灭性的)
      • In some poor countries, hunger and poor nutrition can contribute to the spread of catastrophic infectious diseases._ 在一些贫穷国家,饥饿和营养不良可能助长灾难性传染病的传播。
    • No one would question how catastrophic the impact of diseases can be on society.
    • 没有人会质疑疾病对社会的灾难性影响。
    1. diminish (v. to become or make sth. become smaller or less (使)减少,(使)减小)
      • Studies showed that the incidence of AIDS diminished substantially with the cocktail treatment._ 研究表明,艾滋病的发病率因为鸡尾酒疗法而大大降低了。
    • On a simplistic level, a country’s economic output diminishes due to the number of productive days lost from the impact of diseases and illnesses.
    • 简单来讲,疾病会减少生产天数,从而导致一个国家的经济产出减少。
    1. pharmaceutical (adj. (only before noun) relating to the production of drugs and medicines 制药的)
      • These transparency bills require pharmaceutical companies to provide specific information about their pricing practices._ 这些透明度法案要求制药公司提供有关其定价方法的具体信息。
    • Hence, any increase in the usage of doctors, accident and emergency or pharmaceutical purchases, is a direct economic cost to the wider society.
    • 因此,看病就医、急诊室抢救或药品购买方面的任何增量对整个社会来说都是直接的经济成本。
    1. predominantly(adv. mostly or mainly 在很大程度上,主要地)
      • Some studies show that eating a predominantly plant-based diet is one key way to reduce the risk of chronic disease, as the foods tend to be higher in fiber, vitamins, etc._ 一些研究表明,以植物为主的饮食是降低慢性疾病风险的一个关键方法,因为这些食物往往富含纤维、维生素等。
    • Diseases can predominantly be grouped into two categories – infectious and non-infectious.
    • 疾病主要可以分为两类:传染性疾病和非传染性疾病。
    1. vaccine(n. [C, U] a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease 疫苗)
      -Historically, vaccines have proved to be the most effective weapon in the fight against infectious diseases, such as smallpox, polio, measles, and yellow fever._ 从历史上看,疫苗已被证明是对抗天花、小儿麻痹症、麻疹和黄热病等传染病的最有效武器。
    • Furthermore, a new disease has the considerable cost of developing a new vaccine.
    • 此外,为新疾病开发新疫苗需要相当大的成本。
    1. closure (n. [C, U] the act of closing or the state of being closed 关闭;封闭)
      • Localized closure of the affected areas was recommended to prevent the spread of the infectious disease._ 建议对疫区进行局部封闭,以防止传染病的传播。
    • Additionally, unless it is well managed, it can also result in panic and the closure of public services such as schools.
    • 还有,除非管理得当,否则还可能造成恐慌,并导致学校等公共服务部门的关闭。
    1. detrimental (adj. (fml.) causing harm or damage 有害的,不利的)
      • Our modern, largely-indoor lifestyle results in Vitamin D deprivation which is highly detrimental to our immunity._ 我们以户内为主的现代生活方式会导致维生素D的缺乏,这会严重损害我们的免疫力。
    • Furthermore, when an infectious disease breaks out in an area, it can have detrimental consequences on the local tourism industry.
    • 此外,当某个地区暴发传染病时,可能会对当地的旅游业造成不利影响。
    1. demography (n. [U]
      1 the makeup of a particular human population 人口结构,人口组成
      2 the study of human populations and the ways in which they change, for example the study of how many births, marriages and deaths happen in a particular place at a particular time 人口学,人口统计学)
      • Demography is an important component of epidemiologic research and essential to give an overall picture of the health status of a community._ 人口统计学是流行病学研究的重要组成部分,对于全面了解一个社区的健康状况至关重要。
      • Smallpox, which killed hundreds of millions of people on this planet, reshaped the demography of the globe._ 天花夺去了地球上数亿人的生命,重塑了全球的人口结构。
    • It places pressure on all areas of society, from health care to education to the overall demography of society.
    • 从医疗保健到教育,再到整个社会人口结构,疾病对社会各个领域都构成了压力。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. In past decades, the field of cardio-oncology (肿瘤心脏病学) has predominantly focused on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in cancer survivors.
    2. Among the many types of catastrophic medical mistakes that occur, surgical errors can be the most dreadful.
    3. Several models have been proposed to explain the changing demography of chronic diseases of affluence, such as cardiovascular disease.
    4. The gel (凝胶) quickly coats the point of bleeding, resulting in the physical closure of the broken blood vessel.
    5. It normally takes years to design a manufacturing process and develop a new vaccine or drug.
    6. Chronic, prolonged (持久的) stress can be detrimental to our overall health if left untreated.
    7. Governments should make laws to guarantee the manufacturing and delivery of urgently needed pharmaceutical products used to treat emerging threats.
    8. Most consumers prefer eating cooked nuts as opposed to raw although cooking diminishes their health benefits.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. Carrying excess weight has an adverse consequence for one’s health and increases the risk of health problems.
      1. 超重会给一个人的健康造成不良后果,并增加健康问题的风险。。
    2. The main objectives of this reform were to reduce health expenditure for patients, and improve the quality of hospital services.
      1. 这次改革的主要目标是减少病人的医疗开支,提高医院的服务质量。
    3. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be nearly 13.8 million Americans age 65 and older that will suffer from Alzheimer’s (阿尔茨海默病).
      1. 据估计,到2050年,将有近1380万65岁及以上的美国人患阿尔茨海默病。
    4. The government funded a new media campaign to raise people’s awareness and concern about autism (自闭症).
      1. 政府资助了一项新的媒体宣传活动,以提高人们对自闭症的认识和关注。
