Kylin V10 SP2 定制openssh 9.0 rpm包


  1. 前端项目进行安全漏洞扫描,均检测到OpenSSH不同程度的中、高风险漏洞;
  2. 为提高操linux作系统的安全性,现按要求,将 OpenSSH统一编译升级到指定版本:openssh-9.0p1,以此来修复OpenSSH安全漏洞


# cat /etc/kylin-release 
Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Sword)

# uname -r

# rpm -qa|grep openssh


  • openssh-9.0p1下载地址:

  • x11-ssh-askpass下载地址:



  1. 安装编译工具及依赖包

    # dnf -y install rpm-build gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-devel  openssl openssl-devel \
      pcre pcre-devel zlib zlib-devel perl perl-devel make imake wget xmkmf \
      initscripts  krb5-devel pam-devel krb5-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel gtk2-devel 
  2. 下载源码

    # wget
    # wget
  3. 查看源码目录

    # ll /root/rpmbuild/
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 27 Jun  1 21:35 BUILD
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  6 Jun  1 21:37 BUILDROOT
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 21 Jun  1 21:37 RPMS
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 84 Jun  1 20:36 SOURCES
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 26 Jun  1 21:34 SPECS
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 47 Jun  1 21:37 SRPMS
    默认位置 名称 用途
    ~/rpmbuild/BUILD 构建目录 存放源代码解压以后的文件,
    ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT 最终安装目录 保存 %install 阶段安装的文件
    ~/rpmbuild/RPMS 标准 RPM 包目录 保存二进制 RPM 包,此目录下会有子目录
    ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES 源代码目录 保存源码包、配置文件和补丁包等
    ~/rpmbuild/SPECS spec 文件目录 保存spec文件,每个rpm包的制作,
    ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS src.rpm包目录 保存源码 RPM 包(SRPM)。
  4. 拷贝源码包到相应目录

    # cp openssh-9.0p1.tar.gz  x11-ssh-askpass- /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES
  5. 解压源码包,提取构建spec文件,拷贝openssh.spec文件到SEPCS

    # tar -zxf openssh-9.0p1.tar.gz 
    # cp openssh-9.0p1/contrib/redhat/openssh.spec /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/

    根据官网默认openssh.spec制作的rpm安装包,在升级时会卸载旧版本openssh并复制源码包中的 ./openssh-9.0p1/contrib/redhat/sshd.pam 以替换/etc/pam.d/sshd,将导致升级后无法登录进系统。故需要手动更改替换文件,替换为想要的内容;

    可以使用Kylin V10 SP2系统自带的/etc/pam.d/sshd原生文件,也可根据需要定制sshd文件内容。Kylin V10 SP2系统自带的/etc/pam.d/sshd原生文件内容如下:

    # cat /etc/pam.d/sshd 
    auth       substack     password-auth
    auth       include      postlogin
    account    required
    account    required
    account    include      password-auth
    password   include      password-auth
    # close should be the first session rule
    session    required close
    session    required
    # open should only be followed by sessions to be executed in the user context
    session    required open env_params
    session    required
    session    optional force revoke
    session    optional
    session    include      password-auth
    session    include      postlogin


    # cp /etc/pam.d/sshd /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES


    # tree -L 2 /root/rpmbuild/
    ├── BUILD
    ├── RPMS
    │   └── aarch64
    ├── SOURCES
    │   ├── openssh-9.0p1.tar.gz # openssh的源码包
    │   ├── sshd # 	/etc/pam.d 的认证sshd模块配置文件
    │   └── x11-ssh-askpass- # x11-ssh-askpass  (可选)
    ├── SPECS
    │   └── openssh.spec
    └── SRPMS
  6. 修改openssh.spec文件


    • root用户 无法登录不上

    • ssh客户端连接不上

    • PAM认证不管用

    • 未编译出ssh-copy-id


      BuildRequires: openssl-devel < 1.189 行: 添加一个源
      Source2: sshd  
      #install -m644 contrib/redhat/sshd.pam     $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd
      install -m644 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/sshd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd   
     install -m755 contrib/ssh-copy-id $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id
    第 340-341行 这两行需要放在  %pre server 下,为安装前备份内容
      cp -r /etc/ssh /etc/ssh_bak                     
    第 345 -353行:  需要放在 %post server后面,表示安装后需要执行的命令
        2.允许使用PAM登录认证 ;
        4.增加认证支持(默认openssh 9.0,默认不支持部分低版本的认证模式),不添加会造成低版本的连接器如:CRT等,客户端连接失败
        5.三个文件 ssh_host_rsa_key、ssh_host_ecdsa_key、ssh_host_ed25519_key 为必要文件,9.0版本缩小了权限,只允许root查看,否者启动sshd服务会报错
      sed -i -e  "s/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g"    /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      sed -i  -e  "s/#UsePAM no/UsePAM yes/g"  /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      sed -i -e "s/#X11Forwarding no/X11Forwarding yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
      echo "KexAlgorithms [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config
      chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
      chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
      chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
    第 397行:  放在%attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/sftp后面,表示安装修改ssh-copy-id的属性
      %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh-copy-id
    第 10-15行: 是否生成 x11-askpass、gnome-askpass两个RPM包。可以不选,不选的话就不要 x11-ssh-askpass- 包;默认生成,我建议选上,万一需要又得再来构建,麻烦
    # Do we want to disable building of x11-askpass? (1=yes 0=no)     
    %global no_x11_askpass 0                                          
    # Do we want to disable building of gnome-askpass? (1=yes 0=no)   
    %global no_gnome_askpass 0                                        


    %global ver 9.0p1
    %global rel 1%{?dist}
    # OpenSSH privilege separation requires a user & group ID
    %global sshd_uid    74
    %global sshd_gid    74
    # Version of ssh-askpass
    %global aversion
    # Do we want to disable building of x11-askpass? (1=yes 0=no)
    %global no_x11_askpass 0
    # Do we want to disable building of gnome-askpass? (1=yes 0=no)
    %global no_gnome_askpass 0
    # Do we want to link against a static libcrypto? (1=yes 0=no)
    %global static_libcrypto 0
    # Do we want smartcard support (1=yes 0=no)
    %global scard 0
    # Use GTK2 instead of GNOME in gnome-ssh-askpass
    %global gtk2 1
    # Use build6x options for older RHEL builds
    # RHEL 7 not yet supported
    %if 0%{?rhel} > 6
    %global build6x 0
    %global build6x 1
    %if 0%{?fedora} >= 26
    %global compat_openssl 1
    %global compat_openssl 0
    # Do we want kerberos5 support (1=yes 0=no)
    %global kerberos5 1
    # Reserve options to override askpass settings with:
    # rpm -ba|--rebuild --define 'skip_xxx 1'
    %{?skip_x11_askpass:%global no_x11_askpass 1}
    %{?skip_gnome_askpass:%global no_gnome_askpass 1}
    # Add option to build without GTK2 for older platforms with only GTK+.
    # RedHat <= 7.2 and Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 are examples.
    # rpm -ba|--rebuild --define 'no_gtk2 1'
    %{?no_gtk2:%global gtk2 0}
    # Is this a build for RHL 6.x or earlier?
    %{?build_6x:%global build6x 1}
    # If this is RHL 6.x, the default configuration has sysconfdir in /usr/etc.
    %if %{build6x}
    %global _sysconfdir /etc
    # Options for static OpenSSL link:
    # rpm -ba|--rebuild --define "static_openssl 1"
    %{?static_openssl:%global static_libcrypto 1}
    # Options for Smartcard support: (needs libsectok and openssl-engine)
    # rpm -ba|--rebuild --define "smartcard 1"
    %{?smartcard:%global scard 1}
    # Is this a build for the rescue CD (without PAM)? (1=yes 0=no)
    %global rescue 0
    %{?build_rescue:%global rescue 1}
    # Turn off some stuff for resuce builds
    %if %{rescue}
    %global kerberos5 0
    Summary: The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol version 2.
    Name: openssh
    Version: %{ver}
    %if %{rescue}
    Release: %{rel}rescue
    Release: %{rel}
    Source2: sshd
    License: BSD
    Group: Applications/Internet
    BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot
    Obsoletes: ssh
    %if %{build6x}
    PreReq: initscripts >= 5.00
    Requires: initscripts >= 5.20
    BuildRequires: perl
    %if %{compat_openssl}
    BuildRequires: compat-openssl10-devel
    BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 1.0.1
    #BuildRequires: openssl-devel < 1.1
    BuildRequires: /bin/login
    %if ! %{build6x}
    BuildRequires: glibc-devel, pam
    BuildRequires: /usr/include/security/pam_appl.h
    %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}
    BuildRequires: /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h
    # Xt development tools
    BuildRequires: libXt-devel
    # Provides xmkmf
    BuildRequires: imake
    # Rely on relatively recent gtk
    BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
    %if ! %{no_gnome_askpass}
    BuildRequires: pkgconfig
    %if %{kerberos5}
    BuildRequires: krb5-devel
    BuildRequires: krb5-libs
    %package clients
    Summary: OpenSSH clients.
    Requires: openssh = %{version}-%{release}
    Group: Applications/Internet
    Obsoletes: ssh-clients
    %package server
    Summary: The OpenSSH server daemon.
    Group: System Environment/Daemons
    Obsoletes: ssh-server
    Requires: openssh = %{version}-%{release}, chkconfig >= 0.9
    %if ! %{build6x}
    Requires: /etc/pam.d/system-auth
    %package askpass
    Summary: A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X.
    Group: Applications/Internet
    Requires: openssh = %{version}-%{release}
    Obsoletes: ssh-extras
    %package askpass-gnome
    Summary: A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH, X, and GNOME.
    Group: Applications/Internet
    Requires: openssh = %{version}-%{release}
    Obsoletes: ssh-extras
    SSH (Secure SHell) is a program for logging into and executing
    commands on a remote machine. SSH is intended to replace rlogin and
    rsh, and to provide secure encrypted communications between two
    untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and
    arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.
    OpenSSH is OpenBSD's version of the last free version of SSH, bringing
    it up to date in terms of security and features, as well as removing
    all patented algorithms to separate libraries.
    This package includes the core files necessary for both the OpenSSH
    client and server. To make this package useful, you should also
    install openssh-clients, openssh-server, or both.
    %description clients
    OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
    into and executing commands on a remote machine. This package includes
    the clients necessary to make encrypted connections to SSH servers.
    You'll also need to install the openssh package on OpenSSH clients.
    %description server
    OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
    into and executing commands on a remote machine. This package contains
    the secure shell daemon (sshd). The sshd daemon allows SSH clients to
    securely connect to your SSH server. You also need to have the openssh
    package installed.
    %description askpass
    OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
    into and executing commands on a remote machine. This package contains
    an X11 passphrase dialog for OpenSSH.
    %description askpass-gnome
    OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
    into and executing commands on a remote machine. This package contains
    an X11 passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and the GNOME GUI desktop
    %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}
    %setup -q -a 1
    %setup -q
    %if %{rescue}
    %configure \
    	--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}/ssh \
    	--libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}/openssh \
    	--datadir=%{_datadir}/openssh \
    	--with-default-path=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin \
    	--with-superuser-path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin \
    	--with-privsep-path=%{_var}/empty/sshd \
    	--mandir=%{_mandir} \
    	--with-mantype=man \
    	--disable-strip \
    %if %{scard}
    	--with-smartcard \
    %if %{rescue}
    	--without-pam \
    	--with-pam \
    %if %{kerberos5}
    	 --with-kerberos5=$K5DIR \
    %if %{static_libcrypto}
    perl -pi -e "s|-lcrypto|%{_libdir}/libcrypto.a|g" Makefile
    %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}
    pushd x11-ssh-askpass-%{aversion}
    %configure --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}/openssh
    xmkmf -a
    # Define a variable to toggle gnome1/gtk2 building.  This is necessary
    # because RPM doesn't handle nested %if statements.
    %if %{gtk2}
    %if ! %{no_gnome_askpass}
    pushd contrib
    if [ $gtk2 = yes ] ; then
    	make gnome-ssh-askpass2
    	mv gnome-ssh-askpass2 gnome-ssh-askpass
    	make gnome-ssh-askpass1
    	mv gnome-ssh-askpass1 gnome-ssh-askpass
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ssh
    mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/openssh
    mkdir -p -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_var}/empty/sshd
    make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/
    install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d
    install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/openssh
    %if %{build6x}
    install -m644 contrib/redhat/sshd.pam.old $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd
    #install -m644 contrib/redhat/sshd.pam     $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd
    install -m644 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/sshd     $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/sshd
    install -m755 contrib/redhat/sshd.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd
    install -m755 contrib/ssh-copy-id $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id
    %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}
    install x11-ssh-askpass-%{aversion}/x11-ssh-askpass $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass
    ln -s x11-ssh-askpass $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/openssh/ssh-askpass
    %if ! %{no_gnome_askpass}
    install contrib/gnome-ssh-askpass $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
    %if ! %{scard}
    	 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/openssh/Ssh.bin
    %if ! %{no_gnome_askpass}
    install -m 755 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/
    install -m 755 contrib/redhat/gnome-ssh-askpass.csh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/
    install -m 755 contrib/redhat/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/
    perl -pi -e "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man*/*
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    %triggerun server -- ssh-server
    if [ "$1" != 0 -a -r /var/run/ ] ; then
    	touch /var/run/sshd.restart
    %triggerun server -- openssh-server < 2.5.0p1
    # Count the number of HostKey and HostDsaKey statements we have.
    gawk	'BEGIN {IGNORECASE=1}
    	 /^hostkey/ || /^hostdsakey/ {sawhostkey = sawhostkey + 1}
    	 END {exit sawhostkey}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    # And if we only found one, we know the client was relying on the old default
    # behavior, which loaded the the SSH2 DSA host key when HostDsaKey wasn't
    # specified.  Now that HostKey is used for both SSH1 and SSH2 keys, specifying
    # one nullifies the default, which would have loaded both.
    if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
    	echo HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    	echo HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    %triggerpostun server -- ssh-server
    if [ "$1" != 0 ] ; then
    	/sbin/chkconfig --add sshd
    	if test -f /var/run/sshd.restart ; then
    		rm -f /var/run/sshd.restart
    		/sbin/service sshd start > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
    %pre server
    %{_sbindir}/groupadd -r -g %{sshd_gid} sshd 2>/dev/null || :
    %{_sbindir}/useradd -d /var/empty/sshd -s /bin/false -u %{sshd_uid} \
    	-g sshd -M -r sshd 2>/dev/null || :
    cp -r /etc/ssh /etc/ssh_bak
    %post server
    /sbin/chkconfig --add sshd
    sed -i -e  "s/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g"    /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i  -e  "s/#UsePAM no/UsePAM yes/g"  /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i -e "s/#X11Forwarding no/X11Forwarding yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    echo "KexAlgorithms [email protected],ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config
    chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
    chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
    chmod 600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
    %postun server
    /sbin/service sshd condrestart > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
    %preun server
    if [ "$1" = 0 ]
    	/sbin/service sshd stop > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
    	/sbin/chkconfig --del sshd
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/scp
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/scp.1*
    %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/ssh
    %attr(0600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ssh/moduli
    %if ! %{rescue}
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh-keygen
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/ssh-keygen.1*
    %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_libexecdir}/openssh
    %attr(4711,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/ssh-keysign
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/ssh-pkcs11-helper
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/ssh-sk-helper
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/ssh-keysign.8*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/ssh-pkcs11-helper.8*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/ssh-sk-helper.8*
    %if %{scard}
    %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/openssh
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_datadir}/openssh/Ssh.bin
    %files clients
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/ssh.1*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/ssh_config.5*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ssh/ssh_config
    %if ! %{rescue}
    %attr(2755,root,nobody) %{_bindir}/ssh-agent
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh-add
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh-keyscan
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/sftp
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ssh-copy-id
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/ssh-agent.1*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/ssh-add.1*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/ssh-keyscan.1*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man1/sftp.1*
    %if ! %{rescue}
    %files server
    %dir %attr(0111,root,root) %{_var}/empty/sshd
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/sshd
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/sftp-server
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/sshd.8*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/moduli.5*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man5/sshd_config.5*
    %attr(0644,root,root) %{_mandir}/man8/sftp-server.8*
    %attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/ssh
    %attr(0600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ssh/sshd_config
    %attr(0600,root,root) %config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/sshd
    %attr(0755,root,root) %config /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd
    %if ! %{no_x11_askpass}
    %files askpass
    %doc x11-ssh-askpass-%{aversion}/README
    %doc x11-ssh-askpass-%{aversion}/ChangeLog
    %doc x11-ssh-askpass-%{aversion}/SshAskpass*.ad
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/x11-ssh-askpass
    %if ! %{no_gnome_askpass}
    %files askpass-gnome
    %attr(0755,root,root) %config %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/gnome-ssh-askpass.*
    %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
    * Thu Oct 28 2021 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Remove remaining traces of --with-md5-passwords
    * Mon Jul 20 2020 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Add ssh-sk-helper and corresponding manual page.
    * Sat Feb 10 2018 Darren Tucker <[email protected]>
    - Update openssl-devel dependency to match current requirements.
    - Handle Fedora >=6 openssl 1.0 compat libs.
    - Remove SSH1 from description.
    - Don't strip binaries at build time so that debuginfo package can be
    * Sun Nov 16 2014 Nico Kadel-Garcia 
    - Add '--mandir' and '--with-mantype' for RHEL 5 compatibility
    - Add 'dist' option to 'ver' so package names reflect OS at build time
    - Always include x11-ssh-askpass tarball in SRPM
    - Add openssh-x11-aspass BuildRequires for libXT-devel, imake, gtk2-devel
    - Discard 'K5DIR' reporting, not usable inside 'mock' for RHEL 5 compatibility
    - Discard obsolete '--with-rsh' configure option
    - Update openssl-devel dependency to 0.9.8f, as found in autoconf
    * Wed Jul 14 2010 Tim Rice 
    - test for skip_x11_askpass (line 77) should have been for no_x11_askpass
    * Mon Jun 2 2003 Damien Miller 
    - Remove noip6 option. This may be controlled at run-time in client config
      file using new AddressFamily directive
    * Mon May 12 2003 Damien Miller 
    - Don't install profile.d scripts when not building with GNOME/GTK askpass
      (patch from [email protected])
    * Tue Oct 01 2002 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Install ssh-agent setgid nobody to prevent ptrace() key theft attacks
    * Mon Sep 30 2002 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Use contrib/ Makefile for building askpass programs
    * Fri Jun 21 2002 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Merge in spec changes from [email protected] (Sebastian Pachuta)
    - Add new {ssh,sshd}_config.5 manpages
    - Add new ssh-keysign program and remove setuid from ssh client
    * Fri May 10 2002 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Merge in spec changes from RedHat, reorgansie a little
    - Add Privsep user, group and directory
    * Thu Mar  7 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.1p1-2
    - bump and grind (through the build system)
    * Thu Mar  7 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.1p1-1
    - require sharutils for building (mindrot #137)
    - require db1-devel only when building for 6.x (#55105), which probably won't
      work anyway (3.1 requires OpenSSL 0.9.6 to build), but what the heck
    - require pam-devel by file (not by package name) again
    - add Markus's patch to compile with OpenSSL 0.9.5a (from and apply it if we're
      building for 6.x
    * Thu Mar  7 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.1p1-0
    - update to 3.1p1
    * Tue Mar  5 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> SNAP-20020305
    - update to SNAP-20020305
    - drop debug patch, fixed upstream
    * Wed Feb 20 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> SNAP-20020220
    - update to SNAP-20020220 for testing purposes (you've been warned, if there's
      anything to be warned about, gss patches won't apply, I don't mind)
    * Wed Feb 13 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.0.2p1-3
    - add patches from Simon Wilkinson and Nicolas Williams for GSSAPI key
      exchange, authentication, and named key support
    * Wed Jan 23 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.0.2p1-2
    - remove dependency on db1-devel, which has just been swallowed up whole
      by gnome-libs-devel
    * Sat Dec 29 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - adjust build dependencies so that build6x actually works right (fix
      from Hugo van der Kooij)
    * Tue Dec  4 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.0.2p1-1
    - update to 3.0.2p1
    * Fri Nov 16 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.0.1p1-1
    - update to 3.0.1p1
    * Tue Nov 13 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to current CVS (not for use in distribution)
    * Thu Nov  8 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 3.0p1-1
    - merge some of Damien Miller <[email protected]> changes from the upstream
      3.0p1 spec file and init script
    * Wed Nov  7 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to 3.0p1
    - update to x11-ssh-askpass
    - change build dependency on a file from pam-devel to the pam-devel package
    - replace primes with moduli
    * Thu Sep 27 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 2.9p2-9
    - incorporate fix from Markus Friedl's advisory for IP-based authorization bugs
    * Thu Sep 13 2001 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer  2.9p2-8
    - Merge changes to rescue build from current sysadmin survival cd
    * Thu Sep  6 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai  2.9p2-7
    - fix scp's server's reporting of file sizes, and build with the proper
      preprocessor define to get large-file capable open(), stat(), etc.
      (sftp has been doing this correctly all along) (#51827)
    - configure without --with-ipv4-default on RHL 7.x and newer (#45987,#52247)
    - pull cvs patch to fix support for /etc/nologin for non-PAM logins (#47298)
    - mark profile.d scriptlets as config files (#42337)
    - refer to Jason Stone's mail for zsh workaround for exit-hanging quasi-bug
    - change a couple of log() statements to debug() statements (#50751)
    - pull cvs patch to add -t flag to sshd (#28611)
    - clear fd_sets correctly (one bit per FD, not one byte per FD) (#43221)
    * Mon Aug 20 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]> 2.9p2-6
    - add db1-devel as a BuildPrerequisite (noted by Hans Ecke)
    * Thu Aug 16 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - pull cvs patch to fix remote port forwarding with protocol 2
    * Thu Aug  9 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - pull cvs patch to add session initialization to no-pty sessions
    - pull cvs patch to not cut off challengeresponse auth needlessly
    - refuse to do X11 forwarding if xauth isn't there, handy if you enable
      it by default on a system that doesn't have X installed (#49263)
    * Wed Aug  8 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - don't apply patches to code we don't intend to build (spotted by Matt Galgoci)
    * Mon Aug  6 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - pass OPTIONS correctly to initlog (#50151)
    * Wed Jul 25 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - switch to x11-ssh-askpass 1.2.2
    * Wed Jul 11 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - rebuild in new environment
    * Mon Jun 25 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - disable the gssapi patch
    * Mon Jun 18 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to 2.9p2
    - refresh to a new version of the gssapi patch
    * Thu Jun  7 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - change Copyright: BSD to License: BSD
    - add Markus Friedl's unverified patch for the cookie file deletion problem
      so that we can verify it
    - drop patch to check if xauth is present (was folded into cookie patch)
    - don't apply gssapi patches for the errata candidate
    - clear supplemental groups list at startup
    * Fri May 25 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - fix an error parsing the new default sshd_config
    - add a fix from Markus Friedl (via openssh-unix-dev) for ssh-keygen not
      dealing with comments right
    * Thu May 24 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - add in Simon Wilkinson's GSSAPI patch to give it some testing in-house,
      to be removed before the next beta cycle because it's a big departure
      from the upstream version
    * Thu May  3 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - finish marking strings in the init script for translation
    - modify init script to source /etc/sysconfig/sshd and pass $OPTIONS to sshd
      at startup (change merged from init script, originally by
      Pekka Savola)
    - refuse to do X11 forwarding if xauth isn't there, handy if you enable
      it by default on a system that doesn't have X installed
    * Wed May  2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to 2.9
    - drop various patches that came from or went upstream or to or from CVS
    * Wed Apr 18 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - only require initscripts 5.00 on 6.2 (reported by Peter Bieringer)
    * Sun Apr  8 2001 Preston Brown <[email protected]>
    - remove explicit openssl requirement, fixes builddistro issue
    - make initscript stop() function wait until sshd really dead to avoid
      races in condrestart
    * Mon Apr  2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - mention that challengereponse supports PAM, so disabling password doesn't
      limit users to pubkey and rsa auth (#34378)
    - bypass the daemon() function in the init script and call initlog directly,
      because daemon() won't start a daemon it detects is already running (like
      open connections)
    - require the version of openssl we had when we were built
    * Fri Mar 23 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - make do_pam_setcred() smart enough to know when to establish creds and
      when to reinitialize them
    - add in a couple of other fixes from Damien for inclusion in the errata
    * Thu Mar 22 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to 2.5.2p2
    - call setcred() again after initgroups, because the "creds" could actually
      be group memberships
    * Tue Mar 20 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - update to 2.5.2p1 (includes endianness fixes in the rijndael implementation)
    - don't enable challenge-response by default until we find a way to not
      have too many userauth requests (we may make up to six pubkey and up to
      three password attempts as it is)
    - remove build dependency on rsh to match's packages more closely
    * Sat Mar  3 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - remove dependency on openssl -- would need to be too precise
    * Fri Mar  2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - rebuild in new environment
    * Mon Feb 26 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Revert the patch to move pam_open_session.
    - Init script and spec file changes from Pekka Savola. (#28750)
    - Patch sftp to recognize '-o protocol' arguments. (#29540)
    * Thu Feb 22 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Chuck the closing patch.
    - Add a trigger to add host keys for protocol 2 to the config file, now that
      configuration file syntax requires us to specify it with HostKey if we
      specify any other HostKey values, which we do.
    * Tue Feb 20 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Redo patch to move pam_open_session after the server setuid()s to the user.
    - Rework the nopam patch to use be picked up by autoconf.
    * Mon Feb 19 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Update for 2.5.1p1.
    - Add init script mods from Pekka Savola.
    - Tweak the init script to match the CVS contrib script more closely.
    - Redo patch to ssh-add to try to adding both identity and id_dsa to also try
      adding id_rsa.
    * Fri Feb 16 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Update for 2.5.0p1.
    - Use $RPM_OPT_FLAGS instead of -O when building gnome-ssh-askpass
    - Resync with parts of Damien Miller's openssh.spec from CVS, including
      update of x11 askpass to 1.2.0.
    - Only require openssl (don't prereq) because we generate keys in the init
      script now.
    * Tue Feb 13 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Don't open a PAM session until we've forked and become the user (#25690).
    - Apply Andrew Bartlett's patch for letting pam_authenticate() know which
      host the user is attempting a login from.
    - Resync with parts of Damien Miller's openssh.spec from CVS.
    - Don't expose KbdInt responses in debug messages (from CVS).
    - Detect and handle errors in rsa_{public,private}_decrypt (from CVS).
    * Wed Feb  7 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrxd 
    - i18n-tweak to initscript.
    * Tue Jan 23 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - More gettextizing.
    - Close all files after going into daemon mode (needs more testing).
    - Extract patch from CVS to handle auth banners (in the client).
    - Extract patch from CVS to handle compat weirdness.
    * Fri Jan 19 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Finish with the gettextizing.
    * Thu Jan 18 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Fix a bug in auth2-pam.c (#23877)
    - Gettextize the init script.
    * Wed Dec 20 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Incorporate a switch for using PAM configs for 6.x, just in case.
    * Tue Dec  5 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Incorporate Bero's changes for a build specifically for rescue CDs.
    * Wed Nov 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Don't treat pam_setcred() failure as fatal unless pam_authenticate() has
      succeeded, to allow public-key authentication after a failure with "none"
      authentication.  (#21268)
    * Tue Nov 28 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to x11-askpass 1.1.1. (#21301)
    - Don't second-guess fixpaths, which causes paths to get fixed twice. (#21290)
    * Mon Nov 27 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Merge multiple PAM text messages into subsequent prompts when possible when
      doing keyboard-interactive authentication.
    * Sun Nov 26 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Disable the built-in MD5 password support.  We're using PAM.
    - Take a crack at doing keyboard-interactive authentication with PAM, and
      enable use of it in the default client configuration so that the client
      will try it when the server disallows password authentication.
    - Build with debugging flags.  Build root policies strip all binaries anyway.
    * Tue Nov 21 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Use DESTDIR instead of %%makeinstall.
    - Remove /usr/X11R6/bin from the path-fixing patch.
    * Mon Nov 20 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Add the primes file from the latest snapshot to the main package (#20884).
    - Add the dev package to the prereq list (#19984).
    - Remove the default path and mimic login's behavior in the server itself.
    * Fri Nov 17 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Resync with conditional options in Damien Miller's .spec file for an errata.
    - Change libexecdir from %%{_libexecdir}/ssh to %%{_libexecdir}/openssh.
    * Tue Nov  7 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to OpenSSH 2.3.0p1.
    - Update to x11-askpass 1.1.0.
    - Enable keyboard-interactive authentication.
    * Mon Oct 30 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to ssh-askpass-x11 1.0.3.
    - Change authentication related messages to be private (#19966).
    * Tue Oct 10 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Patch ssh-keygen to be able to list signatures for DSA public key files
      it generates.
    * Thu Oct  5 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Add BuildRequires on /usr/include/security/pam_appl.h to be sure we always
      build PAM authentication in.
    - Try setting SSH_ASKPASS if gnome-ssh-askpass is installed.
    - Clean out no-longer-used patches.
    - Patch ssh-add to try to add both identity and id_dsa, and to error only
      when neither exists.
    * Mon Oct  2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update x11-askpass to 1.0.2. (#17835)
    - Add BuildRequiress for /bin/login and /usr/bin/rsh so that configure will
      always find them in the right place. (#17909)
    - Set the default path to be the same as the one supplied by /bin/login, but
      add /usr/X11R6/bin. (#17909)
    - Try to handle obsoletion of ssh-server more cleanly.  Package names
      are different, but init script name isn't. (#17865)
    * Wed Sep  6 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Update to 2.2.0p1. (#17835)
    - Tweak the init script to allow proper restarting. (#18023)
    * Wed Aug 23 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Update to 20000823 snapshot.
    - Change subpackage requirements from %%{version} to %%{version}-%%{release}
    - Back out the pipe patch.
    * Mon Jul 17 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <[email protected]>
    - Update to 2.1.1p4, which includes fixes for config file parsing problems.
    - Move the init script back.
    - Add Damien's quick fix for wackiness.
    * Wed Jul 12 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to 2.1.1p3, which includes fixes for X11 forwarding and strtok().
    * Thu Jul  6 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Move condrestart to server postun.
    - Move key generation to init script.
    - Actually use the right patch for moving the key generation to the init script.
    - Clean up the init script a bit.
    * Wed Jul  5 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Fix X11 forwarding, from mail post by Chan Shih-Ping Richard.
    * Sun Jul  2 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to 2.1.1p2.
    - Use of strtok() considered harmful.
    * Sat Jul  1 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Get the build root out of the man pages.
    * Thu Jun 29 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Add and use condrestart support in the init script.
    - Add newer initscripts as a prereq.
    * Tue Jun 27 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Build in new environment (release 2)
    - Move -clients subpackage to Applications/Internet group
    * Fri Jun  9 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Update to 2.2.1p1
    * Sat Jun  3 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai 
    - Patch to build with neither RSA nor RSAref.
    - Miscellaneous FHS-compliance tweaks.
    - Fix for possibly-compressed man pages.
    * Wed Mar 15 2000 Damien Miller 
    - Updated for new location
    - Updated for new gnome-ssh-askpass build
    * Sun Dec 26 1999 Damien Miller 
    - Added Jim Knoble's <[email protected]> askpass
    * Mon Nov 15 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Split subpackages further based on patch from jim knoble <[email protected]>
    * Sat Nov 13 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Added 'Obsoletes' directives
    * Tue Nov 09 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Use make install
    - Subpackages
    * Mon Nov 08 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Added links for slogin
    - Fixed perms on manpages
    * Sat Oct 30 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Renamed init script
    * Fri Oct 29 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Back to old binary names
    * Thu Oct 28 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Use autoconf
    - New binary names
    * Wed Oct 27 1999 Damien Miller <[email protected]>
    - Initial RPMification, based on Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak's <[email protected]> spec.
  7. 构建rpm包,构建完成后显示+ exit 0 ,表示构建成功

    # cd /root/rpmbuild/SPECS
    # rpmbuild -ba openssh.spec
    # tree -L 2 /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/
    └── aarch64
        ├── openssh-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        ├── openssh-askpass-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        ├── openssh-askpass-gnome-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        ├── openssh-clients-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        ├── openssh-debuginfo-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        ├── openssh-debugsource-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
        └── openssh-server-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
  8. 安装、升级

    • 使用 yum -y localinstall(可自动通过yum下载依赖)
    • 使用rpm -Uvh ./openssh-*.rpm


    升级 openssh时,若存在旧openssh-clients时,必须同时安装 以下三个包,否则会报错,因为三个包间存在相互依赖。若系统只有 opensshopenssh-server ,在升级时 openssh-clients是可选,非必要安装,只需要 openssh-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpmopenssh-server-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm 两个包;

    # yum localinstall openssh-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm  openssh-server-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm  openssh-clients-9.0p1-1.ky10.ky10.aarch64.rpm
  9. 验证版本

    # ssh -V
    OpenSSH_9.0p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020


