读书札记五《A Short History of Chinese Philosophy》

P4 录:Here is the vicious circle which those philosophers follow the insist that before we think we must first think about our thinking; just as if we had another faculty with which we could think about thinking!

按:正如笛卡尔提出的著名公式——“我思故我在”(Cogito ergo sum), 西方哲学通常将“反思之思”作为形而上学中最基本的出发点。而在中国哲学的理解中,似乎将这一逻辑起点问题搁置在一边,我们更强调的是一些入世的价值,正所谓“少谈一些主义,多想一些方法”。所以在西方人眼力,中国是没有哲学的,我们的儒家、道家、法家等应该归为治国策略。

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