
作者:Eileen Caddy



When you pour forth love and understanding, they will come back to you a hundredfold. When you pour forth criticism and negativity, so shall they be returned to you a hundredfold. That which is deep within you will be reflected in your life without. You cannot hide your discontent, your dislike or your misery, for sooner or later they will erupt on the outer like a boil, and then it will have to be lanced. The sooner the poison is dispersed, the better. The best and the quickest way of doing it is to change your whole attitude. Replace those poisonous, negative, critical thoughts with thoughts of purest love, harmony and understanding. It can be done at great speed. You do not have to wallow in your misery and depression. You do not have to waste precious time being sorry for yourself. When you want to do something about your situation, you can do it immediately. Change can come in the twinkling of an eye.


