2020-11-22 Get rid of what isn’t necessary 丢掉不必要的东西

“Go into your closet. Take all of your shirts and hang them all so they’re all facing the same direction. When you’re done wearing one, hang it up so it’s facing the other direction so you have a ‘worn’ camp and an ‘unworn’ camp. After 90 days, grab all of your unworn shirts, and give them to someone who will wear them.”

My mom told me about the exercise above. When it comes to simplifying my closet, it’s been a godsend. Every single piece of clothing I own serves a purpose. After some time, if I discover that something isn’t being of use, I get rid of it.

I’ve reached that stage in my life where I want my life as clean as my closet.
I want my life to be lightweight.

I want to be surrounded by people that fuel me and spend my time on activities that light me up.

Having a clean closet reminds me of this. It serves as a reminder — much like my friend’s question that kicked off this article — that some things aren’t worth holding on to. We only have a certain amount of space in our lives. Chooses to hold on to things that add value to your life.






原文链接:If You’ve Got the Drive to Do It, Building These 4 Habits Is Definitely Worth It

你可能感兴趣的:(2020-11-22 Get rid of what isn’t necessary 丢掉不必要的东西)