newAlbedoMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
newNormalMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
newMaskMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
private const string COMBINE_ALBEDOMAP_TEXTURE = "_AlbedoMap";
private const string COMBINE_NORMALMAP_TEXTURE = "_NormalMap";
private const string COMBINE_MASKMAP_TEXTURE = "_MaskMap";
/// Only for merge materials.
private const int COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX = 256;
if (combine)
Shader tmpShader = Shader.Find("E3D/Actor/PBR-MaskRG-Normal");
newMaterial = new Material(tmpShader);
oldUV = new List<Vector2[]>();
// merge the texture
List<Texture2D> AlbedoTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
List<Texture2D> NormalTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
List<Texture2D> MaskTextures = new List<Texture2D>();
for (int i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++)
AlbedoTextures.Add(materials[i].GetTexture(COMBINE_ALBEDOMAP_TEXTURE) as Texture2D);
NormalTextures.Add(materials[i].GetTexture(COMBINE_NORMALMAP_TEXTURE) as Texture2D);
MaskTextures.Add(materials[i].GetTexture(COMBINE_MASKMAP_TEXTURE) as Texture2D);
newAlbedoMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
newNormalMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
newMaskMapTex = new Texture2D(COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true);
Rect[] uvs = newAlbedoMapTex.PackTextures(AlbedoTextures.ToArray(), 0);
//newNormalMapTex.PackTextures(NormalTextures.ToArray(), 0);
newMaskMapTex.PackTextures(MaskTextures.ToArray(), 0);
newMaterial.SetTexture(COMBINE_ALBEDOMAP_TEXTURE, newAlbedoMapTex);
newMaterial.SetTexture(COMBINE_NORMALMAP_TEXTURE, newNormalMapTex);
newMaterial.SetTexture(COMBINE_MASKMAP_TEXTURE, newMaskMapTex);
// reset uv
Vector2[] uva, uvb;
for (int i = 0; i < combineInstances.Count; i++)
uva = combineInstances[i].mesh.uv;
uvb = new Vector2[uva.Length];
for (int k = 0; k < uva.Length; k++)
uvb[k] = new Vector2((uva[k].x * uvs[i].width) + uvs[i].x, (uva[k].y * uvs[i].height) + uvs[i].y);
combineInstances[i].mesh.uv = uvb;
if (combine)
r.material = newMaterial;
for (int i = 0; i < combineInstances.Count; i++)
combineInstances[i].mesh.uv = oldUV[i];
Shader tmpShader = Shader.Find("E3D/Actor/PBR-MaskRG-Normal");
/// 贴图属性
public class CombineClass
/// 新Shader属性名
public string NewShaderPropertiesName = "_AlbedoMap";
/// 原始Shader属性名
public string OriginalPropertiesName = "_AlbedoMap";
/// 图片格式
public TextureFormat Format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
public bool MipChain = true;
/// 实例化
public CombineClass(string newPropertiesName, string orinalPropertiesName, TextureFormat format, bool mipChain)
this.NewShaderPropertiesName = newPropertiesName;
this.OriginalPropertiesName = orinalPropertiesName;
this.Format = format;
this.MipChain = mipChain;
public class CombineConfig
/// Only for merge materials.
/// 仅适用于合并材质.
private int COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX = 256;
/// Shader名称
private string ShaderName = "";
/// 贴图设置集合
private List<CombineClass> combineClasses = new List<CombineClass>();
/// 实例化
public CombineConfig(int COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, string ShaderName, List<CombineClass> combineClasses)
this.ShaderName = ShaderName;
this.combineClasses = combineClasses;
/// 获取合并贴图大小
public int CombineTextureMax() { return this.COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX; }
/// 获取Shader名
public string GetShaderName() { return this.ShaderName; }
/// 获取贴图设置集合数量
public int GetCombineCount() { return this.combineClasses.Count; }
/// 获取贴图设置集合
public List<CombineClass> GetCombineList() { return combineClasses; }
/// 贴图属性
public class CombineClass
/// 新Shader属性名
public string NewShaderPropertiesName = "_AlbedoMap";
/// 原始Shader属性名
public string OriginalPropertiesName = "_AlbedoMap";
/// 图片格式
public TextureFormat Format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
public bool MipChain = true;
/// 实例化
public CombineClass(string newPropertiesName, string orinalPropertiesName, TextureFormat format, bool mipChain)
this.NewShaderPropertiesName = newPropertiesName;
this.OriginalPropertiesName = orinalPropertiesName;
this.Format = format;
this.MipChain = mipChain;
public class CombineConfig
/// Only for merge materials.
/// 仅适用于合并材质.
private int COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX = 256;
/// Shader名称
private string ShaderName = "";
/// 贴图设置集合
private List<CombineClass> combineClasses = new List<CombineClass>();
/// 实例化
public CombineConfig(int COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX, string ShaderName, List<CombineClass> combineClasses)
this.ShaderName = ShaderName;
this.combineClasses = combineClasses;
/// 获取合并贴图大小
public int CombineTextureMax() { return this.COMBINE_TEXTURE_MAX; }
/// 获取Shader名
public string GetShaderName() { return this.ShaderName; }
/// 获取贴图设置集合数量
public int GetCombineCount() { return this.combineClasses.Count; }
/// 获取贴图设置集合
public List<CombineClass> GetCombineList() { return combineClasses; }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System;
public class UCombineSkinnedMgr
/// Combine SkinnedMeshRenderers together and share one skeleton.
/// 将蒙皮网格渲染器组合在一起并共享一个骨架.(优化合批报错,如果无法合批但是combine为true,则进行不分批处理)
/// Merge materials will reduce the drawcalls, but it will increase the size of memory.
/// 合并材质会减少drawcalls,但会增加内存大小.
/// combine meshes to this skeleton(a gameobject)
/// meshes need to be merged
/// merge materials or not
public void CombineObject(CombineConfig config, GameObject skeleton, SkinnedMeshRenderer[] meshes, bool combine = false, Action<Material> action = null)
//Fetch all bones of the skeleton
List<Transform> transforms = new List<Transform>();
//the list of materials
List<Shader> shaders = new List<Shader>();
//the list of materials
List<Material> materials = new List<Material>();
//the list of meshes
List<CombineInstance> combineInstances = new List<CombineInstance>();
//the list of bones
List<Transform> bones = new List<Transform>();
#region 合批使用
// Below informations only are used for merge materilas(bool combine = true)
List<Vector2[]> oldUV = null;
Material newMaterial = null;
List<Texture2D> MapTex = new List<Texture2D>();
for (int i = 0; i < config.GetCombineCount(); i++)
// Collect information from meshes and shader
// 获取网格和shader信息
for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Length; i++)
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = meshes[i];
for (int j = 0; j < smr.materials.Length; j++)
if (!shaders.Contains(smr.materials[j].shader))
// Collect meshes
for (int sub = 0; sub < smr.sharedMesh.subMeshCount; sub++)
CombineInstance ci = new CombineInstance();
ci.mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
ci.subMeshIndex = sub;
// Collect bones
for (int j = 0; j < smr.bones.Length; j++)
int tBase = 0;
for (tBase = 0; tBase < transforms.Count; tBase++)
if (smr.bones[j].name.Equals(transforms[tBase].name))
// merge materials
if (combine && shaders.Count == 1)
if (config.GetShaderName() == "") newMaterial = new Material(shaders[0]);
else newMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(config.GetShaderName()));
oldUV = new List<Vector2[]>();
// merge the texture
List<List<Texture2D>> texture2Ds = new List<List<Texture2D>>();
for (int i = 0; i < config.GetCombineCount(); i++)
texture2Ds.Add(new List<Texture2D>());
for (int i = 0; i < materials.Count; i++)
Material mat = materials[i];
for (int j = 0; j < config.GetCombineCount(); j++)
texture2Ds[j].Add(mat.GetTexture(config.GetCombineList()[j].OriginalPropertiesName) as Texture2D);
//int ind = 0;
//texture2Ds.ForEach((txtLst) =>
// txtLst.Add(mat.GetTexture(config.GetCombineList()[ind].OriginalPropertiesName) as Texture2D);
// ind++;
Rect[] uvs = new Rect[config.GetCombineCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < config.GetCombineCount(); i++)
MapTex[i] = new Texture2D(config.CombineTextureMax(), config.CombineTextureMax(), config.GetCombineList()[i].Format, config.GetCombineList()[i].MipChain);
uvs = MapTex[i].PackTextures(texture2Ds[i].ToArray(), 0);
newMaterial.SetTexture(config.GetCombineList()[i].NewShaderPropertiesName, MapTex[i]);
#region 导出图片
//WriteIntoPic(TextureToTexture2D(newMaterial.GetTexture(COMBINE_ALBEDOMAP_TEXTURE)), "albedo");
//WriteIntoPic(TextureToTexture2D(newMaterial.GetTexture(COMBINE_NORMALMAP_TEXTURE)), "normal");
//WriteIntoPic(TextureToTexture2D(newMaterial.GetTexture(COMBINE_MASKMAP_TEXTURE)), "mask");
// reset uv
Vector2[] uva, uvb;
for (int i = 0; i < combineInstances.Count; i++)
uva = combineInstances[i].mesh.uv;
uvb = new Vector2[uva.Length];
for (int k = 0; k < uva.Length; k++)
uvb[k] = new Vector2((uva[k].x * uvs[i].width) + uvs[i].x, (uva[k].y * uvs[i].height) + uvs[i].y);
combineInstances[i].mesh.uv = uvb;
// Create a new SkinnedMeshRenderer
SkinnedMeshRenderer oldSKinned = skeleton.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (oldSKinned != null)
SkinnedMeshRenderer r = skeleton.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
r.sharedMesh = new Mesh();
r.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes(combineInstances.ToArray(), combine && shaders.Count == 1, false);// Combine meshes
r.bones = bones.ToArray();// Use new bones
if (combine && shaders.Count == 1)
r.material = newMaterial;
for (int i = 0; i < combineInstances.Count; i++)
combineInstances[i].mesh.uv = oldUV[i];
r.materials = materials.ToArray();
#region 导出图片
private Texture2D TextureToTexture2D(Texture texture)
Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
RenderTexture currentRT = RenderTexture.active;
RenderTexture renderTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(texture.width, texture.height, 32);
Graphics.Blit(texture, renderTexture);
RenderTexture.active = renderTexture;
texture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0);
RenderTexture.active = currentRT;
return texture2D;
public void WriteIntoPic(Texture2D tex, string name)
var bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG();
File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/" + name + ".png", bytes);
using UnityEngine;
public class UCharacterController
/// GameObject reference
public GameObject Instance = null;
/// 换装总组装数量
public int m_MeshCount = 7;
public string Role_Skeleton;
public string Role_Body;
public string Role_Clothes;
public string Role_Hair;
public string Role_Head;
public string Role_Pants;
public string Role_Shoes;
public string Role_Socks;
/// 创建对象
public UCharacterController(CombineConfig config, string job, string skeleton, string body, string clothes, string hair, string head, string pants, string shoes, string socks, bool combine = false, System.Action<Material> action = null)
Object res = Resources.Load("RoleMesh/" + job + "/" + job + "/" + skeleton);
this.Instance = GameObject.Instantiate(res) as GameObject;
this.Role_Skeleton = skeleton;
this.Role_Body = body;
this.Role_Clothes = clothes;
this.Role_Hair = hair;
this.Role_Head = head;
this.Role_Pants = pants;
this.Role_Shoes = shoes;
this.Role_Socks = socks;
string[] equipments = new string[m_MeshCount];
equipments[0] = "Body/" + Role_Body;
equipments[1] = "Clothes/" + Role_Clothes;
equipments[2] = "Hair/" + Role_Hair;
equipments[3] = "Head/" + Role_Head;
equipments[4] = "Pants/" + Role_Pants;
equipments[5] = "Shoes/" + Role_Shoes;
equipments[6] = "Socks/" + Role_Socks;
SkinnedMeshRenderer[] meshes = new SkinnedMeshRenderer[m_MeshCount];
GameObject[] objects = new GameObject[m_MeshCount];
for (int i = 0; i < equipments.Length; i++)
res = Resources.Load("RoleMesh/" + job + "/" + equipments[i]);
objects[i] = GameObject.Instantiate(res) as GameObject;
meshes[i] = objects[i].GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
UCharacterManager.Instance.CombineSkinnedMgr.CombineObject(config, Instance, meshes, combine, action);
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
public void Delete()
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// 换装管理器
public class UCharacterManager : MonoBehaviour
public static UCharacterManager Instance;
private UCombineSkinnedMgr skinnedMgr = null;
public UCombineSkinnedMgr CombineSkinnedMgr { get { return skinnedMgr; } }
private int characterIndex = 0;
private Dictionary<int, UCharacterController> characterDic = new Dictionary<int, UCharacterController>();
public UCharacterManager()
skinnedMgr = new UCombineSkinnedMgr();
private void Awake()
Instance = this;
public UCharacterController mine;
private void Start()
//mine = Generatecharacter(new CombineConfig(256, "", new List {
// new CombineClass("_AlbedoMap","_AlbedoMap",TextureFormat.RGBA32,true),
// new CombineClass("_NormalMap","_NormalMap",TextureFormat.RGB24,true),
// new CombineClass("_MaskMap","_MaskMap", TextureFormat.RGBA32,true),
//}), "MaTa", "MaTa", "Body1", "Clothes1", "Hair1", "Head1", "Pants1", "Shoes1", "Socks1", true, (mat) =>
// mat.SetFloat("_SideLightScale", 0);
mine = Generatecharacter(new CombineConfig(256, "Standard", new List<CombineClass> {
new CombineClass("_MainTex","_AlbedoMap",TextureFormat.RGBA32,true),
new CombineClass("_BumpMap","_NormalMap",TextureFormat.RGB24,true),
new CombineClass("_DetailMask","_MaskMap", TextureFormat.RGBA32,true),
}), "MaTa", "MaTa", "Body1", "Clothes1", "Hair1", "Head1", "Pants1", "Shoes1", "Socks1", true, (mat) =>
mat.SetFloat("_SideLightScale", 0);
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
public void ChangeRole()
//if (mine != null)
// mine.Delete();
//int a = Random.Range(1, 4);
//mine = Generatecharacter("MaTa", "MaTa", "Body" + a, "Clothes" + a, "Hair" + a, "Head" + a, "Pants" + a, "Shoes" + a, "Socks" + a, true);
#region 创建人物模型骨骼
public UCharacterController Generatecharacter(CombineConfig config, string job, string skeleton, string body, string clothes, string hair, string hand, string pants, string shoes, string socks, bool combine = false, System.Action<Material> action = null)
UCharacterController instance = new UCharacterController(config, job, skeleton, body, clothes, hair, hand, pants, shoes, socks, combine, action);
characterDic.Add(characterIndex, instance);
return instance;