机器学习 - sklearn库及案例



scikit-learn是数据挖掘与分析的简单而有效的工具。 依赖于NumPy, SciPy和matplotlib。它主要包含以下几部分内容:


  • classification分类
  • Regression回归
  • Clustering聚类
  • Dimensionality reduction 降维
  • Model selection 模型选择
  • Preprocessing 数据预处理



  • sklearn.base: Base classes and utility function 基类和效用函数
  • sklearn.cluster: Clustering 聚类
  • sklearn.cluster.bicluster: Biclustering 双聚类
  • sklearn.covariance: Covariance Estimators 协方差估计
  • sklearn.model_selection: Model Selection 模式选择
  • sklearn.datasets: Datasets 数据集
  • sklearn.decomposition: Matrix Decomposition 矩阵分解
  • sklearn.dummy: Dummy estimators 虚拟估计
  • sklearn.ensemble: Ensemble Methods 集成方法
  • sklearn.exceptions: Exceptions and warnings 例外和警告
  • sklearn.feature_extraction: Feature Extraction 特征提取
  • sklearn.feature_selection: Feature Selection 特征选择
  • sklearn.gaussian_process: Gaussian Processes 高斯过程
  • sklearn.isotonic: Isotonic regression 保序回归
  • sklearn.kernel_approximation: Kernel Approximation 核近似
  • sklearn.kernel_ridge: Kernel Ridge Regression Kernel Ridge回归
  • sklearn.discriminant_analysis: Discriminant Analysis 判别分析
  • sklearn.linear_model: Generalized Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • sklearn.manifold: Manifold Learning 流形学习
  • sklearn.metrics: Metrics 度量
  • sklearn.mixture: Gaussian Mixture Models 高斯混合模型
  • sklearn.multiclass: Multiclass and multilabel classification Multiclass和细粒度的分类
  • sklearn.multioutput: Multioutput regression and classification 多元回归和分类
  • sklearn.naive_bayes: Naive Bayes 朴素贝叶斯
  • sklearn.neighbors: Nearest Neighbors 近邻
  • sklearn.neural_network: Neural network models 神经网络模型
  • sklearn.calibration: Probability Calibration 概率校准
  • sklearn.cross_decomposition: Cross decomposition 交叉分解
  • sklearn.pipeline: Pipeline 管道
  • sklearn.preprocessing: Preprocessing and Normalization 预处理和归一化
  • sklearn.random_projection: Random projection 随机投影
  • sklearn.semi_supervised: Semi-Supervised Learning 半监督学习
  • sklearn.svm: Support Vector Machines 支持向量机
  • sklearn.tree: Decision Tree 决策树
  • sklearn.utils: Utilities 公用事业

就我目前的菜鸟级别,感觉经常用到的有clustering, classification(svm, tree, linear regression 等)







  • AffinityPropagation: 吸引子传播
  • AgglomerativeClustering: 层次聚类
  • Birch
  • FeatureAgglomeration: 特征聚集
  • KMeans: K均值聚类
  • MiniBatchKMeans
  • MeanShift
  • SpectralClustering: 谱聚类




sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=8, #簇的个数,即你想聚成几类 init='k-means++', #初始簇中心的获取方法 n_init=10, #获取初始簇中心的更迭次数 max_iter=300, #最大迭代次数 tol=0.0001, #容忍度,即kmeans运行准则收敛的条件 precompute_distances='auto', #是否需要提前计算距离 verbose=0, #冗长模式 random_state=None, #随机生成簇中心的状态条件 copy_x=True, #True即复制了就不会修改原数据 n_jobs=1, #并行设置 algorithm='auto' #kmeans算法:'auto', 'full', 'elkan',其中  'full'表示用EM方式 )


import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import KMeans data = np.random.rand(100, 3) #生成一个随机数据,样本大小为100, 特征数为3

#假如我要构造一个聚类数为3的聚类器 estimator = KMeans(n_clusters=3) #构造聚类器 estimator.fit(data) #对样本数据进行聚类计算

estimator.fit_predict(data) #输出样本数据的聚类结果

estimator.fit_transform(data) #Compute clustering and transform X to cluster-distance space

estimator.predict(data) #Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to.

estimator.score(data) #Opposite of the value of X on the K-means objective.

estimator.transform(data) #Transform X to a cluster-distance space. label_pred = estimator.labels_ #获取聚类标签,即聚类结果 centroids = estimator.cluster_centers_ #获取聚类中心 inertia = estimator.inertia_ # 获取所有样本至聚类中心的距离总和



import numpy as np from sklearn import cluster data = np.random.rand(100, 3) #生成一个随机数据,样本大小为100, 特征数为3 k = 3 # 假如我要聚类为3个clusters [centroid, label, inertia] = cluster.k_means(data, k) #分别返回聚类中心点,样本聚类结果,样本至聚类中心的距离总和





  • KNN最近邻:sklearn.neighbors
  • logistic regression逻辑回归: sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression
  • svm支持向量机: sklearn.svm
  • Naive Bayes朴素贝叶斯: sklearn.naive_bayes
  • Decision Tree决策树: sklearn.tree
  • Neural network神经网络: sklearn.neural_network


1.KNN最近邻案例(主要是Nearest Neighbors Classification)

from sklearn import neighbors, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() n_neighbors = 15 X = iris.data[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. We could # avoid this ugly slicing by using a two-dim dataset y = iris.target weights = 'distance' # also set as 'uniform' clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors, weights=weights) clf.fit(X, y) # if you have test data, just predict with the following functions # for example, xx, yy is constructed test data x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h),np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Z is the label_pred



from sklearn import svm X = [[0, 0], [1, 1]] y = [0, 1] #建立支持向量分类模型 clf = svm.SVC() #拟合训练数据,得到训练模型参数 clf.fit(X, y) #对测试点[2., 2.], [3., 3.]预测 res = clf.predict([[2., 2.],[3., 3.]]) #输出预测结果值 print(res) #get support vectors print("support vectors:", clf.support_vectors_) #get indices of support vectors print("indices of support vectors:", clf.support_) #get number of support vectors for each class print("number of support vectors for each class:", clf.n_support_)



from sklearn import svm X = [[0, 0], [2, 2]] y = [0.5, 2.5] clf = svm.SVR() clf.fit(X, y) res = clf.predict([[1, 1]]) print(res)



from sklearn import linear_model X = [[0, 0], [1, 1]] y = [0, 1] logreg = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=1e5) #we create an instance of Neighbours Classifier and fit the data. logreg.fit(X, y) res = logreg.predict([[2, 2]]) print(res)
