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    function GetRequest() {
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    class Shard {
      constructor(x, y, hue) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.hue = hue;
        this.lightness = 50;
        this.size = 15 + Math.random() * 10;
        const angle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
        const blastSpeed = 1 + Math.random() * 6;
        this.xSpeed = Math.cos(angle) * blastSpeed;
        this.ySpeed = Math.sin(angle) * blastSpeed;
        this.target = getTarget();
        this.ttl = 100;
        this.timer = 0;
      draw() {
        ctx2.fillStyle = `hsl(${this.hue}, 100%, ${this.lightness}%)`;
        ctx2.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
      update() {
        if (this.target) {
          const dx = this.target.x - this.x;
          const dy = this.target.y - this.y;
          const dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
          const a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
          const tx = Math.cos(a) * 5;
          const ty = Math.sin(a) * 5;
          this.size = lerp(this.size, 1.5, 0.05);
          if (dist < 5) {
            this.lightness = lerp(this.lightness, 100, 0.01);
            this.xSpeed = this.ySpeed = 0;
            this.x = lerp(this.x, this.target.x + fidelity / 2, 0.05);
            this.y = lerp(this.y, this.target.y + fidelity / 2, 0.05);
            this.timer += 1;
          } else
            if (dist < 10) {
              this.lightness = lerp(this.lightness, 100, 0.01);
              this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, tx, 0.1);
              this.ySpeed = lerp(this.ySpeed, ty, 0.1);
              this.timer += 1;
            } else {
              this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, tx, 0.02);
              this.ySpeed = lerp(this.ySpeed, ty, 0.02);
        } else {
          this.ySpeed += 0.05;
          //this.xSpeed = lerp(this.xSpeed, 0, 0.1);
          this.size = lerp(this.size, 1, 0.05);
          if (this.y > c2.height) {
            shards.forEach((shard, idx) => {
              if (shard === this) {
                shards.splice(idx, 1);
        this.x = this.x + this.xSpeed;
        this.y = this.y + this.ySpeed;
    class Rocket {
      constructor() {
        const quarterW = c2.width / 4;
        this.x = quarterW + Math.random() * (c2.width - quarterW);
        this.y = c2.height - 15;
        this.angle = Math.random() * Math.PI / 4 - Math.PI / 6;
        this.blastSpeed = 6 + Math.random() * 7;
        this.shardCount = 15 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 15);
        this.xSpeed = Math.sin(this.angle) * this.blastSpeed;
        this.ySpeed = -Math.cos(this.angle) * this.blastSpeed;
        this.hue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);
        this.trail = [];
      draw() {
        ctx2.translate(this.x, this.y);
        ctx2.rotate(Math.atan2(this.ySpeed, this.xSpeed) + Math.PI / 2);
        ctx2.fillStyle = `hsl(${this.hue}, 100%, 50%)`;
        ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, 5, 15);
      update() {
        this.x = this.x + this.xSpeed;
        this.y = this.y + this.ySpeed;
        this.ySpeed += 0.1;
      explode() {
        for (let i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
          shards.push(new Shard(this.x, this.y, this.hue));
    const [c1, c2, c3] = document.querySelectorAll('canvas');
    const [ctx1, ctx2, ctx3] = [c1, c2, c3].map(c => c.getContext('2d'));
    let fontSize = 200;
    const rockets = [];
    const shards = [];
    const targets = [];
    const fidelity = 3;
    let counter = 0;
    c2.width = c3.width = window.innerWidth;
    c2.height = c3.height = window.innerHeight;
    ctx1.fillStyle = '#000';
    const text = '2024!新年快乐!'
    let textWidth = 99999999;
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      textWidth = ctx1.measureText(text).width;
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    const imgData = ctx1.getImageData(0, 0, c1.width, c1.height);
    for (let i = 0, max = imgData.data.length; i < max; i += 4) {
      const alpha = imgData.data[i + 3];
      const x = Math.floor(i / 4) % imgData.width;
      const y = Math.floor(i / 4 / imgData.width);
      if (alpha && x % fidelity === 0 && y % fidelity === 0) {
        targets.push({ x, y });
    ctx3.fillStyle = '#FFF';
    ctx3.shadowColor = '#FFF';
    ctx3.shadowBlur = 25;
    (function loop() {
      ctx2.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)";
      ctx2.fillRect(0, 0, c2.width, c2.height);
      //ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, c2.width, c2.height);
      counter += 1;
      if (counter % 15 === 0) {
        rockets.push(new Rocket());
      rockets.forEach((r, i) => {
        if (r.ySpeed > 0) {
          rockets.splice(i, 1);
      shards.forEach((s, i) => {
        if (s.timer >= s.ttl || s.lightness >= 99) {
          ctx3.fillRect(s.target.x, s.target.y, fidelity + 1, fidelity + 1);
          shards.splice(i, 1);
    const lerp = (a, b, t) => Math.abs(b - a) > 0.1 ? a + t * (b - a) : b;
    function getTarget() {
      if (targets.length > 0) {
        const idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * targets.length);
        let { x, y } = targets[idx];
        targets.splice(idx, 1);
        x += c2.width / 2 - textWidth / 2;
        y += c2.height / 2 - fontSize / 2;
        return { x, y };



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opacity: 0.9; } 70% { transform: translateX(9vw) translateY(-80vh) rotate(-8deg); opacity: 0.8; } 100% { transform: translateX(18vw) translateY(-100vh) rotate(3deg); opacity: 0.1; } } @keyframes FlyFour { 100% { transform: translateY(-100vh); opacity: 0.8; } } .zhufu { width: 900px; margin: 30px auto; } .zhufu_box { z-index: 5; //border: 1px solid; border-style: double; border-radius: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; display: table-cell; float: right; font-family: "Zeyada"; margin-left: 20px; transition: text-shadow 0.5s ease 0s; padding: 45px 25px; margin-top: 20px; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 0 15px #000000, 0 0 20px #000d24, 0 0 30px #000d24, 0 0 40px #0043b2, 0 0 60px #0043b2, 0 0 50px #0043b2, 0 0 20px #ffffff; width: 270px; } .zhufu_box:hover { text-shadow: 0 0 10px #FFFFFF, 0 0 20px #FFFFFF, 0 0 30px #FFFFFF, 0 0 40px #FFFF00, 0 0 70px #FFFF00, 0 0 80px #FFFF00, 0 0 100px #FFFF00; } style> <body> <div class="stars">div> <div class="moon"> <div class="moon-shadow" id="moonShadow">div> <svg width="0" height="0"> <filter id="filter"> <feTurbulence type="fractalNoise" baseFrequency="0.034" numOctaves="4" seed="0" /> <feDisplacementMap in="SourceGraphic" scale="150" /> filter> svg> div> <div id="cloud-circle">div> <svg width="0" height="0"> <filter id="filter"> <feTurbulence type="fractalNoise" baseFrequency=".01" numOctaves="10" /> <feDisplacementMap in="SourceGraphic" scale="180" /> filter> svg> <div id="cloud-circle1">div> <svg width="0" height="0"> <filter id="filter1"> <feTurbulence type="fractalNoise" baseFrequency=".02" numOctaves="10" /> <feDisplacementMap in="SourceGraphic" scale="120" /> filter> svg> <div class="kmd" id="kmd"> <div class="kongmingdeng"> <div class="kmdleft"> div> <div class="kmdright"> div> <div class="kmdbottom"> div> div> <div class="kongmingdeng-little"> <div class="kmdleft"> div> <div class="kmdright"> div> <div class="kmdbottom"> div> div> div> <div class="zhufu"> <div class="zhufu_box"> 2024年新年祝福第一弹<br /><br />放飞祈福孔明灯<br />祝福大家身体健康! <br /><br /> 孔明灯,又称许愿灯,孔明灯现在多作为祈福之用。民间有许多地方的风俗就是在重要日子放孔明灯以求平安!<br /><br /> 2024年即将到来,许下新年的愿望,让我们借着祈福孔明灯的光去寻找新的路途,心愿随孔明灯飘向遥远的星空,那会是夜空中最闪亮的星星,点点星光,与满天繁星无分彼此,也将祝福带到世界各地,祝福大家2024年身体健康! div> div> body> html>

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const x = new Date().getFullYear()
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function countdown() {
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function formatTime(time){
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    -webkit-animation: neon1 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon1 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon1 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p:nth-child(2) a {
    font-size: 1.5em;
    color: #ff99ff;
    font-family: Iceland;
    -webkit-animation: neon2 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon2 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon2 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p:nth-child(3) a {
    color: #FFDD1B;
    font-family: Pacifico;

  p:nth-child(3) a:hover {
    -webkit-animation: neon3 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon3 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon3 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p:nth-child(4) a {
    color: #B6FF00;
    font-family: PressStart;
    font-size: 0.8em;

  p:nth-child(4) a:hover {
    -webkit-animation: neon4 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon4 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon4 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p:nth-child(5) a {
    color: #FF9900;
    font-family: Audiowide;

  p:nth-child(5) a:hover {
    -webkit-animation: neon5 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon5 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon5 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p:nth-child(6) a {
    color: #BA01FF;
    font-family: Vampiro One;

  p:nth-child(6) a:hover {
    -webkit-animation: neon6 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    -moz-animation: neon6 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
    animation: neon6 1.5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;

  p a:hover {
    color: #ffffff;

  /*glow for webkit*/
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        0 0 75px #FFDD1B;

  @-moz-keyframes neon4 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
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        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #B6FF00,
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  @-moz-keyframes neon5 {
    from {
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        0 0 40px #FF9900,
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    to {
      text-shadow: 0 0 5px #fff,
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        0 0 50px #FF9900,
        0 0 75px #FF9900;

  @-moz-keyframes neon6 {
    from {
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        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #ff00de,
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    to {
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        0 0 50px #ff00de,
        0 0 75px #ff00de;

  @keyframes neon1 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #FF1177,
        0 0 70px #FF1177,
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    to {
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        0 0 35px #FF1177,
        0 0 40px #FF1177,
        0 0 50px #FF1177,
        0 0 75px #FF1177;

  @keyframes neon2 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #228DFF,
        0 0 70px #228DFF,
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        0 0 40px #228DFF,
        0 0 50px #228DFF,
        0 0 75px #228DFF;

  @keyframes neon3 {
    from {
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        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #FFDD1B,
        0 0 70px #FFDD1B,
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    to {
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        0 0 35px #FFDD1B,
        0 0 40px #FFDD1B,
        0 0 50px #FFDD1B,
        0 0 75px #FFDD1B;

  @keyframes neon4 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #B6FF00,
        0 0 70px #B6FF00,
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        0 0 100px #B6FF00,
        0 0 150px #B6FF00;

    to {
      text-shadow: 0 0 5px #fff,
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        0 0 35px #B6FF00,
        0 0 40px #B6FF00,
        0 0 50px #B6FF00,
        0 0 75px #B6FF00;

  @keyframes neon5 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #FF9900,
        0 0 70px #FF9900,
        0 0 80px #FF9900,
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    to {
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        0 0 35px #FF9900,
        0 0 40px #FF9900,
        0 0 50px #FF9900,
        0 0 75px #FF9900;

  @keyframes neon6 {
    from {
      text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff,
        0 0 20px #fff,
        0 0 30px #fff,
        0 0 40px #ff00de,
        0 0 70px #ff00de,
        0 0 80px #ff00de,
        0 0 100px #ff00de,
        0 0 150px #ff00de;

    to {
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        0 0 15px #fff,
        0 0 20px #ff00de,
        0 0 35px #ff00de,
        0 0 40px #ff00de,
        0 0 50px #ff00de,
        0 0 75px #ff00de;

  @media (max-width: 650px) {

    #container {
      width: 100%;

    p {
      font-size: 3.5em;

 <script src='./js/three.min.js'>script>
  <script src='./js/MeshSurfaceSampler.js'>script>
  <script src='./js/TrackballControls.js'>script>
  <script src='./js/simplex-noise.js'>script>
  <script src='./js/OBJLoader.js'>script>
  <script src='./js/gsap.min.js'>script>
  <script src="./js/script.js">script>

  <script language="javascript">
    (function () {
      const _face = new THREE.Triangle();

      const _color = new THREE.Vector3();

      class MeshSurfaceSampler {

        constructor(mesh) {

          let geometry = mesh.geometry;

          if (!geometry.isBufferGeometry || geometry.attributes.position.itemSize !== 3) {

            throw new Error('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Requires BufferGeometry triangle mesh.');


          if (geometry.index) {

            console.warn('THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler: Converting geometry to non-indexed BufferGeometry.');
            geometry = geometry.toNonIndexed();


          this.geometry = geometry;
          this.randomFunction = Math.random;
          this.positionAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('position');
          this.colorAttribute = this.geometry.getAttribute('color');
          this.weightAttribute = null;
          this.distribution = null;


        setWeightAttribute(name) {

          this.weightAttribute = name ? this.geometry.getAttribute(name) : null;
          return this;


        build() {

          const positionAttribute = this.positionAttribute;
          const weightAttribute = this.weightAttribute;
          const faceWeights = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3); // Accumulate weights for each mesh face.

          for (let i = 0; i < positionAttribute.count; i += 3) {

            let faceWeight = 1;

            if (weightAttribute) {

              faceWeight = weightAttribute.getX(i) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 1) + weightAttribute.getX(i + 2);


            _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i);

            _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 1);

            _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(positionAttribute, i + 2);

            faceWeight *= _face.getArea();
            faceWeights[i / 3] = faceWeight;

          } // Store cumulative total face weights in an array, where weight index
          // corresponds to face index.

          this.distribution = new Float32Array(positionAttribute.count / 3);
          let cumulativeTotal = 0;

          for (let i = 0; i < faceWeights.length; i++) {

            cumulativeTotal += faceWeights[i];
            this.distribution[i] = cumulativeTotal;


          return this;


        setRandomGenerator(randomFunction) {

          this.randomFunction = randomFunction;
          return this;


        sample(targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) {

          const cumulativeTotal = this.distribution[this.distribution.length - 1];
          const faceIndex = this.binarySearch(this.randomFunction() * cumulativeTotal);
          return this.sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor);


        binarySearch(x) {

          const dist = this.distribution;
          let start = 0;
          let end = dist.length - 1;
          let index = - 1;

          while (start <= end) {

            const mid = Math.ceil((start + end) / 2);

            if (mid === 0 || dist[mid - 1] <= x && dist[mid] > x) {

              index = mid;

            } else if (x < dist[mid]) {

              end = mid - 1;

            } else {

              start = mid + 1;



          return index;


        sampleFace(faceIndex, targetPosition, targetNormal, targetColor) {

          let u = this.randomFunction();
          let v = this.randomFunction();

          if (u + v > 1) {

            u = 1 - u;
            v = 1 - v;


          _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3);

          _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1);

          _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.positionAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2);

          targetPosition.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v));

          if (targetNormal !== undefined) {



          if (targetColor !== undefined && this.colorAttribute !== undefined) {

            _face.a.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3);

            _face.b.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 1);

            _face.c.fromBufferAttribute(this.colorAttribute, faceIndex * 3 + 2);

            _color.set(0, 0, 0).addScaledVector(_face.a, u).addScaledVector(_face.b, v).addScaledVector(_face.c, 1 - (u + v));

            targetColor.r = _color.x;
            targetColor.g = _color.y;
            targetColor.b = _color.z;
          return this;



      THREE.MeshSurfaceSampler = MeshSurfaceSampler;


    (function () {

      const _object_pattern = /^[og]\s*(.+)?/; // mtllib file_reference

      const _material_library_pattern = /^mtllib /; // usemtl material_name

      const _material_use_pattern = /^usemtl /; // usemap map_name

      const _map_use_pattern = /^usemap /;

      const _vA = new THREE.Vector3();

      const _vB = new THREE.Vector3();

      const _vC = new THREE.Vector3();

      const _ab = new THREE.Vector3();

      const _cb = new THREE.Vector3();

      function ParserState() {

        const state = {
          objects: [],
          object: {},
          vertices: [],
          normals: [],
          colors: [],
          uvs: [],
          materials: {},
          materialLibraries: [],
          startObject: function (name, fromDeclaration) {

            // If the current object (initial from reset) is not from a g/o declaration in the parsed
            // file. We need to use it for the first parsed g/o to keep things in sync.
            if (this.object && this.object.fromDeclaration === false) {

              this.object.name = name;
              this.object.fromDeclaration = fromDeclaration !== false;


            const previousMaterial = this.object && typeof this.object.currentMaterial === 'function' ? this.object.currentMaterial() : undefined;

            if (this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function') {



            this.object = {
              name: name || '',
              fromDeclaration: fromDeclaration !== false,
              geometry: {
                vertices: [],
                normals: [],
                colors: [],
                uvs: [],
                hasUVIndices: false
              materials: [],
              smooth: true,
              startMaterial: function (name, libraries) {

                const previous = this._finalize(false); // New usemtl declaration overwrites an inherited material, except if faces were declared
                // after the material, then it must be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.

                if (previous && (previous.inherited || previous.groupCount <= 0)) {

                  this.materials.splice(previous.index, 1);


                const material = {
                  index: this.materials.length,
                  name: name || '',
                  mtllib: Array.isArray(libraries) && libraries.length > 0 ? libraries[libraries.length - 1] : '',
                  smooth: previous !== undefined ? previous.smooth : this.smooth,
                  groupStart: previous !== undefined ? previous.groupEnd : 0,
                  groupEnd: - 1,
                  groupCount: - 1,
                  inherited: false,
                  clone: function (index) {

                    const cloned = {
                      index: typeof index === 'number' ? index : this.index,
                      name: this.name,
                      mtllib: this.mtllib,
                      smooth: this.smooth,
                      groupStart: 0,
                      groupEnd: - 1,
                      groupCount: - 1,
                      inherited: false
                    cloned.clone = this.clone.bind(cloned);
                    return cloned;

                return material;

              currentMaterial: function () {

                if (this.materials.length > 0) {

                  return this.materials[this.materials.length - 1];


                return undefined;

              _finalize: function (end) {

                const lastMultiMaterial = this.currentMaterial();

                if (lastMultiMaterial && lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd === - 1) {

                  lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd = this.geometry.vertices.length / 3;
                  lastMultiMaterial.groupCount = lastMultiMaterial.groupEnd - lastMultiMaterial.groupStart;
                  lastMultiMaterial.inherited = false;

                } // Ignore objects tail materials if no face declarations followed them before a new o/g started.

                if (end && this.materials.length > 1) {

                  for (let mi = this.materials.length - 1; mi >= 0; mi--) {

                    if (this.materials[mi].groupCount <= 0) {

                      this.materials.splice(mi, 1);



                } // Guarantee at least one empty material, this makes the creation later more straight forward.

                if (end && this.materials.length === 0) {

                    name: '',
                    smooth: this.smooth


                return lastMultiMaterial;

            }; // Inherit previous objects material.
            // Spec tells us that a declared material must be set to all objects until a new material is declared.
            // If a usemtl declaration is encountered while this new object is being parsed, it will
            // overwrite the inherited material. Exception being that there was already face declarations
            // to the inherited material, then it will be preserved for proper MultiMaterial continuation.

            if (previousMaterial && previousMaterial.name && typeof previousMaterial.clone === 'function') {

              const declared = previousMaterial.clone(0);
              declared.inherited = true;



          finalize: function () {

            if (this.object && typeof this.object._finalize === 'function') {



          parseVertexIndex: function (value, len) {

            const index = parseInt(value, 10);
            return (index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3) * 3;

          parseNormalIndex: function (value, len) {

            const index = parseInt(value, 10);
            return (index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 3) * 3;

          parseUVIndex: function (value, len) {

            const index = parseInt(value, 10);
            return (index >= 0 ? index - 1 : index + len / 2) * 2;

          addVertex: function (a, b, c) {

            const src = this.vertices;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1], src[a + 2]);
            dst.push(src[b + 0], src[b + 1], src[b + 2]);
            dst.push(src[c + 0], src[c + 1], src[c + 2]);

          addVertexPoint: function (a) {

            const src = this.vertices;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1], src[a + 2]);

          addVertexLine: function (a) {

            const src = this.vertices;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.vertices;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1], src[a + 2]);

          addNormal: function (a, b, c) {

            const src = this.normals;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.normals;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1], src[a + 2]);
            dst.push(src[b + 0], src[b + 1], src[b + 2]);
            dst.push(src[c + 0], src[c + 1], src[c + 2]);

          addFaceNormal: function (a, b, c) {

            const src = this.vertices;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.normals;

            _vA.fromArray(src, a);

            _vB.fromArray(src, b);

            _vC.fromArray(src, c);

            _cb.subVectors(_vC, _vB);

            _ab.subVectors(_vA, _vB);



            dst.push(_cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z);
            dst.push(_cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z);
            dst.push(_cb.x, _cb.y, _cb.z);

          addColor: function (a, b, c) {

            const src = this.colors;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.colors;
            if (src[a] !== undefined) dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1], src[a + 2]);
            if (src[b] !== undefined) dst.push(src[b + 0], src[b + 1], src[b + 2]);
            if (src[c] !== undefined) dst.push(src[c + 0], src[c + 1], src[c + 2]);

          addUV: function (a, b, c) {

            const src = this.uvs;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1]);
            dst.push(src[b + 0], src[b + 1]);
            dst.push(src[c + 0], src[c + 1]);

          addDefaultUV: function () {

            const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
            dst.push(0, 0);
            dst.push(0, 0);
            dst.push(0, 0);

          addUVLine: function (a) {

            const src = this.uvs;
            const dst = this.object.geometry.uvs;
            dst.push(src[a + 0], src[a + 1]);

          addFace: function (a, b, c, ua, ub, uc, na, nb, nc) {

            const vLen = this.vertices.length;
            let ia = this.parseVertexIndex(a, vLen);
            let ib = this.parseVertexIndex(b, vLen);
            let ic = this.parseVertexIndex(c, vLen);
            this.addVertex(ia, ib, ic);
            this.addColor(ia, ib, ic); // normals

            if (na !== undefined && na !== '') {

              const nLen = this.normals.length;
              ia = this.parseNormalIndex(na, nLen);
              ib = this.parseNormalIndex(nb, nLen);
              ic = this.parseNormalIndex(nc, nLen);
              this.addNormal(ia, ib, ic);

            } else {

              this.addFaceNormal(ia, ib, ic);

            } // uvs

            if (ua !== undefined && ua !== '') {

              const uvLen = this.uvs.length;
              ia = this.parseUVIndex(ua, uvLen);
              ib = this.parseUVIndex(ub, uvLen);
              ic = this.parseUVIndex(uc, uvLen);
              this.addUV(ia, ib, ic);
              this.object.geometry.hasUVIndices = true;

            } else {

              // add placeholder values (for inconsistent face definitions)


          addPointGeometry: function (vertices) {

            this.object.geometry.type = 'Points';
            const vLen = this.vertices.length;

            for (let vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi++) {

              const index = this.parseVertexIndex(vertices[vi], vLen);


          addLineGeometry: function (vertices, uvs) {

            this.object.geometry.type = 'Line';
            const vLen = this.vertices.length;
            const uvLen = this.uvs.length;

            for (let vi = 0, l = vertices.length; vi < l; vi++) {

              this.addVertexLine(this.parseVertexIndex(vertices[vi], vLen));


            for (let uvi = 0, l = uvs.length; uvi < l; uvi++) {

              this.addUVLine(this.parseUVIndex(uvs[uvi], uvLen));


        state.startObject('', false);
        return state;

      } //

      class OBJLoader extends THREE.Loader {

        constructor(manager) {

          this.materials = null;


        load(url, onLoad, onProgress, onError) {

          const scope = this;
          const loader = new THREE.FileLoader(this.manager);
          loader.load(url, function (text) {

            try {


            } catch (e) {

              if (onError) {


              } else {





          }, onProgress, onError);


        setMaterials(materials) {

          this.materials = materials;
          return this;


        parse(text) {

          const state = new ParserState();

          if (text.indexOf('\r\n') !== - 1) {

            // This is faster than String.split with regex that splits on both
            text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');


          if (text.indexOf('\\\n') !== - 1) {

            // join lines separated by a line continuation character (\)
            text = text.replace(/\\\n/g, '');


          const lines = text.split('\n');
          let line = '',
            lineFirstChar = '';
          let lineLength = 0;
          let result = []; // Faster to just trim left side of the line. Use if available.

          const trimLeft = typeof ''.trimLeft === 'function';

          for (let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {

            line = lines[i];
            line = trimLeft ? line.trimLeft() : line.trim();
            lineLength = line.length;
            if (lineLength === 0) continue;
            lineFirstChar = line.charAt(0); // @todo invoke passed in handler if any

            if (lineFirstChar === '#') continue;

            if (lineFirstChar === 'v') {

              const data = line.split(/\s+/);

              switch (data[0]) {

                case 'v':
                  state.vertices.push(parseFloat(data[1]), parseFloat(data[2]), parseFloat(data[3]));

                  if (data.length >= 7) {

                    state.colors.push(parseFloat(data[4]), parseFloat(data[5]), parseFloat(data[6]));

                  } else {

                    // if no colors are defined, add placeholders so color and vertex indices match
                    state.colors.push(undefined, undefined, undefined);



                case 'vn':
                  state.normals.push(parseFloat(data[1]), parseFloat(data[2]), parseFloat(data[3]));

                case 'vt':
                  state.uvs.push(parseFloat(data[1]), parseFloat(data[2]));


            } else if (lineFirstChar === 'f') {

              const lineData = line.substr(1).trim();
              const vertexData = lineData.split(/\s+/);
              const faceVertices = []; // Parse the face vertex data into an easy to work with format

              for (let j = 0, jl = vertexData.length; j < jl; j++) {

                const vertex = vertexData[j];

                if (vertex.length > 0) {

                  const vertexParts = vertex.split('/');


              } // Draw an edge between the first vertex and all subsequent vertices to form an n-gon

              const v1 = faceVertices[0];

              for (let j = 1, jl = faceVertices.length - 1; j < jl; j++) {

                const v2 = faceVertices[j];
                const v3 = faceVertices[j + 1];
                state.addFace(v1[0], v2[0], v3[0], v1[1], v2[1], v3[1], v1[2], v2[2], v3[2]);


            } else if (lineFirstChar === 'l') {

              const lineParts = line.substring(1).trim().split(' ');
              let lineVertices = [];
              const lineUVs = [];

              if (line.indexOf('/') === - 1) {

                lineVertices = lineParts;

              } else {

                for (let li = 0, llen = lineParts.length; li < llen; li++) {

                  const parts = lineParts[li].split('/');
                  if (parts[0] !== '') lineVertices.push(parts[0]);
                  if (parts[1] !== '') lineUVs.push(parts[1]);



              state.addLineGeometry(lineVertices, lineUVs);

            } else if (lineFirstChar === 'p') {

              const lineData = line.substr(1).trim();
              const pointData = lineData.split(' ');

            } else if ((result = _object_pattern.exec(line)) !== null) {

              // o object_name
              // or
              // g group_name
              // WORKAROUND: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2869
              // let name = result[ 0 ].substr( 1 ).trim();
              const name = (' ' + result[0].substr(1).trim()).substr(1);

            } else if (_material_use_pattern.test(line)) {

              // material
              state.object.startMaterial(line.substring(7).trim(), state.materialLibraries);

            } else if (_material_library_pattern.test(line)) {

              // mtl file

            } else if (_map_use_pattern.test(line)) {

              // the line is parsed but ignored since the loader assumes textures are defined MTL files
              // (according to https://www.okino.com/conv/imp_wave.htm, 'usemap' is the old-style Wavefront texture reference method)
              console.warn('THREE.OBJLoader: Rendering identifier "usemap" not supported. Textures must be defined in MTL files.');

            } else if (lineFirstChar === 's') {

              result = line.split(' '); // smooth shading
              // @todo Handle files that have varying smooth values for a set of faces inside one geometry,
              // but does not define a usemtl for each face set.
              // This should be detected and a dummy material created (later MultiMaterial and geometry groups).
              // This requires some care to not create extra material on each smooth value for "normal" obj files.
              // where explicit usemtl defines geometry groups.
              // Example asset: examples/models/obj/cerberus/Cerberus.obj

               * http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/obj/
               * or
               * http://www.cs.utah.edu/~boulos/cs3505/obj_spec.pdf
               * From chapter "Grouping" Syntax explanation "s group_number":
               * "group_number is the smoothing group number. To turn off smoothing groups, use a value of 0 or off.
               * Polygonal elements use group numbers to put elements in different smoothing groups. For free-form
               * surfaces, smoothing groups are either turned on or off; there is no difference between values greater
               * than 0."

              if (result.length > 1) {

                const value = result[1].trim().toLowerCase();
                state.object.smooth = value !== '0' && value !== 'off';

              } else {

                // ZBrush can produce "s" lines #11707
                state.object.smooth = true;


              const material = state.object.currentMaterial();
              if (material) material.smooth = state.object.smooth;

            } else {

              // Handle null terminated files without exception
              if (line === '\0') continue;
              console.warn('THREE.OBJLoader: Unexpected line: "' + line + '"');



          const container = new THREE.Group();
          container.materialLibraries = [].concat(state.materialLibraries);
          const hasPrimitives = !(state.objects.length === 1 && state.objects[0].geometry.vertices.length === 0);

          if (hasPrimitives === true) {

            for (let i = 0, l = state.objects.length; i < l; i++) {

              const object = state.objects[i];
              const geometry = object.geometry;
              const materials = object.materials;
              const isLine = geometry.type === 'Line';
              const isPoints = geometry.type === 'Points';
              let hasVertexColors = false; // Skip o/g line declarations that did not follow with any faces

              if (geometry.vertices.length === 0) continue;
              const buffergeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
              buffergeometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(geometry.vertices, 3));

              if (geometry.normals.length > 0) {

                buffergeometry.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(geometry.normals, 3));


              if (geometry.colors.length > 0) {

                hasVertexColors = true;
                buffergeometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(geometry.colors, 3));


              if (geometry.hasUVIndices === true) {

                buffergeometry.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(geometry.uvs, 2));

              } // Create materials

              const createdMaterials = [];

              for (let mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi++) {

                const sourceMaterial = materials[mi];
                const materialHash = sourceMaterial.name + '_' + sourceMaterial.smooth + '_' + hasVertexColors;
                let material = state.materials[materialHash];

                if (this.materials !== null) {

                  material = this.materials.create(sourceMaterial.name); // mtl etc. loaders probably can't create line materials correctly, copy properties to a line material.

                  if (isLine && material && !(material instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial)) {

                    const materialLine = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial();
                    THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call(materialLine, material);
                    material = materialLine;

                  } else if (isPoints && material && !(material instanceof THREE.PointsMaterial)) {

                    const materialPoints = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
                      size: 10,
                      sizeAttenuation: false
                    THREE.Material.prototype.copy.call(materialPoints, material);
                    materialPoints.map = material.map;
                    material = materialPoints;



                if (material === undefined) {

                  if (isLine) {

                    material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial();

                  } else if (isPoints) {

                    material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
                      size: 1,
                      sizeAttenuation: false

                  } else {

                    material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();


                  material.name = sourceMaterial.name;
                  material.flatShading = sourceMaterial.smooth ? false : true;
                  material.vertexColors = hasVertexColors;
                  state.materials[materialHash] = material;



              } // Create mesh

              let mesh;

              if (createdMaterials.length > 1) {

                for (let mi = 0, miLen = materials.length; mi < miLen; mi++) {

                  const sourceMaterial = materials[mi];
                  buffergeometry.addGroup(sourceMaterial.groupStart, sourceMaterial.groupCount, mi);


                if (isLine) {

                  mesh = new THREE.LineSegments(buffergeometry, createdMaterials);

                } else if (isPoints) {

                  mesh = new THREE.Points(buffergeometry, createdMaterials);

                } else {

                  mesh = new THREE.Mesh(buffergeometry, createdMaterials);


              } else {

                if (isLine) {

                  mesh = new THREE.LineSegments(buffergeometry, createdMaterials[0]);

                } else if (isPoints) {

                  mesh = new THREE.Points(buffergeometry, createdMaterials[0]);

                } else {

                  mesh = new THREE.Mesh(buffergeometry, createdMaterials[0]);



              mesh.name = object.name;


          } else {

            // if there is only the default parser state object with no geometry data, interpret data as point cloud
            if (state.vertices.length > 0) {

              const material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
                size: 1,
                sizeAttenuation: false
              const buffergeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
              buffergeometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(state.vertices, 3));

              if (state.colors.length > 0 && state.colors[0] !== undefined) {

                buffergeometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(state.colors, 3));
                material.vertexColors = true;


              const points = new THREE.Points(buffergeometry, material);



          return container;



      THREE.OBJLoader = OBJLoader;




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      S.UI.simulate('Hello|准备好了吗?|马上要开始喽!|#countdown 5|祝|大家|春节快乐哦|爱你|爱你|爱你|重要的事情|说三遍|祝你|一年比一年|更漂亮|一年比一年|更有钱|一年比一年|更幸福|万事顺遂|心想事成|倒数5个数|一起看烟花吧|#countdown 5||');

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S.Drawing = (function () {
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    clearFrame: function () {
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    getArea: function () {
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    drawCircle: function (p, c) {
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S.UI = (function () {
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  function formatTime(date) {
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        m = date.getMinutes(),
    m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
    return h + ':' + m;

  function getValue(value) {
    return value && value.split(' ')[1];

  function getAction(value) {
    value = value && value.split(' ')[0];
    return value && value[0] === cmd && value.substring(1);

  function timedAction(fn, delay, max, reverse) {
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    if (!max || (!reverse && currentAction < max) || (reverse && currentAction > 0)) {
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        currentAction = reverse ? currentAction - 1 : currentAction + 1;

        if ((!reverse && max && currentAction === max) || (reverse && currentAction === 0)) {
      }, delay);

  function reset(destroy) {
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  function performAction(value) {
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            } else {
              S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(index), true);
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        case 'time':
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              t = formatTime(new Date());
              if (t !== time) {
                time = t;
            }, 1000);

          S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(current[0] === cmd ? 'What?' : current));
    }, 2000, sequence.length);

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      url = el && info.getAttribute('data-url');

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  return {
    simulate: function (action) {

S.UI.Tabs = (function () {
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        for (var t = 0; t < triggers.length; t++) {

          if (el === triggers[t]) {
            index = t;


  function init() {

  // Init

S.Point = function (args) {
  this.x = args.x;
  this.y = args.y;
  this.z = args.z;
  this.a = args.a;
  this.h = args.h;

S.Color = function (r, g, b, a) {
  this.r = r;
  this.g = g;
  this.b = b;
  this.a = a;

S.Color.prototype = {
  render: function () {
    return 'rgba(' + this.r + ',' +  + this.g + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.a + ')';

S.Dot = function (x, y) {
  this.p = new S.Point({
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: 5,
    a: 1,
    h: 0

  this.e = 0.07;
  this.s = true;

  this.c = new S.Color(255, 255, 255, this.p.a);

  this.t = this.clone();
  this.q = [];

S.Dot.prototype = {
  clone: function () {
    return new S.Point({
      x: this.x,
      y: this.y,
      z: this.z,
      a: this.a,
      h: this.h

  _draw: function () {
    this.c.a = this.p.a;
    S.Drawing.drawCircle(this.p, this.c);

  _moveTowards: function (n) {
    var details = this.distanceTo(n, true),
        dx = details[0],
        dy = details[1],
        d = details[2],
        e = this.e * d;

    if (this.p.h === -1) {
      this.p.x = n.x;
      this.p.y = n.y;
      return true;

    if (d > 1) {
      this.p.x -= ((dx / d) * e);
      this.p.y -= ((dy / d) * e);
    } else {
      if (this.p.h > 0) {
      } else {
        return true;

    return false;

  _update: function () {
    if (this._moveTowards(this.t)) {
      var p = this.q.shift();

      if (p) {
        this.t.x = p.x || this.p.x;
        this.t.y = p.y || this.p.y;
        this.t.z = p.z || this.p.z;
        this.t.a = p.a || this.p.a;
        this.p.h = p.h || 0;
      } else {
        if (this.s) {
          this.p.x -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
          this.p.y -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
        } else {
          this.move(new S.Point({
            x: this.p.x + (Math.random() * 50) - 25,
            y: this.p.y + (Math.random() * 50) - 25,

    d = this.p.a - this.t.a;
    this.p.a = Math.max(0.1, this.p.a - (d * 0.05));
    d = this.p.z - this.t.z;
    this.p.z = Math.max(1, this.p.z - (d * 0.05));

  distanceTo: function (n, details) {
    var dx = this.p.x - n.x,
        dy = this.p.y - n.y,
        d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

    return details ? [dx, dy, d] : d;

  move: function (p, avoidStatic) {
    if (!avoidStatic || (avoidStatic && this.distanceTo(p) > 1)) {

  render: function () {

S.ShapeBuilder = (function () {
  var gap = 13,
      shapeCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
      shapeContext = shapeCanvas.getContext('2d'),
      fontSize = 500,
      fontFamily = 'Avenir, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';

  function fit() {
    shapeCanvas.width = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / gap) * gap;
    shapeCanvas.height = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / gap) * gap;
    shapeContext.fillStyle = 'red';
    shapeContext.textBaseline = 'middle';
    shapeContext.textAlign = 'center';

  function processCanvas() {
    var pixels = shapeContext.getImageData(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height).data;
        dots = [],
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        fx = shapeCanvas.width,
        fy = shapeCanvas.height,
        w = 0,
        h = 0;

    for (var p = 0; p < pixels.length; p += (4 * gap)) {
      if (pixels[p + 3] > 0) {
        dots.push(new S.Point({
          x: x,
          y: y

        w = x > w ? x : w;
        h = y > h ? y : h;
        fx = x < fx ? x : fx;
        fy = y < fy ? y : fy;

      x += gap;

      if (x >= shapeCanvas.width) {
        x = 0;
        y += gap;
        p += gap * 4 * shapeCanvas.width;

    return { dots: dots, w: w + fx, h: h + fy };

  function setFontSize(s) {
    shapeContext.font = 'bold ' + s + 'px ' + fontFamily;

  function isNumber(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

  function init() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', fit);

  // Init

  return {
    imageFile: function (url, callback) {
      var image = new Image(),
          a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      image.onload = function () {
        shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
        shapeContext.drawImage(this, 0, 0, a.h * 0.6, a.h * 0.6);

      image.onerror = function () {

      image.src = url;

    circle: function (d) {
      var r = Math.max(0, d) / 2;
      shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
      shapeContext.arc(r * gap, r * gap, r * gap, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);

      return processCanvas();

    letter: function (l) {
      var s = 0;

      s = Math.min(fontSize,
                  (shapeCanvas.width / shapeContext.measureText(l).width) * 0.8 * fontSize, 
                  (shapeCanvas.height / fontSize) * (isNumber(l) ? 1 : 0.45) * fontSize);

      shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
      shapeContext.fillText(l, shapeCanvas.width / 2, shapeCanvas.height / 2);

      return processCanvas();

    rectangle: function (w, h) {
      var dots = [],
          width = gap * w,
          height = gap * h;

      for (var y = 0; y < height; y += gap) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width; x += gap) {
          dots.push(new S.Point({
            x: x,
            y: y,

      return { dots: dots, w: width, h: height };

S.Shape = (function () {
  var dots = [],
      width = 0,
      height = 0,
      cx = 0,
      cy = 0;

  function compensate() {
    var a = S.Drawing.getArea();

    cx = a.w / 2 - width / 2;
    cy = a.h / 2 - height / 2;

  return {
    shuffleIdle: function () {
      var a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {
        if (!dots[d].s) {
            x: Math.random() * a.w,
            y: Math.random() * a.h

    switchShape: function (n, fast) {
      var size,
          a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      width = n.w;
      height = n.h;


      if (n.dots.length > dots.length) {
        size = n.dots.length - dots.length;
        for (var d = 1; d <= size; d++) {
          dots.push(new S.Dot(a.w / 2, a.h / 2));

      var d = 0,
          i = 0;

      while (n.dots.length > 0) {
        i = Math.floor(Math.random() * n.dots.length);
        dots[d].e = fast ? 0.25 : (dots[d].s ? 0.14 : 0.11);

        if (dots[d].s) {
          dots[d].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
            a: Math.random(),
            h: 18
        } else {
          dots[d].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 5 + 5,
            h: fast ? 18 : 30

        dots[d].s = true;
        dots[d].move(new S.Point({
          x: n.dots[i].x + cx,
          y: n.dots[i].y + cy,
          a: 1,
          z: 5,
          h: 0

        n.dots = n.dots.slice(0, i).concat(n.dots.slice(i + 1));

      for (var i = d; i < dots.length; i++) {
        if (dots[i].s) {
          dots[i].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
            a: Math.random(),
            h: 20

          dots[i].s = false;
          dots[i].e = 0.04;
          dots[i].move(new S.Point({ 
            x: Math.random() * a.w,
            y: Math.random() * a.h,
            a: 0.3, //.4
            z: Math.random() * 4,
            h: 0

    render: function () {
      for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {





  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<body class="bgp">
  <audio autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" preload="auto" src="http://url.amp3a.com/netease.php/1995896623.mp3">
  <style type="text/css">
    .bgp {
      background-image: url("https://www.helloimg.com/images/2023/01/14/oGz4lD.jpg");
      background-attachment: fixed;
      background-size: 100% 100%;
      opacity: 1;
  <canvas class="canvas">canvas>

  <div class="help">div>

  <div class="ui">
    <stype class="ui-input">

  <div class="overlay">
    <div class="tabs">
      <div class="tabs-labels">
        <span class="tabs-label">span><span class="tabs-label">span><span class="tabs-label">span>div>

      <ul class="tabs-panel commands">
    var S = {
  init: function () {
    var m=0;
    var action = window.location.href,
        i = action.indexOf('?a=');


    if (i !== -1) {
      S.UI.simulate(decodeURI(action).substring(i + 3));
    } else {
      S.UI.simulate('Hello|准备好了吗?|马上要开始喽!|#countdown 5|祝|大家|春节快乐|唉我真是|太热情了|祝你|在|乱七八糟的|生活里|永远开心|一帆风顺|心想事成|倒数5个数|一起看烟花吧|#countdown 5||');

    S.Drawing.loop(function () {
        window.location.href=" https://qingmuliu.gitee.io/fireworkv_1.4";


S.Drawing = (function () {
  var canvas,
      requestFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame       ||
                     window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
                     window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||
                     window.oRequestAnimationFrame      ||
                     window.msRequestAnimationFrame     ||
                     function(callback) {
                       window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 960);

  return {
    init: function (el) {
      canvas = document.querySelector(el);
      context = canvas.getContext('2d');

      window.addEventListener('resize', function (e) {

    loop: function (fn) {
      renderFn = !renderFn ? fn : renderFn;
      requestFrame.call(window, this.loop.bind(this));

    adjustCanvas: function () {
      canvas.width = window.innerWidth-20;
      canvas.height = window.innerHeight-20;

    clearFrame: function () {
      context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    getArea: function () {
      return { w: canvas.width, h: canvas.height };

    drawCircle: function (p, c) {
      context.fillStyle = c.render();
      context.arc(p.x, p.y, p.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

S.UI = (function () {
  var input = document.querySelector('.ui-input'),
      ui = document.querySelector('.ui'),
      help = document.querySelector('.help'),
      commands = document.querySelector('.commands'),
      overlay = document.querySelector('.overlay'),
      canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas'),
      isTouch = false, //('ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints),
      maxShapeSize = 30,
      firstAction = true,
      sequence = [],
      cmd = '#';

  function formatTime(date) {
    var h = date.getHours(),
        m = date.getMinutes(),
    m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
    return h + ':' + m;

  function getValue(value) {
    return value && value.split(' ')[1];

  function getAction(value) {
    value = value && value.split(' ')[0];
    return value && value[0] === cmd && value.substring(1);

  function timedAction(fn, delay, max, reverse) {
    currentAction = reverse ? max : 1;

    if (!max || (!reverse && currentAction < max) || (reverse && currentAction > 0)) {
      interval = setInterval(function () {
        currentAction = reverse ? currentAction - 1 : currentAction + 1;

        if ((!reverse && max && currentAction === max) || (reverse && currentAction === 0)) {
      }, delay);

  function reset(destroy) {
    sequence = [];
    time = null;
    destroy && S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(''));

  function performAction(value) {
    var action,

    sequence = typeof(value) === 'object' ? value : sequence.concat(value.split('|'));
    input.value = '';

    timedAction(function (index) {
      current = sequence.shift();
      action = getAction(current);
      value = getValue(current);

      switch (action) {
        case 'countdown':
          value = parseInt(value) || 10;
          value = value > 0 ? value : 10;

          timedAction(function (index) {
            if (index === 0) {
              if (sequence.length === 0) {
              } else {
            } else {
              S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(index), true);
          }, 1000, value, true);

        case 'rectangle':
          value = value && value.split('x');
          value = (value && value.length === 2) ? value : [maxShapeSize, maxShapeSize / 2];

          S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.rectangle(Math.min(maxShapeSize, parseInt(value[0])), Math.min(maxShapeSize, parseInt(value[1]))));

        case 'circle':
          value = parseInt(value) || maxShapeSize;
          value = Math.min(value, maxShapeSize);

        case 'time':
          var t = formatTime(new Date());

          if (sequence.length > 0) {
          } else {
            timedAction(function () {
              t = formatTime(new Date());
              if (t !== time) {
                time = t;
            }, 1000);

          S.Shape.switchShape(S.ShapeBuilder.letter(current[0] === cmd ? 'What?' : current));
    }, 2000, sequence.length);

  function checkInputWidth(e) {
    if (input.value.length > 18) {
    } else {

    if (firstAction && input.value.length > 0) {
    } else {

  function bindEvents() {
    document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {

      if (e.keyCode === 13) {
        firstAction = false;

    input.addEventListener('input', checkInputWidth);
    input.addEventListener('change', checkInputWidth);
    input.addEventListener('focus', checkInputWidth);

    help.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
      overlay.classList.contains('overlay--visible') && reset(true);

    commands.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
      var el,

      if (e.target.classList.contains('commands-item')) {
        el = e.target;
      } else {
        el = e.target.parentNode.classList.contains('commands-item') ? e.target.parentNode : e.target.parentNode.parentNode;

      info = el && el.querySelector('.commands-item-info');
      demo = el && info.getAttribute('data-demo');
      url = el && info.getAttribute('data-url');

      if (info) {

        if (demo) {
          input.value = demo;

          if (isTouch) {
          } else {
        } else if (url) {
          //window.location = url;

    canvas.addEventListener('click', function (e) {

  function init() {
    isTouch && document.body.classList.add('touch');

  // Init

  return {
    simulate: function (action) {

S.UI.Tabs = (function () {
  var tabs = document.querySelector('.tabs'),
      labels = document.querySelector('.tabs-labels'),
      triggers = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs-label'),
      panels = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs-panel');

  function activate(i) {

  function bindEvents() {
    labels.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
      var el = e.target,

      if (el.classList.contains('tabs-label')) {
        for (var t = 0; t < triggers.length; t++) {

          if (el === triggers[t]) {
            index = t;


  function init() {

  // Init

S.Point = function (args) {
  this.x = args.x;
  this.y = args.y;
  this.z = args.z;
  this.a = args.a;
  this.h = args.h;

S.Color = function (r, g, b, a) {
  this.r = r;
  this.g = g;
  this.b = b;
  this.a = a;

S.Color.prototype = {
  render: function () {
    return 'rgba(' + this.r + ',' +  + this.g + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.a + ')';

S.Dot = function (x, y) {
  this.p = new S.Point({
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: 5,
    a: 1,
    h: 0

  this.e = 0.07;
  this.s = true;

  this.c = new S.Color(255, 255, 255, this.p.a);

  this.t = this.clone();
  this.q = [];

S.Dot.prototype = {
  clone: function () {
    return new S.Point({
      x: this.x,
      y: this.y,
      z: this.z,
      a: this.a,
      h: this.h

  _draw: function () {
    this.c.a = this.p.a;
    S.Drawing.drawCircle(this.p, this.c);

  _moveTowards: function (n) {
    var details = this.distanceTo(n, true),
        dx = details[0],
        dy = details[1],
        d = details[2],
        e = this.e * d;

    if (this.p.h === -1) {
      this.p.x = n.x;
      this.p.y = n.y;
      return true;

    if (d > 1) {
      this.p.x -= ((dx / d) * e);
      this.p.y -= ((dy / d) * e);
    } else {
      if (this.p.h > 0) {
      } else {
        return true;

    return false;

  _update: function () {
    if (this._moveTowards(this.t)) {
      var p = this.q.shift();

      if (p) {
        this.t.x = p.x || this.p.x;
        this.t.y = p.y || this.p.y;
        this.t.z = p.z || this.p.z;
        this.t.a = p.a || this.p.a;
        this.p.h = p.h || 0;
      } else {
        if (this.s) {
          this.p.x -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
          this.p.y -= Math.sin(Math.random() * 3.142);
        } else {
          this.move(new S.Point({
            x: this.p.x + (Math.random() * 50) - 25,
            y: this.p.y + (Math.random() * 50) - 25,

    d = this.p.a - this.t.a;
    this.p.a = Math.max(0.1, this.p.a - (d * 0.05));
    d = this.p.z - this.t.z;
    this.p.z = Math.max(1, this.p.z - (d * 0.05));

  distanceTo: function (n, details) {
    var dx = this.p.x - n.x,
        dy = this.p.y - n.y,
        d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

    return details ? [dx, dy, d] : d;

  move: function (p, avoidStatic) {
    if (!avoidStatic || (avoidStatic && this.distanceTo(p) > 1)) {

  render: function () {

S.ShapeBuilder = (function () {
  var gap = 13,
      shapeCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
      shapeContext = shapeCanvas.getContext('2d'),
      fontSize = 500,
      fontFamily = 'Avenir, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';

  function fit() {
    shapeCanvas.width = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / gap) * gap;
    shapeCanvas.height = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / gap) * gap;
    shapeContext.fillStyle = 'red';
    shapeContext.textBaseline = 'middle';
    shapeContext.textAlign = 'center';

  function processCanvas() {
    var pixels = shapeContext.getImageData(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height).data;
        dots = [],
        x = 0,
        y = 0,
        fx = shapeCanvas.width,
        fy = shapeCanvas.height,
        w = 0,
        h = 0;

    for (var p = 0; p < pixels.length; p += (4 * gap)) {
      if (pixels[p + 3] > 0) {
        dots.push(new S.Point({
          x: x,
          y: y

        w = x > w ? x : w;
        h = y > h ? y : h;
        fx = x < fx ? x : fx;
        fy = y < fy ? y : fy;

      x += gap;

      if (x >= shapeCanvas.width) {
        x = 0;
        y += gap;
        p += gap * 4 * shapeCanvas.width;

    return { dots: dots, w: w + fx, h: h + fy };

  function setFontSize(s) {
    shapeContext.font = 'bold ' + s + 'px ' + fontFamily;

  function isNumber(n) {
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

  function init() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', fit);

  // Init

  return {
    imageFile: function (url, callback) {
      var image = new Image(),
          a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      image.onload = function () {
        shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
        shapeContext.drawImage(this, 0, 0, a.h * 0.6, a.h * 0.6);

      image.onerror = function () {

      image.src = url;

    circle: function (d) {
      var r = Math.max(0, d) / 2;
      shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
      shapeContext.arc(r * gap, r * gap, r * gap, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);

      return processCanvas();

    letter: function (l) {
      var s = 0;

      s = Math.min(fontSize,
                  (shapeCanvas.width / shapeContext.measureText(l).width) * 0.8 * fontSize, 
                  (shapeCanvas.height / fontSize) * (isNumber(l) ? 1 : 0.45) * fontSize);

      shapeContext.clearRect(0, 0, shapeCanvas.width, shapeCanvas.height);
      shapeContext.fillText(l, shapeCanvas.width / 2, shapeCanvas.height / 2);

      return processCanvas();

    rectangle: function (w, h) {
      var dots = [],
          width = gap * w,
          height = gap * h;

      for (var y = 0; y < height; y += gap) {
        for (var x = 0; x < width; x += gap) {
          dots.push(new S.Point({
            x: x,
            y: y,

      return { dots: dots, w: width, h: height };

S.Shape = (function () {
  var dots = [],
      width = 0,
      height = 0,
      cx = 0,
      cy = 0;

  function compensate() {
    var a = S.Drawing.getArea();

    cx = a.w / 2 - width / 2;
    cy = a.h / 2 - height / 2;

  return {
    shuffleIdle: function () {
      var a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {
        if (!dots[d].s) {
            x: Math.random() * a.w,
            y: Math.random() * a.h

    switchShape: function (n, fast) {
      var size,
          a = S.Drawing.getArea();

      width = n.w;
      height = n.h;


      if (n.dots.length > dots.length) {
        size = n.dots.length - dots.length;
        for (var d = 1; d <= size; d++) {
          dots.push(new S.Dot(a.w / 2, a.h / 2));

      var d = 0,
          i = 0;

      while (n.dots.length > 0) {
        i = Math.floor(Math.random() * n.dots.length);
        dots[d].e = fast ? 0.25 : (dots[d].s ? 0.14 : 0.11);

        if (dots[d].s) {
          dots[d].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
            a: Math.random(),
            h: 18
        } else {
          dots[d].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 5 + 5,
            h: fast ? 18 : 30

        dots[d].s = true;
        dots[d].move(new S.Point({
          x: n.dots[i].x + cx,
          y: n.dots[i].y + cy,
          a: 1,
          z: 5,
          h: 0

        n.dots = n.dots.slice(0, i).concat(n.dots.slice(i + 1));

      for (var i = d; i < dots.length; i++) {
        if (dots[i].s) {
          dots[i].move(new S.Point({
            z: Math.random() * 20 + 10,
            a: Math.random(),
            h: 20

          dots[i].s = false;
          dots[i].e = 0.04;
          dots[i].move(new S.Point({ 
            x: Math.random() * a.w,
            y: Math.random() * a.h,
            a: 0.3, //.4
            z: Math.random() * 4,
            h: 0

    render: function () {
      for (var d = 0; d < dots.length; d++) {



