代写Pikachu、代做AVL Tree、代做C++程序语言、代写c++设计代写Python编程|代做SPSS

Problem DescriptionPikachu have many cards with different numbers and two containers A and B.Pikachu asks Eevee to play an interesting card game. Before the game starts,all the cards are in container A. In each round of the game, Pikachu canchoose to move a card from container A to container B or asks Eevee toremove a card of a specific number from container B. When more and morecards are moved to container B by Pikachu, Eevee feel difficult to remove acard quickly. Now, you should implement an AVL Tree to help Eevee to solvethe problem.InputThe first line of the input contains a positive integer n. Then n lines ofoperations follow. If Pikachu choose to move a card with an integer d fromcontainer A to container B, there will be a line written as add d. We assumethat all the added integers are different. If Pikachu asks Eevee to remove acard with a specific integer d from container B, there will be a line written asdel d. The input has at most 50000 “add” or “del” operations.Outpu代写Pikachu留学生作业、代做AVL Tree作业、代做C++程序语言作业、代写c++课程设计作业 代写PythontFor each “del” operation, if the removed card of integer d is not in container B,You should output “No card d”. After all operations have been processed, youalso need to output the AVL Tree from left to right, layer by layer as one line (a kind of BFS traversal of the tree). You need to print a whitespace betweeneach element in the output.Hint: To ensure the same tree structure, when you remove the node whichhave two children, you should choose the successor node from right subtreeto replace it.Language Library RequirementsC++ libraries for string manipulation and input/output streams are allowed. Aconservative list would beCopyC++ libraries for containers and algorithms, includingCopyare NOT allowed.SampleInput7add 4add 5add 3del 1add 2add 1del 2CopyOutputNo card 14 3 5 1转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2019021340727372.html

你可能感兴趣的:(代写Pikachu、代做AVL Tree、代做C++程序语言、代写c++设计代写Python编程|代做SPSS)