c++ / day03

1. 定义一个Person类,包含私有成员,int *age,string &name,一个Stu类,包含私有成员double *score,Person p1,写出Person类和Stu类的特殊成员函数,并写一个Stu的show函数,显示所有信息。



using namespace std;

class Person
    int *_ptr_age;
    string &_ref_name;
    //Person constructor,
    Person(int age, string name):_ptr_age(new int(age)), _ref_name(name)
        cout << "Person constructor with 2 params" << endl;

       cout << "Person destructor" << endl;
       delete _ptr_age;


    //copy constructor. Note: param need to be initilized for space
    Person(const Person &src):_ptr_age(new int(*(src._ptr_age))), _ref_name(src._ref_name)

        cout << "Person copy constructor" << endl;

    //assign constructor. Note it has been initilized, has space alread, just need copy value
    Person &operator=(const Person &src)
        this->_ptr_age =src._ptr_age;
        this->_ref_name = src._ref_name;
      cout << "Person assign constructor" << endl;

    int get_age();
    string get_name();

class Stu
    double *_ptr_score;
    Person _person;

    Stu(double score, int age, string name):_ptr_score(new double (score)), _person(age, name)
        cout << "Stu constructor with 2 params" << endl;
       cout << "Stu destructor" << endl;
       delete _ptr_score;
    //copy constructor
    Stu(const Stu &src):_ptr_score(new double(*(src._ptr_score))), _person(src._person)
        cout << "Stu copy constructor" << endl;

    //assign constructor
    Stu &operator = (const Stu &src)
        this->_ptr_score = src._ptr_score;
        this->_person = src._person;

    void show();

int Person::get_age()
    return *_ptr_age;

string Person::get_name()
    return _ref_name;

void Stu::show()
    cout << "score = "<< *_ptr_score << endl;
    cout << "person age = "<< _person.get_age() << endl;
    cout << "person name = "<< _person.get_name() << endl;


int main()
    int age = 28;
    string name = "zhangsan";

    double score = 99;
    Stu *stu_zs = new Stu(score, age, name);

    delete stu_zs;

    return 0;



c++ / day03_第1张图片

2. 整理思维导图(从特殊成员函数的角度出发整理)

c++ / day03_第2张图片
