
                                              unit6:When was it invented?

Key words and expressions:


1. invent     v.发明

invention  n.发明

inventor   n.发明家



2. by mistake 

1)   错误地(不是有意的)

I took your umbrella by mistake.

2) 无意中(相当于 by accident)

Potato chips were invented by mistake.


3. by accident     偶然地,意外地

Tea was invented by accident.

We met at the airport by accient.


4. pleasure    n.高兴,愉快

my pleasure (对别人表示感谢的一种礼貌回答)不客气,很乐意效劳

------Thanks for your help.

  -----My pleasure.


with pleasure (客气地接受或同意)很乐意去做

--------May I sit here?

 ------ Yes, with pleasure.



-------Could you tell me how to start thecar?

 -----With pleasure.


[拓展1please     v.使满意/高兴

          She did it to please her parents.

        2pleased     adj.满意的,高兴的( 同义词satisfied )

         搭配:be pleased with …= be satisfied with …

        They are very pleased with the final result.

        3pleasant     adj.令人满意的,令人愉悦的 (同义词satisfying

          It is a pleasant result.


5. remain          v.


 remain     如:(课文原文)Someleaves from a tea plant fell into the water and

            remained there for some time.


            如:Heleft and remained the door open.


            如:Verylittle of the house remained after the big fire.

There remains 表示“仍然有”

6. take place 发生

The tea trade took place in the 19thcentury.


Accidents like this happen all the time.

7. nearly    adv.几乎,差不多

※ [nearly almost 用法辨析:

(1)   相同点:用在肯定句中时,可互换。

The bottle is nearly/ almost empty.

(2)   不同点:

almost 可用于no, none, nobody, nothing, never等否定词之前。

Almost no one believed him.

not nearly是一个惯用语,表示“远非,绝不是”

There isn’t nearly enough time to get there now.



37. I can earn some money, but not ______enough to live on. A. mostly          B.nearly        C. almost         D. manily
