Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Virtual Server
Event Category: 虚拟服务器
Event ID: 1136
Date: 6/23/2009
Time: 2:06:58 PM
Computer: BORCH-CRM
在 Active Directory 中为虚拟服务器创建服务连接点时出错。可能是域控制器不可用,因而无法完成此操作;也可能是在访问域时出现安全问题。将在下次启动服务时重试此操作。 错误 0x80070005 - Access is denied.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Virtual Server
Event Category: 远程控制
Event ID: 1029
Date: 6/23/2009
Time: 2:06:58 PM
Computer: BORCH-CRM
无法注册 VMRC 服务器的主体名称。自动身份验证将总是使用 NTLM 身份验证。 错误 0x80072098 - Insufficient access rights to perform the operation.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
Verify the SPN is set for the virtual server.
1.1. Install the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools from the Windows Server
2003 CD media.
1.2. Click Start, click Run, type adsiedit.msc, and then click OK.
1.3. In ADSI Edit, expand Domain, Your_Domain_Name, expand DC=Domain_Name,DC=Root, and then click OU=Domain Controllers.
1.4. In the results pane, right-click the name of the domain controller where Virtual Server is installed, and then click Properties.
1.5. In the Attributes list, click servicePrincipalName, and then click Edit. Check if the following SPN is created:
- vssrvc/NetBIOS_Name
- vssrvc/Fully_Qualified_Dom
- vmrc/NetBIOS_Name:VMRC_Por
- vmrc/Fully_Qualified_Domai
If these SPNs are not created, please follow the steps below to add these SPNs.
1.6. In the Value to add box, type vssrvc/Netbios_Name, and then click Add.
1.7. In the Value to add box, type vssrvc/Fully_Qualified_Dom
1.8. In the Value to add box, type vmrc/NetBIOS_Name:VMRC_Por
1.9. In the Value to add box, type vmrc/Fully_Qualified_Domai
If the SPNs are all fine, this might be caused as the Network Service account that Virtual Server uses does not have permission. Let's change the user for the virtual server service. To do so , follow the steps below:
1. Click start>run>services.msc, open the service management console.
2. Locate the Virtual Server service, right click and choose properties, Click the Logon button.
3. By default, it uses the Network Service account. Let's use the local system account or the administrator credential.
4. At this time, let's stop and restart the Virtual Server service and check if the issue still exists.
The SPNs that Virtual Server requires are not registered in Active Directory when you try to install Virtual Server 2005 on a Windows-based domain controller
If the SPN is correct, try resetting your DCOM (slightly different than from the above solution) - This SPN solution is based on the error message 0x80005000
1. Click Start, click Run, type dcomcnfg.exe in the Open box, and then
click OK.
2. Expand Component Services, expand Computers, expand My Computer, and then expand DCOM Config.
3. Right-click Virtual Server, and then click Properties.
4. Click the Security tab.
5. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, click Customize, and then click Edit.
6. In the Group or user names box, click Authenticated Users.
7. In the Permissions for Authenticated Users box, click to select the Allow check box that is next to Local Activation.
Note If you also want to enable remote activation, click to select the Allow check box that is next to Remote Activation.
8. Click OK two times.