每周文献-181214: lncRNA 差异分析评测


标题:Differential gene expression analysis tools exhibit substandard performance for long non-coding RNA-sequencing data

DOI(url): https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1466-5

发表日期:24 July 2018

关键词: lncRNA, Differential gene expression, RNA-seq, differential expression


首先需要说明一点,自己目前不怎么做 lncRNA 了,但是发现和它相关的内容还是忍不住多看一眼。

这篇文章详细的分析了不同标准化和差异分析方法在 lncRNA 分析中的差别。一共使用了25个分析流程,主要关注点是 lncRNA 和一些低表达 mRNA。使用15种指标来评估差异基因的分析方法和标准化方法,一共使用了 6 中不同 RNA-seq 数据集,同时还提供了一个 shiny 网页可视化工具用来展示这些分析结果。按道理类似类型的文章应该达不到这个水平的杂志,lncRNA 分析方法的测评能够发到 Genome Biology 上也是牛,想必定有过人之处。

简单说最后的结论是使用 limma 和 SAMSeq 分析lncRNA 或者表达量很低的mRNA 效果要稍微好些,值得注意的是,为了获得至少 50% 的 sensitivity,在实际环境(如临床癌症研究)中研究表达水平时需要超过80个样本(what ?)。测试使用的大约一半的方法显示出过多的假阳性,非常不可靠。


lncRNA 研究的主要问题就是表达量太低,在一些软件中往往是要求去除掉表达量很低的基因,这个时候就非常尴尬。

作者为此挑选了一些引用率较高的软件,这些软件的共同点是都有 R 包可以使用,而且都是用原始的 read counts 作为输出。在数据方面,作者使用了不同规模的 6 个数据,基本上可以概括进行差异分析的不同情况。用作者的话说:据我们所知,我们的研究是迄今为止所进行的最大的实例 评估,包括所使用的真实数据集的数量,评估的指标数量以及DE流程数量。



Tool (package version) Pipelines Citationsa
edgeR (3.14.0) (1) Exact test based on NB distribution, (2) GLM with NB family, (3) QL, (4–7) robust GLM with four different prior DF 5406
DESeq (1.24.0) (1) Default, exact test based on NB distribution 4655
DESeq2(1.12.4) Fits GLM with NB family. (1) Default, (2) independent filtering disabled (setting1), (3) independent filtering disabled and outlier-detection off (setting2) 1364
limma (3.25.21) Fits linear models on log-transformed counts. (1) Voom, (2) voom (robust), (3) trended, (4) trended (robust), (5) voom+QW, (6) limmaVST, (7) limmaQN 1828
NOISeq (2.12.1) (1) Default, data-adaptive and non-parametric method 524
baySeq (2.6.0) (1) Default, Bayesian methods with empirical prior distributions 315
SAMSeq (samr, 2.0) (1) Default, non-parametric method based on Wilcoxon rank sum statistic 140
PoissonSeq (1.1.2) (1) Default, uses poisson log-linear model 92
QuasiSeq (1.0.8) Fits GLM with NB family. (1) QL, (2) QLShrink, (3) QLSPline 57


  1. first we evaluated various normalization procedures
  2. second we compared the level of agreement among DE pipelines using various publicly available RNA-seq datasets;
  3. third we explored the ability of the DE pipelines to recover known evidence of differential expression;
  4. fourth we used simulation procedures to evaluate and compare the performance of the tools under a variety of gene expression experiment scenarios, such as variability, sample size, and fraction of DE genes.


结论是除了 quantile normalization (QN),其它几种标准化的方法都差不多。 另外,终于在文献里看到了upsetR 画出来的图。



  1. number of genes identified as significantly differentially expressed (SDE);
  2. similarity in terms of the set of SDE genes;
  3. the degree of agreement on gene ranking;
  4. similarity of fold-change estimates;
  5. handling of genes with special characteristics (lncRNAs, genes with low counts, genes with outliers)
  6. computation time


下图中的abcd 分别代表: a fraction of significantly differentially expressed (SDE) genes detected at 5% FDR, b overlap among pipelines in detecting SDE genes at 5% FDR, c gene ranking agreement, and d similarity of log fold-change (LFC) estimates)

DESeq, baySeq, limmaQN,和 NOISeq 聚在一起,总之就是比较差。 QuasiSeq (both settings), edgeR robust (with both tested prior degrees of freedom), limmaVoom+QW, PoissonSeq 和 SAMSeq 相对而言就都比价不错。

文章后面有介绍了一些其它数据的比价结果就不一一详细罗列,最后的建议是:limma (with variance stabilizing transformation; voom with or without quality weighting; trend) and SAMSeq control the actual FDR reasonably well, while not sacrificing sensitivity。另外,就是如果做lncRNA,多送一些样本吧。


最后一点让我好奇的是,文章从投稿到接受一共花了8个月的时间,这期间都发生了什么,review 又给了哪些意见呢?


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