class ScaleAndShiftInvariantLoss(nn.Module):
Scale and shift invariant loss as described in
"Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer"
def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.5, scales: int = 4, reduction_type: Literal["image", "batch"] = "batch"):
alpha: weight of the regularization term
scales: number of scales to use
reduction_type: either "batch" or "image"
self.__data_loss = MiDaSMSELoss(reduction_type=reduction_type)
self.__regularization_loss = GradientLoss(scales=scales, reduction_type=reduction_type)
self.__alpha = alpha
self.__prediction_ssi = None
def forward(
prediction: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
target: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
mask: Bool[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
) -> Float[Tensor, "0"]:
prediction: predicted depth map (unnormalized)
target: ground truth depth map (normalized)
mask: mask of valid pixels
scale and shift invariant loss
scale, shift = normalized_depth_scale_and_shift(prediction, target, mask)
self.__prediction_ssi = scale.view(-1, 1, 1) * prediction + shift.view(-1, 1, 1)
total = self.__data_loss(self.__prediction_ssi, target, mask)
if self.__alpha > 0:
total += self.__alpha * self.__regularization_loss(self.__prediction_ssi, target, mask)
return total
def __get_prediction_ssi(self):
scale and shift invariant prediction
from equation 1
return self.__prediction_ssi
prediction_ssi = property(__get_prediction_ssi)
def normalized_depth_scale_and_shift(
prediction: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"], target: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"], mask: Bool[Tensor, "1 32 mult"]
More info here: supplementary section A2 Depth Consistency Loss
This function computes scale/shift required to normalizes predicted depth map,
to allow for using normalized depth maps as input from monocular depth estimation networks.
These networks are trained such that they predict normalized depth maps.
Solves for scale/shift using a least squares approach with a closed form solution:
Based on:
prediction: predicted depth map
target: ground truth depth map
mask: mask of valid pixels
scale and shift for depth prediction
# system matrix: A = [[a_00, a_01], [a_10, a_11]]
a_00 = torch.sum(mask * prediction * prediction, (1, 2))
a_01 = torch.sum(mask * prediction, (1, 2))
a_11 = torch.sum(mask, (1, 2))
# right hand side: b = [b_0, b_1]
b_0 = torch.sum(mask * prediction * target, (1, 2))
b_1 = torch.sum(mask * target, (1, 2))
# solution: x = A^-1 . b = [[a_11, -a_01], [-a_10, a_00]] / (a_00 * a_11 - a_01 * a_10) . b
scale = torch.zeros_like(b_0)
shift = torch.zeros_like(b_1)
det = a_00 * a_11 - a_01 * a_01
valid = det.nonzero()
scale[valid] = (a_11[valid] * b_0[valid] - a_01[valid] * b_1[valid]) / det[valid]
shift[valid] = (-a_01[valid] * b_0[valid] + a_00[valid] * b_1[valid]) / det[valid]
return scale, shift
class MiDaSMSELoss(nn.Module):
data term from MiDaS paper
def __init__(self, reduction_type: Literal["image", "batch"] = "batch"):
self.reduction_type: Literal["image", "batch"] = reduction_type
# reduction here is different from the image/batch-based reduction. This is either "mean" or "sum"
self.mse_loss = MSELoss(reduction="none")
def forward(
prediction: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
target: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
mask: Bool[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
) -> Float[Tensor, "0"]:
prediction: predicted depth map
target: ground truth depth map
mask: mask of valid pixels
mse loss based on reduction function
summed_mask = torch.sum(mask, (1, 2))
image_loss = torch.sum(self.mse_loss(prediction, target) * mask, (1, 2))
# multiply by 2 magic number?
image_loss = masked_reduction(image_loss, 2 * summed_mask, self.reduction_type)
return image_loss
# losses based on
class GradientLoss(nn.Module):
multiscale, scale-invariant gradient matching term to the disparity space.
This term biases discontinuities to be sharp and to coincide with discontinuities in the ground truth
More info here Equation 11
def __init__(self, scales: int = 4, reduction_type: Literal["image", "batch"] = "batch"):
scales: number of scales to use
reduction_type: either "batch" or "image"
self.reduction_type: Literal["image", "batch"] = reduction_type
self.__scales = scales
def forward(
prediction: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
target: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
mask: Bool[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
) -> Float[Tensor, "0"]:
prediction: predicted depth map
target: ground truth depth map
mask: mask of valid pixels
gradient loss based on reduction function
assert self.__scales >= 1
total = 0.0
for scale in range(self.__scales):
step = pow(2, scale)
grad_loss = self.gradient_loss(
prediction[:, ::step, ::step],
target[:, ::step, ::step],
mask[:, ::step, ::step],
total += grad_loss
assert isinstance(total, Tensor)
return total
def gradient_loss(
prediction: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
target: Float[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
mask: Bool[Tensor, "1 32 mult"],
) -> Float[Tensor, "0"]:
multiscale, scale-invariant gradient matching term to the disparity space.
This term biases discontinuities to be sharp and to coincide with discontinuities in the ground truth
More info here Equation 11
prediction: predicted depth map
target: ground truth depth map
reduction: reduction function, either reduction_batch_based or reduction_image_based
gradient loss based on reduction function
summed_mask = torch.sum(mask, (1, 2))
diff = prediction - target
diff = torch.mul(mask, diff)
grad_x = torch.abs(diff[:, :, 1:] - diff[:, :, :-1])
mask_x = torch.mul(mask[:, :, 1:], mask[:, :, :-1])
grad_x = torch.mul(mask_x, grad_x)
grad_y = torch.abs(diff[:, 1:, :] - diff[:, :-1, :])
mask_y = torch.mul(mask[:, 1:, :], mask[:, :-1, :])
grad_y = torch.mul(mask_y, grad_y)
image_loss = torch.sum(grad_x, (1, 2)) + torch.sum(grad_y, (1, 2))
image_loss = masked_reduction(image_loss, summed_mask, self.reduction_type)
return image_loss
self.depth_loss = ScaleAndShiftInvariantLoss(alpha=0.5, scales=1)