WebUI Case(1): www.swt-designer.com 首页

本系列文章主要记录在网上发现的一些优秀的Web UI设计.


(1) WebUI Case 编号
(2) WebUI Case 名称,地址
(3) 截图
(4) 源代码
(5) 评价(可选)


(1)WebUI Case编号: 0001

(2) WebUI Case 名称: www.swt-designer.com 首页

(3) 截图



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< title > WindowBuilder Pro title >
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< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 29, 2005: b >< br >  Version 4.1.1 latest 
            build released (SWT visual inheritance, enhanced SWT GridLayout 
            support, non-visual beans, custom SWT 
            widgets, code generation enhancements, expose property, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 13, 2005: b >< br >  Swing SpringLayout
< target ="_top"  href ="demos/springLayout.html" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 9, 2005: b >< br >  Version 4.1.0 released 
            (Eclipse 3.1 GA, new dockable flyout palette 
&  property panes, 
            property filtering, automatic variable naming, improved NLS support, improved custom widget 
            support, improved Eclipse Forms support, new wizards, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 4, 2005: b >< br >  New
< target ="content"  href ="docs/introduction/new_and_noteworthy_410.html" >
&  Noteworthy a >  section added to the web site. See all of the 
            features that have been added in recent releases in one place.
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > April 5, 2005: b >< br >  Version 4.0.0 released (Eclipse 3.1 M6,
< target ="content"  href ="shots/jgoodies_formlayout.html" > JGoodies 
            FormLayout support
a > < b > SWT_AWT b >  support, SWT Spinner, Link, TreeColumn, 
&  TableItem 
            support, enhanced keyboard navigation, custom swing
&  editors, better custom widget support, code hiding, 
            improved SWT FormLayout support, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 29, 2005: b >< br >  Visual Inheritance
< target ="_top"  href ="demos/VisualInheritance.html" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 26, 2005: b >< br >  Added
< target ="content"  href ="tutorials.html" > Swing tutorials and 
a > . p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 20, 2005: b >< br >  New
< target ="content"  href ="faq.html" > FAQ a >  that answers many 
            commonly asked questions.
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 24, 2004: b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/nls/nls.html"  target ="content" > internationalization
a >  covering NLS tools and i18n features. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 8, 2004: b >< br >  Version 3.0.0
            released (Eclipse 3.1 M1/M2/M3, 
< b > Eclipse Forms API b > < b > Swing visual
b > , performance improvements, replicate width/height, arrow key support,
            improved custom widget support, event handler code gen, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 6, 2004: b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/wizards/wizards.html"  target ="content" > wizard
a >
            covering all wizards
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > October 14, 2004: b >< br >  WindowBuilder /
            Designer was 
< href ="http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/22186/0" > reviewed
            in DevX
a > . p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 5, 2004: b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs/preferences/preferences.html"  target ="content" > preference
a >  covering all preferences p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 19, 2004: b >< br >  Version 2.1.0 released (Eclipse 3.0
            Final Release, FieldEditorPreferencePages, SpringLayout, enhanced NLS support, enhanced SWT ViewPart support, enhanced JFace
            Dialog support, plugin-relative images, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 20, 2004: b >< br >  NLS Tools  < href ="demos/NLSExample.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 14, 2004: b >< br >  GridBagLayout Example  < href ="demos/GridBagLayout.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > June 12, 2004: b >< br >  Swing Example  < href ="demos/SwingExample.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > May 25, 2004: b >< br >  Version 2.0.0 released (New
< font  SIZE ="2" >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< href ="http://www.swing-designer.com"  target ="_top" >  Swing Designer a > font > b > font > ,
            Eclipse 3.0 M9/RC1 support, updated docs, enhanced NLS, new wizards, simplified menu creation,
            custom widget support, new license
            manager, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > May 24, 2004: b >< br >  Updated  < href ="docs.html"  target ="content" > documentation a >
            containing content courtesy of the 
< href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/"  target ="_top" >  University of Manitoba a > p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > March 19, 2004: b >< br >  Version 1.2.4 released
< href ="shots/code_generation.html"  target ="content" >  code generation
a > options, editor layout options, ViewPart wizards, CLabel gradients,
            Eclipse 3.0 M7 support, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > February 16, 2004: b >< br >  New  < href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/12-SWTDesigner.pdf"  target ="content" > comprehensive
a >  posted courtesy of the  < href ="http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse/"  target ="_top" >  University of Manitoba a > p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > January 31, 2004: b >< br >  Version 1.2.3
            released (Morphing, Cut/Copy/Paste, StackLayout, ScrolledComposite,
            Canvas, StyledText, Extract Frame refactoring, Eclipse 3.0 M6 support, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > January 10, 2004: b >< br >  Creating Custom
< href ="demos/CustomComposites.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 15, 2003: b >< br >  Templates  < href ="demos/Templates.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > December 9, 2003: b >< br >  Version 1.2.2 is
            released (embedded frame support, performance enhancements, Eclipse
            help integration, Eclipse 3.0 M5 support, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > November 25, 2003: b >< br >  FormLayout  < href ="demos/FormLayout.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added.
            JFace ApplicationWindow 
< href ="demos/AppWindow.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > November 10, 2003: b >< br >  Version 1.2.1 released
            (FormLayout, multi-widget editing, custom composite creation, SWT
            project creation, platform undo/redo, etc.)
p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > October 22, 2003: b >< br >< href ="shots/formlayout.html"  target ="content" > FormLayout
a >  pics released. p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 30, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.2.0 released (direct edit,
            cool bar, externalized strings, font support, application window
            support). SWT Designer
            acquired by Instantiations [
< font  color ="#000000" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../PR/030930.htm"  target ="content" > News a > font >< small >< small >< small >  |  small > small > small >< font
face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../PR/SWT-Designer-QA.PDF"  target ="content" > FAQ a > font > font > ] p >
td >
tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 10, 2003: b >< br > Menu creation  < href ="demos/demo4.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > September 4, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.12 is released (drag &drop , context menu support in control tree, test button and delete layout in context menu). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 20, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.11 is released (fixed bug with SashForm, compatibility with GEF 2.1.0,
            partial custom controls support).
p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 19, 2003: b >< br > Documentation updated (installation and project configuration added). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 18, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.10 is released (Linux + GTK2 support, may be also other non-Windows platforms). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 17, 2003: b >< br > Linux screenshot published. p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 15, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.04 is released (absolute layout, ViewPart and ViewForm support). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 12, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.03 is released (more bug fixes). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 11, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.02 is released (bug fixes only). p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > August 7, 2003: b >< br > JFace Wizard page creation  < href ="demos/demo3.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 31, 2003: b >< br > Fast event handlers access  < href ="demos/demo2.html"  target ="_top" > demo a >  added. p >
td > tr >
< tr >< td >   td >< td >
< class ="pnoall" >< b > July 31, 2003: b >< br > Version 1.01 is released. p >
td > tr >
table >
body >
html >



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< strong >< font  color ="#FF0000" > SWT Designer v4.1.0 Released!  font > strong >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="297" > td >
< td  width ="265"  height ="297"  valign ="top" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/shots/main.html"  target ="content" >
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< table  align ="center"  border ="0"  cellspacing ="0"  cellpadding ="0" >
< tr >< td  align ="center"  colspan ="2" > If you like our product, please
                rate it a
< br >
  Eclipse Plugin Central td > a > tr >
< tr >< td  align ="center" >
< href ="http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com"  target ="_top" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="images/EPiC-logo-sm.jpg"  align ="left"  width ="122"  height ="40" > a >
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< option > 8 option >
< option > 7 option >
< option > 6 option >
< option > 5 option >
< option > 4 option >
< option > 3 option >
< option > 2 option >
< option > 1 option >
select >
td >< td  valign ="top" >
< input  type ="hidden"  name ="ratinglid"  value ="15" >< input  type ="hidden"  name ="ratinguser"  value ="outside" >< input  type ="hidden"  name ="req"  value ="addrating" >< input  type ="submit"  value ="Vote!" >
td > tr > table >
td > tr >
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td >< td  align ="center" >
td > tr > table >
form >
< align ="center" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="images/wb-box.gif"  width ="113"  height ="130" >< br >
< br >
p >
td >
< td  width ="20"  height ="297" > td >
< td  colspan ="3"  width ="858"  height ="297"  valign ="top" >
  Major new release includes support for
    new dockable flyout palette 
&  property panes,  < br >
    property filtering, automatic variable naming, improved NLS support, 
    improved Eclipse 
< br >
    Forms support, new wizards,
  Eclipse 3.1 GA support plus many other new features.
< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" >< b >
< font  SIZE ="2" >
                Support for Eclipse 3.1 GA
font > b > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_editor_layout.html" >
                Dockable Flyout Palette 
&  Property Editor a > b >< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Dock the Property Editor  &  Palette to 
                    different sides of the design view
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Palette  &  Property Editor may be easily 
                    collapsed and expanded
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Palette  &  Property Editor available as 
                    separate views
li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added new  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_property_manager.html" >
                Property Manager
a > b >< ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Important properties are highlighted in bold 
                    and sorted to the top of the list
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Hidden properties are removed from the 
                    property list
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New preference page for configuring 
li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Automatically  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/preferences/preferences_variable_names.html" >
                rename variables
a > b >  based on text property < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Rename always, never or only for defaults li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Specify renaming patterns using text, 
                    classname and acronym
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New preference page for configuring variable 
li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b >
< target ="content"  href ="../windowbuilderpro/docs/nls/nls.html" >
a > b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added flag icons for all locales li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for 
" name " ).getString( " key " ) li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b > SWT b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for setting SWT tab order within a 
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added  < b > BIDI b >  (RIGHT_TO_LEFT) support 
                    for SWT GridLayout, FlowLayout and RowLayout
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added an Eclipse Forms Composite wizard li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added an  < b > SWT Dialog b >  wizard li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for direct edit/double click for  < b >
b > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced support for  < b > FormLayout b > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for drop down toolbar items and 
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for  < b > ColorRegistry b >   &   < b >
b > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for Eclipse 3.1  < b > GridLayout b >  
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Added tooltips for FormLayout popup figures li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced  < b > JFace  &  RCP b >  support < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > Support for adding existing actions for  < b >
b > / < b > ViewPart b > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Enhanced display of  < b > ViewParts b >  and  < b >
b > li >
ul > li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Editor  &  Property Pane enhancements < ul >
< li >
< align ="left" > New toolbar options to evenly  < b > distribute b >  
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > Keyboard navigation for menus li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Rename b >  command to rename multiple 
                    widgets at once
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Set Layout b >  command on the context 
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Autosize widget b >  command for null 
li >
< li >
< align ="left" > New  < b > Change Style b >  command on the 
                    context menu
li >
ul > li >
ul >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21" > td >
< td  width ="265"  valign ="top" >< font  face ="Verdana" >< font
size ="1" >< em >< strong > " I had forgotten just how much fun and easy it
      can be building Java GUIs.
" strong > em > font >< small >< small >< small >< small >
< br >
small > --Sally Rich, RSS Solutions small > small > small > font >
< p >  
td >
< td  width ="20" > td >
< td  colspan ="3"  width ="858" >< href ="http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/22186/0"  target ="_blank" >< img
src ="../images/devx-s.gif"  alt ="DevX"  border ="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="48"  height ="45" >   < font  face ="Verdana" >< small >< small >< small > Read
  a review of WindowBuilder on DevX
small > small > small > font > a >
< p >  
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="46" > td >
< td  width ="755"  colspan ="3"  rowspan ="2"  height ="322" >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" >< img  border ="0"  src ="images/WB-32x32.gif"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="32"  height ="32" >
What is Designer?
p >

< align ="justify" >  Designer is a powerful and easy to use two-way Java GUI designer based on
Eclipse SWT technology. It is very easy to
  create Java GUI applications without
spending a lot of time writing code to display simple forms. With SWT Designer you can
create complicated
  windows in minutes. Use the visual designer and Java code will be
generated for you. You can easily add controls using drag-and-drop, add event handlers to
your controls, change various properties of controls using a property editor and
p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > How does it work? p >

< align ="justify" >  Designer is built as a plugin to  < a
href ="http://www.eclipse.org"  target ="_blank" > Eclipse a >  and the various
WebSphere Studio IDEs (WSSD, WSAD, WSED, etc.). The plugin builds an abstract
syntax tree (AST) to navigate the source code and uses 
< a
href ="http://www.eclipse.org/gef/"  target ="_blank" > GEF a >  to display and manage
the visual presentation. Using WYSIWYG layout tools, you don't need to write any lines of java
code - the code will be generated for you by the designer. You can easily add any control
to a composite by using drag-and-drop, add an event handler to your controls,
change various properties of controls using property editors and
  < a
href ="../windowbuilder/features.html"  target ="content" > much more a > . Generated code doesn't require any
additional non-SWT library to compile and run: all of the generated code can be used
without having Designer installed. Designer can read and write almost any format
and reverse-engineer most hand-written Java GUI code. It also supports free form
code editing (make changes anywheredot.gifnot just in 
< i > special i >  areas) and most
user refactorings (you can move, rename and subdivide methods without a
p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > Download p >

< align ="justify" > We offer a free  < href ="download.html"  target ="content" > trial a >
version of
   SWT Designer or can  < href ="order.html"  target ="content" > purchase a
a >  of    Designer.     < href ="http://www.digibuy.com/cgi-bin/order.html?Instantiatio+106381649216" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/buyitnow.gif"  alt ="Buy now"
="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="68"  height ="15" > a >   p >

< class ="pbig"  align ="left" > Product Brochure p >

< div  align ="left" >
< table  border ="0"  cellpadding ="0"  cellspacing ="0"  width ="349" >
< tr >
< td  width ="22" > td >
< td  width ="100" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" >< img  border ="0"  src ="images/wb-box.gif"  width ="113"  height ="130" > a > td >
< td  width ="221" >

< align ="justify" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilder.pdf" >< img
src ="../images/pdf-sm.gif"  alt ="PDF"  align ="absmiddle"  border ="0"  width ="17"  height ="17" >   a > font >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilder.pdf" > HiRes
a >   p >

< align ="justify" >< font  face ="Verdana"  size ="1" >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" >< img
src ="../images/pdf-sm.gif"  alt ="PDF"  align ="absmiddle"  border ="0"  width ="17"  height ="17" >   a > font >< href ="../windowbuilderpro/WindowBuilderLowRes.pdf" > LowRes
a >   p >
td >
tr >
table >
div >
td >
< td  rowspan ="2"  width ="7"  height ="322" > td >
< td  width ="300"  height ="40" >
< class ="pbig" >< href ="../codepro/default.htm"  target ="_top" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/32x32codepro.gif"  alt ="CodePro Studio"  border ="0"  align ="absmiddle"  width ="32"  height ="32" >
  us   about   CodeProdot.gif a > p >
td >
tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="21"  height ="276" > td >
< td  width ="300"  valign ="top"  height ="276" >
< ul >
< li >< font  size ="1"  color ="#FF0000" >< b > 700 b > font >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > + Code Audit Rules w/ QuickFix small > font > b > li >
< li >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > 50+ Code Metrics w/ Drilldown small > font > b > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Powerful Dependency Analyzer font > b > small > li >
< li >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" >< small > JUnit Test Case Generation  &
          Code Coverage
small > font > b > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Design Patterns  &  Code
font > b > small > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Automated Javadoc Repair font > b > small > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Integrated Spell Checker font > b > small > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > Build  &  Deployment Automation font > b > small > li >
< li >< small >< b >< font  color ="#FF0000" > 100's of Productivity Enhancements font > b > small > li >
ul >
< align ="center" >< href ="../codepro/codeaudit.htm"  target ="_top" >
< img  src ="../codepro/images/auditrulecount.gif"  border ="0"  align ="center"  width ="91"  height ="51" > a > td >
tr >
< tr >
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td >
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