
Paint A Pen Picture Of Your Jobs:(形象生动地描绘你的工作:)

Describe your most recent job first, then the job before that, then the one before that, etc.(首先描述你最近的一份工作,然后是前一份工作,然后是再前面的一份工作,以此类推。)

Provide more information about your most recent jobs.(对最近一份工作的描述应当是最详尽的。)

For jobs in the distant past, give a brief ( single line ) description only ( the reader is usually more interested in what you can do now not 10 years ago ).(对于一些很久以前的工作,只需简单(一行字)概述即可(读者更关心的是你现在而非10年前能干些什么)。)

Education, Training & Development:(教育、培训和发展)

Give the reader details of your education/qualifications.(向读者提供详尽的有关你教育/资格方面的信息。)

Some companies take great care to check your qualifications - be warned!(有些公司会很仔细地核查你的资格——一定要注意!)

Include relevant training courses where they enhance the quality of your career history.(把那些能为你的职业经历增色的培训课程记录写进去。)

Personal Details & Interests:(个人情况及兴趣爱好:)

This is the final important piece of information about you.(这是你自我介绍中的最后一段,同时也是一个很重要的部分。)

It tells the reader that you have another life outside work.(通过它你向读者展示了你工作之余的另一种生活。)

Best place to include your age if you think age will work against you.(如果你认为年龄对你而言会是一个障碍的话,这里可能是你透露年龄的最佳场所。)

Make it short and simple.(力求简洁明了。)

Warning - don't include anything that will put the reader off! ( eg: membership of strange societies. political affiliations. religion, etc )

