English Oral Practice Notes::Shopping

1. 随便看看

  • “Do you see anything you like?”
    • 连读:Do you → Do_yu; anything you → anything_u
  • “I’m just looking around/window-shopping.”
    • “just looking”中的"t"常常不发音,像 jus’ looking
    • ΄window-shopping这个复合词中,“window”末尾的“w”音和“shopping”的“sh”音相连,发得很快,可以听起来像一个单词:'windowshopping

2. 种类齐全/缺货

  • “We have a great variety of…in stock.”
    • 连读:“We have” 时,have的"h"和前面的单词结合起来,像 “we’ve”
  • “You name it.”
  • “They’re out of stock.”
    • ‘They’re’ 的 “they”和“'re”连读很快,听起来像一起发音:theyr

3. 讨价还价

  • “Could you give me a better price?”
    • 连读:“Could you” → “couldju”
  • “Can I get a discount?”
    • 连读:“Can I” →"canai"
  • “Come on, just give me a break on this.”
    • “Just give”时,由于"st"和"g"音的接近,“give”释放时可能听不清楚"t"
  • “Sheer robbery! It’s a fortune.”
  • “We can’t afford it.”
    • 连读:“can’t afford” → “can’fford”

4. 价值对等

  • “It’s worth any penny of it.”
    • “worth every” 发音连接,听起来接近:“worthev’ry”
  • “It’s of high quality.”
  • “It’s a capital watch.”
    • “a capital” 的两个"a"音常被连在一起快速发音,“a_capital”

5. 决定购买

  • “Would you like to try it on?”
    • “Would you” →"wudju"
  • “I’ll take it. Please wrap it up.”
    • “I’ll take it” 中,“I’ll” 和 "take"接近变成:“i’lltake”

6. 退换货

  • “I’d like to return this/exchange it for another one.”
  • “Can I get a refund on this?”
  • “The color is too bright/loud/showy.”
  • “Yellow becomes me.”
    • “becomes me” 这里的"me"可以轻轻发音,快速过渡:“becomes’me”


  • “How much do you ask for it?”
  • “Don’t try to rip me off! I know what it’s worth. 50RMB, tops.”
    • “Don’t try to”常快速说成:“don’try_to”
  • “Are you kidding? It costs me more than that. 120RMB.”
    • “Are you” → “areyu”
    • “more than” → “more_n_that”
  • “If you don’t give me a better price, I won’t buy it from you.”
    • “won’t buy” 中,“n’t"和"b"连接,发音快→"won’buy"
  • “Wait wait. Ok, 85RMB. Final price. Take it or leave it.”
    • “Take it or leave it” 中,"take it"中的“t”经常省略 → “takei’ or leave it”
  • “If that’s the lowest you’re willing to go, I’m leaving. 65RMB, final offer.”
  • “You drive a hard bargain. I’m losing money on it, but alright, I’ll let you have it for 65.”
    • “You drive” → “You_drive”;“a hard” → “a’hard”

