
英文 中文
For over a cecentury, I've living in secret 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
until now. 直到现在
I know the risk, but I have to know her. 我知道很冒险但我必须认识她
Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜她和凯瑟琳长的一摸一样
- Hello, brother. - Damon. -你好老弟-达蒙
There's nothin' about that Logan guy I killed in here. 关于我杀的那个罗根报上一点消息也没有
Someone's coverin' it up. 有人掩饰了此事
It's a small circle, founding families, few city officials. 只需要给一部分人用创始人家族一些政府官员
I of course will do anything I can to help. 我当然会尽我所能帮助你们
Alaric Saltzman. 阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼
I'm your new history teacher. 你们的新任历史老师
- That's a cool ring. - Thanks. It was my father's. -戒指不错-谢谢我父亲留给我的
I have to leave. Too many people have died. 我必须离开小镇上死了太多人
I can't be a part of your life anymore. 我不能再成为你生活中的一部分了
Don't go, Stefan. 别走斯特凡
Good bye, Elena. 再见埃琳娜
You know what? I'm not gonna invite you in. 算了今晚就不邀请你进来了
Some other time, then. 那改日吧
- I was dumped. - Yeah, well, Logan's a jerk. -我被甩了-罗根是个混蛋
- Hello, Jenna. - Logan. -你好珍娜-罗根
Aren't you gonna invite me in? 不打算邀请我进去吗
Why are you here, Logan? 你来这里做什么罗根
I missed you. 我想你了
- I was out of town. - Yeah. I got that e-mail. -我离开小镇了-我收到你的邮件了
You got an e-mail? 你收到邮件了?
You didn't send an e-mail? 你没给我发邮件吗
I can explain. Juit in, and 我可以解释的让我进去
I'll tell you everything. 我就告诉你一切
I'm not gonna invite you in. Forget it. 我不会邀请你进来的死心吧
Come on, Jenna. It's me. 拜托珍娜是我啊
- The answer's no. - I know you. -不行就是不行-我了解你
You're always one step from a maybe, 你总是忍不住心软
A tiny nudge to yes. 稍作怂恿便会答应
Heh. You just pointed out that I have no self-control. 你是说我没有自制力
Clever strategy. 战略不错
Evening. 晚上好
You're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. 你是那个新闻记者罗根·费尔
I watch you every night. 我每晚都看你的节目
Well, I used to. I mean, you've been missing from my TV. 是以前常看好久没在电视上看见你了
- I took some time off. - I noticed. -我请了一段时间假-注意到了
I'm Daphne. 我叫黛芬妮
- Hey, you know somethin', Daphne?- No. what? -你知道吗黛芬妮-什么
"I live in fear." "我深陷恐惧之中"
"It consumes me. "它吞噬我"
"In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, "每当日落西山夜幕初降"
"The fear comes," "恐惧就向我袭来"
"Because I know that the night brings death." "因为我知道黑夜带来死亡"
Jeremy's got his sketch pad out. 杰里米又开始画画了
You're kidding. 你开玩笑的吧
Nope, but don't say a word. 不是但一个字都别说
The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away. 我们只要一鼓励他他就不画了
Psychology major. Check that. 很懂心理学嘛了不起
You and stefan? 你和斯特凡
Update? 有什么进展
He knows how I feel and where I stand, 他知道我的感受和态度
And I know where he stands, but it doesn't matter. 我也知道他的但无所谓
He's leaving, moving away. 他要走了离开小镇
Where's he going? 他要去哪里
I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary. 我没问因为答案会让我恐慌
Yours leaves. Mine returns. 你的男朋友要走了我的却回来了
Logan? 罗根
He's back. 他回来了
I didn't let him past the front door. 我没让他进门
Hope you slammed it in his face. 希望你当着他的面重重摔门
Ah, medium slam. 力度适中
3-strike rule, Jenna. 记住"三振出局"法珍娜
You're not even allowed to watch the news. 不准你再看新闻了
Exactly. No more Logan "scum" Fell. 没错彻底忘掉罗根·人渣·费尔
So any idea of where you'll go? 想到要去哪里没
I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends. 不知道也许去伦敦看些老朋友
You don't have any friends, Damon. 达蒙你没有朋友
You're right, Stefan. I only have you, so... 你说对了斯特凡我只有你所以
Where are we goin'? 我们去哪里
"We" are not going anywhere. "我们"哪也不去
I'm gonna live my life as far away from you as possible. 我会离你越远越好
But we're a team. 可我们是好兄弟啊
we could travel the world together. 我们可以环游世界
We could try out for "The Amazing Race." 甚至可以报名参加《急速前进》节目
Hmm. That's funny. 挺有意思的
Seriously, where are you goin'? 说真的你去哪里
'Cause we're not staying in this town. 我们不能留在镇上了
I'm here to see Damon. 我要见达蒙
Uh, sure. Ok. 好的
Sheriff. 警长
What a surprise. 什么风把你吹来了
Sorry to bother you, but we need to talk. 抱歉打搅你我们得谈谈
Come in. 请进
Um, I hope you understand the secrecy. 抱歉搞得这么神秘
Stefan doesn't know about this yet. 斯特凡还不知道这些事
I'd like to keep it that way. 我希望一直对他保密
Of course. kids are too young to be brought into this. 当然他还是个孩子不能让他卷进来
So, what do you need? 需要我做什么
There's been another attack-- 又出现了袭击事件
A female victim, her throat torn out, 受害者是女性喉咙被咬破
Completely drained of blood. 血被全部吸干
It fits the pattern. 典型的吸血鬼作案方式
I-I'm sorry. I don't understand. 对不起我不明白
I thought we solved that problem when I... 我以为这事已经平息了那个女吸血鬼...
Staked the blonde one. 明明已经被我刺死了
I'm thinking she must have turned someone 我想她一定把某人
Or multiple someones. I don't know. 或是某些人变成吸血鬼了谁知道呢
The story for the town is another animal attack, 对外界只能宣告是又一起动物袭击
But I'm not sure how long we can keep lying to them. 但我不确定还能隐瞒多久
The council's in an uproar. 理事会内部一片哗然
We thought we were past this. 我们以为这事过去了
So, uh, what do we do? 那么我们该做什么
You're the only one who's ever taken on a vampire. 你是唯一和吸血鬼较量过的人
We were hoping you could tell us. 希望你能告诉我们怎么办
And then the ballet dancer and the krumper did the salsa. 接着芭蕾舞演员和小丑舞演员跳莎莎舞
Well, I was awake for that part. 演这段的时候我没睡
Well, I don't know when you fell asleep. 我不知道你什么时候睡着的
Um, did you see 那你看了
the Celine Dion waltz about cancer? 以席琳·迪翁歌曲为背景癌症为主题的华尔兹吗
Those always make me cry. 那类场景总让我流泪
Yeah. And then the loud judge kept screamin', 接下来就是评委的喋喋不休
and I couldn't take it, So I turned it off. 我看不下去了所以关了电视
I sat through "Family Guy", So you owed me. 我一直看到《恶搞之家》结束你输了
Did I miss something? 我有错过什么绯闻吗
They've been hanging out. 他们居然开始约会了
Kind of weird, don't you think? 你不觉得有点奇怪吗
She needs someone nice like him, 她需要如他般温柔的男生
As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon. 而不是像达蒙般的吸血鬼杀人狂
Yeah. How are you doing with all that? 是啊你现在感觉怎么样
I'm freaked out. 我吓坏了
Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now. 达蒙袭击我我差点丧命了
But I'm also grateful. 不过我很感激
- What? - To Stefan. -什么-感激斯特凡
He saved my life, and... 他救了我并且...
Have you seen him? 你见过他了吗
Not since he told me was leaving. 他说要离开后就再没见着
For all I know, he's already gone. 可能他已经走了
He wouldn't leave without saying good-bye. 他不可能不辞而别
Yes, he would. 不他会的
He thinks he's protecting me. 他觉得这是在保护我
Clean break and all that. 说要干净彻底地分手什么的
So what are you gonna do? 那你打算怎么办
What am I supposed to do? 我还能做什么呢
I already begged him not to go. 我求过他不要离开
If I ask again, I'm being selfish. 如果我再要求那就太自私了
It is what it is. 就这样了吧
Well, maybe it's for the best. 也许这样对大家都好
What? Why? 什么为什么
I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him, 我是说你们在一起能有未来吗
Even if he stayed? 就算他留下来又怎样
- Did you just... - No, I swear. -是不是你-我发誓没有
Thank you for stopping by. 谢谢你专程赶过来
Let me know what you come up with. 有什么情况一定要告诉我
Absolutely. 一定
What is wrong with you? You killed somebody? 你怎么回事啊又大开杀戒了吗
Get off of me. 放开我
A--don't touch me. 一别碰我
B--if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it. 二如果我杀了我不会露出马脚
C--there's another vampire in town. 三镇上还有其他吸血鬼
- That's impossible. - Obviously not. -不可能-显然就是有
Then who could it be? 会是谁呢
Ah, what do we care? 不关我们的事
We're leavin' anyway, right? 反正我们要离开了
No, I can't leave now, and you know that. 不你知道我现在不能走
How are we supposed to find this person? 我们该如何找到那个人
Let the adults handle this, Stefan. 就交给大人来处理吧斯特凡
See you later, ok? 那回见咯
- Bye. - Bye. -拜-拜
We need to talk. 我们得谈谈
So what's up with you and Forbes? 你和福布斯是怎么回事
Nothin's up. 没什么啊
I saw you two in the hall today. 我今天在大厅见到你俩
Don't even try and deny it, bro. 伙计别说你俩没猫腻
- You're tappin' that. - No, it's not like that. -你在追她-不不是那样
Never is till you become "we people." 现在死不承认以后说话都全是"我们"
"We people"? "我们"?
"we can't make it to the party." 没错"我们不能去参加派对"
"We'll never miss a game." "我们不会错过游戏"
"We don't like the color red." "我们都不喜欢红色"
We hung out, like, twice. 我们就出去玩了两次而已
Like I said, "we." 听听你刚刚就说了"我们"
So you have no idea who it could be? 你不知道是谁吗
None. 不知道
But it must be somebody new, 不过一定是新生的吸血鬼
Because leaving a body like that, 因为那样处置尸体
They're either sloppy, 要么是粗心
Or they're trying to send a message. 要么是想要传递信息
And you're sure it's not Damon. 你确信不是达蒙
Well, I'm never sure about Damon, 我从来就猜不透达蒙
But he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, 不过最近他试着低调行事
So it just doesn't make any sense to me. 所以我觉得很费解
So what are you gonna do? 那你决定怎么做
Damon's tracking them right now. 达蒙正在搜查他们
Look, I promised you the truth, 听着我保证过要对你说实话
So I wanted to tell you. 所以我想告诉你
I want you to be careful. 我希望你能小心点
When I saw you, I... 每次见你我
Thought you were coming to say goodbye. 总觉得你是来跟我告别
Not yet. 现在不是时候
Hey, what do you think? 嘿觉得怎样
Creepy. 很诡异
Found this old journal in dad's stuff 我在爸爸的盒子里找到这本日记
Jonathan Gilbert from the 1800s. 19世纪的乔纳森·吉尔伯特
He's kind of a freak show. He wrote about demons 感觉他有点怪写一些关于恶魔的东西
And all these people getting slaughtered and... 还有人被屠杀之类的
Yeah, he was a writer-- short stories, horror stuff. 是的他是个作家写些恐怖故事
Oh, he wrote fiction? 哦那他写小说吗
Figured he was just a lunatic or a drunk. 我估计他就是个疯子或酒鬼
Well, he was a Gilbert, 他毕竟是吉尔伯特家族的嘛
Probably a little bit of both. 所以可能两者兼具
So what do I do now? 那我现在该干什么
Just wait. I'll be there in a minute. 等一会我很快就到
Can you hurry? I have things to do. 你能快点吗我还有其他事要忙
You could give me that. 你可以把东西给我了
So why did you need me to do this? 为什么要我去做
Because I interfere with the signal. 因为我会干扰信号
Can I go now? 我能走了吧
This has blown, like, half of my day. 已经浪费我半天时间了
You do that. 照我说的做
Get in your car. Go home. 开车回家
Forget I asked you to do this. 忘记是我让你这样做的
- Ok. Bye now.- Bye. -那好再见-再见
I have tons of these wooden bullets 我还有很多这样的木子弹
So nothin' funky. 所以没什么好稀奇的
You don't wanna do this. Trust me. 你不会想这样做的相信我
- That's what you get.- For what? -这就是你的下场-什么下场
You made me like this. 是你把我变成这样的
I killed you. I didn't turn you. 是我杀了你但我没有把你变成吸血鬼
See, I know what you and your brother are. 我就知道你和你兄弟是吸血鬼
I've been watchin' the two of you. 我一直在监视你们
I knew you'd show up here 我知道你会来这儿
And I'm glad you did 而且我很高兴你能来
Cause I have some questions. 因为我有一些问题要问你
Me first. Who turned you? 我先问是谁把你变成吸血鬼的
How should I know? 我怎么会知道
Last thing I remember is I'm about to stake your brother, 我只记得我正要用木桩插你弟弟的时候
And then you grabbed me. That's it. 你就抓住了我就是这样
Until I wake up in the ground 直到我醒来发现自己
Behind a used-car dealership on highway 4. 被埋在第4高速路的二手车交易库后面
Somebody buried me. 有人埋了我
It happens. 这是常有的事
- You bit me. - Damn it. -是你咬的我-该死的
It had to be you. 肯定是你把我变成这样
You have to have vampire blood in your system when you die. 你死时体内必须有吸血鬼的血才会转变
I didn't do that. 我没那样做
Some other vampire found you, 别的吸血鬼找到你
Gave you their blood. 喂你喝他们的血
- Who?- That's what I wanna know. -是谁-我也想知道啊
Dude, it's not like the welcome wagon 伙计变成吸血鬼又没人开着礼车欢迎你
Was waiting with a bundt cake and a handbook. 拿着小蛋糕再给你一本吸血鬼常识手册
It's been a learn-as-you-go process. 什么都得靠我自己去摸索
You know, one minute, 他妈的前一分钟
I'm a small-town on-the-rise news guy, 我还是个小镇的新闻记者
And next thing I know, I can't get into my house, 下一分钟我进不了自己的房子
Because my foot won' go through the door. 因为我的脚迈不过门槛
You have to be invited in. 必须有人邀请你进去才行

