




    tar -xvf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.2.tar.xz 

    mv qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.2 qt-5.4.2

    ./configure -help > qthelp.txt

    cp -a qtbase/mkspecs/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/ qtbase/mkspecs/linux-arm-g++/

    vi qmake.confg
    修改所有的arm-linux-gnueabi- 为 arm-linux-
    QMAKE_CC                = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
./configure -release \
    -opensource \
    -confirm-license \
    -no-sse2 \
    -no-sse3 \
    -no-ssse3 \
    -no-sse4.1 \
    -no-sse4.2 \
    -no-avx \
    -no-avx2 \
    -no-mips_dsp \
    -no-mips_dspr2 \
    -no-pkg-config \
    -qt-zlib \
    -qt-libpng \
    -qt-libjpeg \
    -qt-freetype \
    -no-openssl \
    -qt-pcre \
    -qt-xkbcommon \
    -no-glib \
    -nomake examples \
    -nomake tools \
    -nomake tests \
    -no-cups \
    -no-iconv \
    -no-dbus \
    -xplatform linux-arm-g++ \
    -no-use-gold-linker \
    -qreal float


Info: creating super cache file /home/fengjunhui/Qt/qt-5.4.2/.qmake.super

Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
Once everything is built, you must run 'make install'.
Qt will be installed into /usr/local/Qt-5.4.2

Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from
the previous build.
    make      约2小时
    sudo make install 
注意: 所有便已生成的文件会保存在下面的目录下:
    cd /usr/local/Qt-5.4.2
    fengjunhui@ubuntu:/usr/local/Qt-5.4.2$ ls
    bin  doc  imports  include  lib  mkspecs  plugins  qml  translations

    cp -a /usr/local/Qt-5.4.2/  ~/source/rootfs/usr/local/

    export QTDIR=/usr/local/Qt-5.4.2
    export QT_QPA_FONTDIR=$QTDIR/lib/fonts
    export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb:fb=/dev/fb0:size=1024x600:tty=/dev/ttySAC2
    export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH

    名字: qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.2.run
    wget -c https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.4/5.4.2/qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.2.run
    -rwxrw-rw-  1 fengjunhui fengjunhui 560918516  8月 27 18:05 qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.2.run*
    chmod u+x qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.4.2.run
    可能出现:error:GL/gl.h No such file or directory: 
    安装库  :sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev 
    tools  ---> options  ---> build&run  General配置工程目录:/home/fengjunhui/Qt/qt-project
    tools  ---> options  ---> build&run  Qt Version   add添加qmake路径: /usr/local/Qt-5.4.2/bin/qmake
    tools  ---> options  ---> build&run  Compilers    add添加  选择gcc  name  GCC(ARM32bit) 
                                                                        compile path 路径选择arm-linux-c++
    tools  ---> options  ---> build&run  Kits      add 添加:name: ARM Qt5.4.2 GCC 32bit
                                                              Device type : Genernic linux device 
                                                              Compile: GCC(ARM32bit)

   System requirements

    - Perl 5.8 or later
    - Python 2.7 or later
    - C++ compiler supporting the C++98 standard

     For other platform specific requirements,
     please see section "Setting up your machine" on:

   Optional requirements

   - OpenSSL for SSL sockets or HTTPS
   - Wayland

   New dependencies in Qt 5

     Linux: On systems running X11, the XCB libraries are required for
     the platform plugin to build. qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/README
     lists the required packages.

     Qt 5 can make use of the ICU libraries providing Unicode and Globalization
     support (see http://site.icu-project.org/). They are required for building
     On Linux, they will be auto-detected.
     On Windows, they need to be manually installed and the "include" and "lib"
     folders of the ICU installation must be appended to the INCLUDE and LIB
     environment variables after calling the Windows SDK setup script.
     The "bin" folder of the ICU installation should be appended to the PATH
     environment variable in order to for the DLLs to be found at run-time.

   Linux, Mac:

     cd /qt-everywhere-opensource-src-
     ./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -opensource -nomake tests
     make -j 4


     Open a Windows SDK (7.0, 7.1 or later) command prompt. Ensure that the
     following tools can be found in the path:
     * Perl version 5.12 or later   [http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/]
     * Python version 2.7 or later  [http://www.activestate.com/activepython/]
     * Ruby version 1.9.3 or later  [http://rubyinstaller.org/]

     cd \qt-everywhere-opensource-src-
     configure -prefix %CD%\qtbase -opensource -nomake tests
     nmake // jom // mingw32-make

     To accelerate the bootstrap of qmake with MSVC, it may be useful to pass
     "-make-tool jom" on the configure command line. If you do not use jom,
     adding "/MP" to the CL environment variable is a good idea.

 More details follow.


 A typical `configure; make' build process is used.

 Some relevant configure options (see configure -help):

 -release              Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
 -debug                Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
 -nomake tests         Disable building of tests to speed up compilation
 -nomake examples      Disable building of examples to speed up compilation
 -confirm-license      Automatically acknowledge the LGPL 2.1 license.

 Example for a release build:
 (adjust the `-jN' parameter as appropriate for your system)

   ./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -opensource
   make -j4

 Example for a developer build:
 (enables more autotests, builds debug version of libraries, ...)

   ./configure -developer-build -opensource
   make -j4

 See output of `./configure -help' for documentation on various options to

 The above examples will build whatever Qt5 modules have been enabled by
 default in the build system.

 It is possible to build selected modules with their dependencies by doing
 a `make module-'.  For example, to build only qtscript and qtwebkit,
 and the modules they depend on:

   ./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -opensource
   make -j4 module-qtscript module-qtwebkit

 This can save a lot of time if you are only interested in a subset of Qt5.


 The submodule repository qtrepotools contains useful scripts for
 developers and release engineers. Consider adding qtrepotools/bin
 to your PATH environment variable to access them.

 The qt5_tool in qtrepotools has some more features which may be of interest.
 Try `qt5_tool --help'.

 Building Qt5 from git
 See http://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git and README.git
 for more information.
 See http://wiki.qt.io/Qt_5 for the reference platforms.


 After configuring and compiling Qt, building the documentation is possible by running
 "make docs".

 After having built the documentation, you need to install it with the following

    make install_docs

 The documentation is installed in the path set to $QT_INSTALL_DOCS.
 Running "qmake -query" will list the value of QT_INSTALL_DOCS.

 Information about Qt 5's documentation is located in qtbase/doc/README
 or in the following page: http://wiki.qt.io/Qt5DocumentationProject

 Note: Building the documentation is only tested on desktop platforms.

+ cd qtbase
+ /home/fengjunhui/Qt/qt-5.4.2/qtbase/configure -top-level -help
Usage:  configure [options]

Installation options:

 These are optional, but you may specify install directories.


...... This will install everything relative to
                         (default /usr/local/Qt-5.4.2, $PWD if -developer-build is active)


... When -sysroot is used, install everything to ,
                         rather than into SYSROOT/PREFIX.

    -hostprefix [dir] .. Tools and libraries needed when developing
                         applications are installed in [dir]. If [dir] is
                         not given, the current build directory will be used.
                         (default EXTPREFIX)

 You may use these to separate different parts of the install:


......... User executables will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX/bin)
    -headerdir ...... Headers will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX/include)
    -libdir ......... Libraries will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX/lib)
    -archdatadir .... Arch-dependent data used by Qt will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX)
    -plugindir ...... Plugins will be installed to
                            (default ARCHDATADIR/plugins)
    -libexecdir ..... Program executables will be installed to
                            (default ARCHDATADIR/libexec, ARCHDATADIR/bin for MinGW)
    -importdir ...... Imports for QML1 will be installed to
                            (default ARCHDATADIR/imports)
    -qmldir ......... Imports for QML2 will be installed to
                            (default ARCHDATADIR/qml)
    -datadir ........ Arch-independent data used by Qt will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX)
    -docdir ......... Documentation will be installed to
                            (default DATADIR/doc)
    -translationdir . Translations of Qt programs will be installed to
                            (default DATADIR/translations)
    -sysconfdir ..... Settings used by Qt programs will be looked for in
                            (default PREFIX/etc/xdg)
    -examplesdir .... Examples will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX/examples)
    -testsdir ....... Tests will be installed to
                            (default PREFIX/tests)


.. Host executables will be installed to
                         (default HOSTPREFIX/bin)
    -hostlibdir .. Host libraries will be installed to
                         (default HOSTPREFIX/lib)
    -hostdatadir . Data used by qmake will be installed to
                         (default HOSTPREFIX)

Configure options:

 The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value
 that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is
 included. Here is a short explanation of each option:

 *  -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
    -debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
    -debug-and-release . Compile and link two versions of Qt, with and without
                         debugging turned on (Mac only).

    -force-debug-info .. Create symbol files for release builds.

    -developer-build ... Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting)

    -opensource ........ Compile and link the Open-Source Edition of Qt.
    -commercial ........ Compile and link the Commercial Edition of Qt.

    -confirm-license ... Automatically acknowledge the license (use with
                         either -opensource or -commercial)

    -no-c++11 .......... Do not compile Qt with C++11 support enabled.
 +  -c++11 ............. Compile Qt with C++11 support enabled.

 *  -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt libraries.
    -static ............ Create and use static Qt libraries.

    -no-largefile ...... Disables large file support.
 +  -largefile ......... Enables Qt to access files larger than 4 GB.

    -no-accessibility .. Do not compile Accessibility support.
                         Disabling accessibility is not recommended, as it will break QStyle
                         and may break other internal parts of Qt.
                         With this switch you create a source incompatible version of Qt,
                         which is unsupported.
 +  -accessibility ..... Compile Accessibility support.

    -no-sql- ... Disable SQL entirely.
    -qt-sql- ... Enable a SQL in the Qt SQL module, by default
                         none are turned on.
    -plugin-sql- Enable SQL as a plugin to be linked to
                         at run time.

                         Possible values for :
                         [ db2 ibase mysql oci odbc psql sqlite sqlite2 tds ]

    -system-sqlite ..... Use sqlite from the operating system.

    -no-qml-debug ...... Do not build the in-process QML debugging support.
 +  -qml-debug ......... Build the QML debugging support.

    -platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
                         on (default detected from host system).

                         See the README file for a list of supported
                         operating systems and compilers.

    -no-sse2 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions.
    -no-sse3 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE3 instructions.
    -no-ssse3 .......... Do not compile with use of SSSE3 instructions.
    -no-sse4.1 ......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.1 instructions.
    -no-sse4.2 ......... Do not compile with use of SSE4.2 instructions.
    -no-avx ............ Do not compile with use of AVX instructions.
    -no-avx2 ........... Do not compile with use of AVX2 instructions.
    -no-mips_dsp ....... Do not compile with use of MIPS DSP instructions.
    -no-mips_dspr2 ..... Do not compile with use of MIPS DSP rev2 instructions.

    -qtnamespace  Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace {...}'.
    -qtlibinfix  Renames all libQt*.so to libQt*.so.

    -testcocoon ........ Instrument Qt with the TestCocoon code coverage tool.
    -gcov .............. Instrument Qt with the GCov code coverage tool.

    -D ........ Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
    -I ........ Add an explicit include path.
    -L ........ Add an explicit library path.

 +  -pkg-config ........ Use pkg-config to detect include and library paths. By default,
                         configure determines whether to use pkg-config or not with
                         some heuristics such as checking the environment variables.
    -no-pkg-config ..... Disable use of pkg-config.
    -force-pkg-config .. Force usage of pkg-config (skips pkg-config usability
                         detection heuristic).

    -help, -h .......... Display this information.

Third Party Libraries:

    -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.
                         See http://www.gzip.org/zlib

    -no-mtdev .........  Do not compile mtdev support.
 +  -mtdev ............. Enable mtdev support.

 +  -no-journald ....... Do not send logging output to journald.
    -journald .......... Send logging output to journald.

    -no-gif ............ Do not compile GIF reading support.

    -no-libpng ......... Do not compile PNG support.
    -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.
                         See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png

    -no-libjpeg ........ Do not compile JPEG support.
    -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-libjpeg .... Use libjpeg from the operating system.
                         See http://www.ijg.org

    -no-freetype ....... Do not compile in Freetype2 support.
    -qt-freetype ....... Use the libfreetype bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-freetype.... Use the libfreetype provided by the system (enabled if -fontconfig is active).
                         See http://www.freetype.org

    -no-harfbuzz ....... Do not compile HarfBuzz-NG support.
 *  -qt-harfbuzz ....... Use HarfBuzz-NG bundled with Qt to do text shaping.
                         It can still be disabled by setting
                         the QT_HARFBUZZ environment variable to "old".
    -system-harfbuzz ... Use HarfBuzz-NG from the operating system
                         to do text shaping. It can still be disabled
                         by setting the QT_HARFBUZZ environment variable to "old".
                         See http://www.harfbuzz.org

    -no-openssl ........ Do not compile support for OpenSSL.
 +  -openssl ........... Enable run-time OpenSSL support.
    -openssl-linked .... Enabled linked OpenSSL support.

    -qt-pcre ........... Use the PCRE library bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-pcre ....... Use the PCRE library from the operating system.

    -qt-xcb ............ Use xcb- libraries bundled with Qt.
                         (libxcb.so will still be used from operating system).
 +  -system-xcb ........ Use xcb- libraries from the operating system.

    -xkb-config-root ... Set default XKB config root. This option is used only together with -qt-xkbcommon.
    -qt-xkbcommon ...... Use the xkbcommon library bundled with Qt.
 +  -system-xkbcommon .. Use the xkbcommon library from the operating system.

    -no-xinput2 ........ Do not compile XInput2 support.
 *  -xinput2 ........... Compile XInput2 support.

    -no-xcb-xlib........ Do not compile Xcb-Xlib support.
 *  -xcb-xlib........... Compile Xcb-Xlib support.

    -no-glib ........... Do not compile Glib support.
 +  -glib .............. Compile Glib support.

    -no-pulseaudio ..... Do not compile PulseAudio support.
 +  -pulseaudio ........ Compile PulseAudio support.

    -no-alsa ........... Do not compile ALSA support.
 +  -alsa .............. Compile ALSA support.

    -no-gtkstyle ....... Do not compile GTK theme support.
 +  -gtkstyle .......... Compile GTK theme support.

Additional options:

    -make ....... Add part to the list of parts to be built at make time.
                         (defaults to: libs tools examples)
    -nomake ..... Exclude part from the list of parts to be built.

    -skip ..... Exclude an entire module from the build.

    -no-compile-examples ... Install only the sources of examples.

    -no-gui ............ Don't build the Qt GUI module and dependencies.
 +  -gui ............... Build the Qt GUI module and dependencies.

    -no-widgets ........ Don't build the Qt Widgets module and dependencies.
 +  -widgets ........... Build the Qt Widgets module and dependencies.

    -R ........ Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qt
    -l ........ Add an explicit library.

    -no-rpath .......... Do not use the library install path as a runtime
                         library path.
 +  -rpath ............. Link Qt libraries and executables using the library
                         install path as a runtime library path. Equivalent
                         to -R install_libpath

    -continue .......... Continue as far as possible if an error occurs.

    -verbose, -v ....... Print verbose information about each step of the
                         configure process.

    -silent ............ Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors
                         can be seen more easily.

 *  -no-optimized-qmake ... Do not build qmake optimized.
    -optimized-qmake ...... Build qmake optimized.

    -no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support.
 *  -nis ............... Compile NIS support.

    -no-cups ........... Do not compile CUPS support.
 *  -cups .............. Compile CUPS support.
                         Requires cups/cups.h and libcups.so.2.

    -no-iconv .......... Do not compile support for iconv(3).
 *  -iconv ............. Compile support for iconv(3).

    -no-evdev .......... Do not compile support for evdev.
 *  -evdev ............. Compile support for evdev.

    -no-icu ............ Do not compile support for ICU libraries.
 +  -icu ............... Compile support for ICU libraries.

    -no-fontconfig ..... Do not compile FontConfig support.
 +  -fontconfig ........ Compile FontConfig support.

    -no-strip .......... Do not strip binaries and libraries of unneeded symbols.
 *  -strip ............. Strip binaries and libraries of unneeded symbols when installing.

 *  -no-pch ............ Do not use precompiled header support.
    -pch ............... Use precompiled header support.

    -no-dbus ........... Do not compile the Qt D-Bus module.
 +  -dbus .............. Compile the Qt D-Bus module and dynamically load libdbus-1.
    -dbus-linked ....... Compile the Qt D-Bus module and link to libdbus-1.

    -reduce-relocations ..... Reduce relocations in the libraries through extra
                              linker optimizations (Qt/X11 and Qt for Embedded Linux only;
                              experimental; needs GNU ld >= 2.18).

    -no-use-gold-linker ..... Do not link using the GNU gold linker.
 +  -use-gold-linker ........ Link using the GNU gold linker if available.

    -force-asserts ........ Force Q_ASSERT to be enabled even in release builds.

    -device ............... Cross-compile for device (experimental)
    -device-option ... Add device specific options for the device mkspec

 *  -no-separate-debug-info . Do not store debug information in a separate file.
    -separate-debug-info .... Strip debug information into a separate file.

    -no-xcb ............ Do not compile Xcb (X protocol C-language Binding) support.
 *  -xcb ............... Compile Xcb support.

    -no-eglfs .......... Do not compile EGLFS (EGL Full Screen/Single Surface) support.
 *  -eglfs ............. Compile EGLFS support.

    -no-directfb ....... Do not compile DirectFB support.
 *  -directfb .......... Compile DirectFB support.

    -no-linuxfb ........ Do not compile Linux Framebuffer support.
 *  -linuxfb ........... Compile Linux Framebuffer support.

    -no-kms ............ Do not compile KMS support.
 *  -kms ............... Compile KMS support (Requires EGL).

    -qpa ......... Sets the default QPA platform (e.g xcb, cocoa, windows).

    -xplatform target ... The target platform when cross-compiling.


...... Sets as the target compiler's and qmake's sysroot and also sets pkg-config paths.
    -no-gcc-sysroot ..... When using -sysroot, it disables the passing of --sysroot to the compiler

    -no-feature- Do not compile in .
    -feature- .. Compile in . The available features
                          are described in src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt

    -qconfig local ...... Use src/corelib/global/qconfig-local.h rather than the
                          default (full).

    -qreal [double|float] typedef qreal to the specified type. The default is double.
                          Note that changing this flag affects binary compatibility.

    -no-opengl .......... Do not support OpenGL.
    -opengl ....... Enable OpenGL support
                          With no parameter, this will attempt to auto-detect
                          OpenGL ES 2.0 and higher, or regular desktop OpenGL.
                          Use es2 for to override auto-detection.

 *  -no-system-proxies .. Do not use system network proxies by default.
    -system-proxies ..... Use system network proxies by default.

    -no-warnings-are-errors Make warnings be treated normally
    -warnings-are-errors  Make warnings be treated as errors
                          (enabled if -developer-build is active)

QNX/Blackberry options:

    -no-slog2 .......... Do not compile with slog2 support.
    -slog2 ............. Compile with slog2 support.

    -no-pps ............ Do not compile with pps support.
    -pps ............... Compile with pps support.

    -no-imf ............ Do not compile with imf support.
    -imf ............... Compile with imf support.

    -no-lgmon .......... Do not compile with lgmon support.
    -lgmon ............. Compile with lgmon support.

MacOS/iOS options:

    -Fstring ........... Add an explicit framework path.
    -fw string ......... Add an explicit framework.

 *  -framework ......... Build Qt as a series of frameworks and
                         link tools against those frameworks.
    -no-framework ...... Do not build Qt as a series of frameworks.

    -sdk ......... Build Qt using Apple provided SDK . The argument should be
                         one of the available SDKs as listed by 'xcodebuild -showsdks'.
                         Note that the argument applies only to Qt libraries and applications built
                         using the target mkspec - not host tools such as qmake, moc, rcc, etc.

Android options:

    -android-sdk path .............. The Android SDK root path.
                                     (default $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)

    -android-ndk path .............. The Android NDK root path.
                                     (default $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)

    -android-ndk-platform .......... Sets the android platform
                                     (default android-9)

    -android-ndk-host .............. Sets the android NDK host (linux-x86, linux-x86_64, etc.)
                                     (default $ANDROID_NDK_HOST)

    -android-arch .................. Sets the android architecture (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86, mips)
                                     (default armeabi-v7a)

    -android-toolchain-version ..... Sets the android toolchain version
                                     (default 4.8)

    -no-android-style-assets ....... Do not compile in the code which automatically extracts
                                     style assets from the run-time device. Setting this will
                                     make the Android style behave incorrectly, but will enable
                                     compatibility with the LGPL2.1 license.
 *  -android-style-assets .......... Compile the code which automatically extracts style assets
                                     from the run-time device. This option will make the
                                     Android platform plugin incompatible with the LGPL2.1.

