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A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing.


【单词】noun 名词 [noun][naʊn] n. 名词

Examples: Lincoln, William, Elizabeth, sister, engineer, Chicago, island, shelf, star, window, happiness, anger, sidewalk, courage, loss, song.


【单词】sister 形容词 ['sis-ter]['sɪstə] n. 姐妹

【单词】engineer 名词 [en-juh-'neer][ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] n. 工程师;机(械)师 vt. 设计;建造;策划

【单词】island 名词 ['ahy-luh nd]['aɪlənd] n. 岛;岛屿;岛状物

【单词】shelf 名词 [shelf][ʃelf] n. 架子;搁板;搁板状物 n. 搁置;闲置

【单词】star 名词 [stahr][stɑː] n. 星;明星 v. 以星状物装饰;变成演员

【单词】window 名词 ['win-doh]['wɪndəʊ] n. 窗户;橱窗;视窗

【单词】happiness 名词 ['hap-ee-nis]['hæpinəs] n. 幸福;快乐;适当

【单词】anger 名词 ['ang-ger]['æŋɡə] n. 愤怒;怒火 vt. 激怒 vi. 发火

【单词】sidewalk 名词 ['sahyd-wawk]['saɪdwɔːk] n. 人行道 =pavement(英).

【单词】courage 名词 ['kur-ij, 'kuhr-]['kʌrɪdʒ] n. 勇气;胆量

【单词】song 名词 [sawng, song][sɒŋ] n. 歌曲;歌唱;(鸟等)鸣声

【专有名词】Lincoln 组织机构/人名/人物 n. 林肯(姓氏;男子名)

【专有名词】William 人名/人物 William

【专有名词】Elizabeth 人名/人物 [ih-'liz-uh-buh th][ɪ'lɪzəbəθ] n.伊莉莎白

【专有名词】Chicago 地名 [shi-'kah-goh, -'kaw-][ʃɪ'kɑːgəʊ, -'kɔː-] n. 芝加哥 Chicagoan

A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.


【短语】instead of 代替(……的是);而不是…;例句:Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。Oops! I put in sugar instead of salt. 啊!我错把糖当盐放了。

【单词】pronoun 名词 ['proh-noun]['prəʊnaʊn] n. 代词

It designates a person, place, or thing without naming it.


【单词】designates 原型:designate 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) ['dez-ig-neyt]['dezɪɡneɪt] vt. 指定;标明;把...定名为;选派 adj. 指定的

In "I am ready," the pronoun I is a convenient substitute for the speaker's name.


【单词】ready 形容词 ['red-ee]['redi] adj. 准备好的;现成的;乐意的;情愿的

【单词】convenient 形容词 [kuhn-'veen-yuhnt][kən'viːnjənt] adj. 便利的;方便的

【单词】substitute 名词 ['suhb-sti-toot, -tyoot]['sʌbstɪtjuːt] n. 代用品;代替者;替补队员 vt. 代替;用 ... 代替;代以

【单词】speaker 名词 ['spee-ker]['spiːkə] n. 说话者;发言者;说某种语言者;扬声器

In "You have forgotten your umbrella," the pronouns you and your designate the person to whom one is speaking.


【单词】forgotten 原型:forget 动词过去分词 [fer-'get][fə'ɡet] v. 忘记;忽略 forgetter forgot forgotten /

【单词】umbrella 名词 [uhm-'brel-uh][ʌm'brelə] n. 伞;雨伞;庇护

Other pronouns are: he, his, him; she, hers, her; it, its; this, that; who, whose, whom, which; myself, yourself, himself, themselves.


【单词】hers 形容词 [hurz][hɜːz] pron. 她的(she的物主代词)

Since pronouns stand for nouns, they enable us to talk about a person, place, or thing without constantly repeating the name.


【单词】nouns 原型:noun 名词复数形式 [noun][naʊn] n. 名词

【单词】enable 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [en-'ey-buhl][ɪ'neɪbl] vt. 使能够;使可能

【单词】constantly 副词 ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstəntli] adv. 不断地;经常地

【单词】repeating 原型:repeat 动词现在进行式或动名词 [ri-'peet][rɪ'piːt] n. 重复;反复 v. 重复;复述 adj. 重复的;反复的

Nouns and pronouns are called substantives.


Nouns and pronouns are very similar in their use.


The difference between them is merely that the noun designates a person, place, or thing by naming it, and that the pronoun designates, but does not name.


【单词】merely 副词 ['meer-lee]['mɪəli] adv. 仅仅;只不过

Hence it is convenient to have a general term (substantive) to include both these parts of speech.


【单词】Hence 原型:hence 副词 [hens][hens] adv. 因此;从此以后

【单词】substantive 形容词 ['suhb-stuh n-tiv][səb'stæntɪv] adj. 独立的;真实的;持久的;本质的;名词性的;大量的;规定义务与责任的;实质的 n. 作名词用的词或词组

【单词】speech 名词 [speech][spiːtʃ] n. 演说;演讲;言语;语言能力

The substantive to which a pronoun refers is called its antecedent.


【单词】refers 原型:refer 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数) [ri-'fur][rɪ'fɜː] vt. 把 ... 提交;把 ... 归因;归类 vi. 参考;谈及;咨询

【单词】antecedent 名词 [an-tuh-'seed-nt][ˌæntɪ'siːdnt] n. 前情;先行词;祖先 adj. 在 ... 之前的;居先的

Frank introduced the boys to his father.


【单词】introduced 原型:introduce 动词过去式 [in-truh-'doos, -'dyoos][ˌɪntrə'djuːs] vt. 介绍;引进;采用;提出;提倡;放入

【专有名词】Frank [frangk][fræŋk] 弗兰克(人名)

[Frank is the antecedent of the pronoun his.]


Eleanor is visiting her aunt.


【单词】aunt 名词 [ant, ahnt][ɑːnt] n. 伯母;姑;婶;姨

【专有名词】Eleanor n. 埃莉诺(女子名)

The book has lost its cover.


【单词】lost 原型:lose 动词过去分词 [looz][luːz] vt. 丢失;失败;削减;丧生;看不到;亏损;迷失 vi. 失败;经受损失;走慢

The trappers sat round their camp fire.


【单词】trappers 名词复数形式 ['trap-er][t'ræpəz] n. 捕猎者;陷波器名词trapper的复数形式.

【单词】sat 原型:sit 动词过去式 [sit][sɪt] v. 坐;栖息;使就座 n. 坐;栖息

【单词】camp 名词 [kamp][kæmp] n. 野营;帐篷;营地 v. 宿营;露营;扎营

Washington and Franklin served their country in different ways.


【单词】served 原型:serve 动词过去式 [surv][sɜːv] v. 服务;侍候;担任;可作 ... 用;度过;对待 n. 发球

【专有名词】Washington 地名 ['wosh-ing-tuh n, 'waw-shing-]['wɒʃɪŋtən] n. 华盛顿(美国首都) Washingtonian

【专有名词】Franklin ['frangk-lin]['fræŋklɪn] n. 人名

[Their has two antecedents, connected by and.]


【单词】connected 原型:connect 过去分词做形容词 [kuh-'nekt][kə'nekt] v. 连接;接通;联系
