
1. 二进制安装(推荐:简单、快速)


  1. 到 Hugo Releases 下载对应的操作系统版本的Hugo二进制文件(hugo或者hugo.exe)
  2. 创建新文件夹: C:\Hugo, 在Hugo文件夹下面创建子文件夹: C:\Hugo\bin
  3. 把第一步下载的hugo.exe 放入C:\Hugo\bin
  4. 设置环境变量Path,在cmd或powershell 输入set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Hugo\bin

Create a new folder: C:\Hugo, assuming you want Hugo on your C drive, although this can go anywhere
Create a subfolder in the Hugo folder: C:\Hugo\bin

Mac下直接使用 Homebrew 安装:

brew install hugo

hugo version

Step 2: Create a New Site

hugo new site quickstart
the above will create a new Hugo site in a folder named quickstart.

Step 3: Add a Theme

See for a list of themes to consider. This quickstart uses the beautiful Ananke theme.

cd quickstart;\git init;\git submodule add themes/ananke;\
\# Edit your config.toml configuration file\# and add the Ananke theme.echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml

Step 4: Add Some Content

hugo new posts/

Step 5: Now, start the Hugo server with drafts enabled:

hugo server -D

Mac 下报错theme XXX _default/baseof.html don't have funcition default
可能是hugo版本不对,可以brew uninstall hugo 然后重新安装。
