作者主页:青花锁 简介:Java领域优质创作者、Java微服务架构公号作者
[Java项目实战] 介绍Java组件安装、使用;手写框架等
[Aws服务器实战] Aws Linux服务器上操作nginx、git、JDK、Vue等
[Java微服务实战] Java 微服务实战,Spring Cloud Netflix套件、Spring Cloud Alibaba套件、Seata、gateway、shadingjdbc等实战操作
[Java基础篇] Java基础闲聊,已出HashMap、String、StringBuffer等源码分析,JVM分析,持续更新中
[Springboot篇] 从创建Springboot项目,到加载数据库、静态资源、输出RestFul接口、跨越问题解决到统一返回、全局异常处理、Swagger文档
[Spring MVC篇] 从创建Spring MVC项目,到加载数据库、静态资源、输出RestFul接口、跨越问题解决到统一返回
[华为云服务器实战] 华为云Linux服务器上操作nginx、git、JDK、Vue等,以及使用宝塔运维操作添加Html网页、部署Springboot项目/Vue项目等
[Java爬虫] 通过Java+Selenium+GoogleWebDriver 模拟真人网页操作爬取花瓣网图片、bing搜索图片等
[Vue实战] 讲解Vue3的安装、环境配置,基本语法、循环语句、生命周期、路由设置、组件、axios交互、Element-ui的使用等
[Spring] 讲解Spring(Bean)概念、IOC、AOP、集成jdbcTemplate/redis/事务等
但随着时间发展,Google、Oracle、Spring、Netty 等机构和优秀框架,给我们带来了一些行业规范。当然,不存在绝对的正确和错误,关键在于规范的定义。
今天就给大家介绍下google style guide,Checkstyle就是以这种风格开发出的一个自动化插件,来辅助判断代码格式是否满足规范。
在gralde中用法比较简单。示例项目: https://github.com/Ryan-Miao/springboot-security-demo/blob/master/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml
* The Checkstyle Plugin
* Gradle plugin that performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using Checkstyle
* and generates reports from these checks.
* Tasks:
* Run Checkstyle against {rootDir}/src/main/java: ./gradlew checkstyleMain
* Run Checkstyle against {rootDir}/src/test/java: ./gradlew checkstyleTest
* Reports:
* Checkstyle reports can be found in {project.buildDir}/build/reports/checkstyle
* Configuration:
* Checkstyle is very configurable. The configuration file is located at {rootDir}/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml
* Additional Documentation:
* https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/checkstyle_plugin.html
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
checkstyle {
// The version of the code quality tool to be used.
// The most recent version of Checkstyle can be found at https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/releases
toolVersion = "8.8"
// The source sets to be analyzed as part of the check and build tasks.
// Use 'sourceSets = []' to remove Checkstyle from the check and build tasks.
// sourceSets = [project.sourceSets.main, project.sourceSets.test]
// Whether or not to allow the build to continue if there are warnings.
ignoreFailures = false
// Whether or not rule violations are to be displayed on the console.
showViolations = true
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
去maven中找到对应版本的checkstyle, 然后下载jar,解压,里面有google-checks.xml, 复制里面的内容即可。
./gradlew check
更多细节,参考gradle 官网.