
isn't leading America much as its pandemic worsens. But that's not stopping Walmart -- along with Kroger, Kohl's, and city and state leaders and officials -- from making the tough decisions that the President has shirked.


Given Trump's approach, if the country is to exit the building disaster without many more thousands dead, it will fall to governors, mayors, college presidents and school principals, teachers and grocery store managers to execute plans balancing public health with the need for life to go on.


There were growing indications Wednesday that such centers of authority across the country are no longer waiting for cues from an indifferent President whose aggressive opening strategy has been discredited by a tsunami of infections and whose poll numbers are crashing as a result.


shows Trump trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by 15 points, a deficit that might help explain the bizarre series of attacks the President leveled at his rival during Tuesday's news conference and the  on Wednesday led by his son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner.

显示特朗普落后推定的民主党候选人提名的候选人拜登15分,这一赤字可能有助于解释总统在周二的新闻发布会以及他的女son兼顾问贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)领导下对他的竞争对手进行的一系列怪异攻击。

More school districts -- in Houston and San Francisco, for example -- are defying the President's demand for all kids to go back to class in the fall.


Democratic Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly signed an executive order to delay opening schools until after Labor Day. Alabama, perhaps the most pro-Trump state in the nation, introduced mask-wearing requirements for public places on Wednesday. Montana issued its own recommendation on masks. Massive retail chains Walmart, Kohl's and Kroger will require shoppers to wear masks in the coming days, confirming an emerging national consensus that face coverings -- far from being an infringement of freedom -- could be a lifesaver.

民主党堪萨斯州州长劳拉·凯利(Laura Kelly)签署了一项行政命令,要求将开学时间推迟到劳动节之后。阿拉巴马州可能是美国最亲特朗普的州,它于周三对公共场所引入了戴口罩的要求。蒙大拿州发表了自己的口罩建议。大规模的零售连锁店沃尔玛,科尔和克罗格将要求购物者在未来几天内戴口罩,这证实了一种正在形成的全国共识,即面部覆盖物(远非侵犯自由)可能是救命的。

One of the NFL's most storied franchises, the Green Bay Packers, will play the preseason without fans. Even Trump's frequent protector,  with the President's magical thinking as he stumped through his increasingly afflicted home state of Kentucky. McConnell said that while "there were some that hoped" the coronavirus will go away, it isn't.


After five months, more than 137,000 US deaths and some 3.5 million infections, the country is at another turning point in the most severe national challenge since World War II. More and more states and local leaders, after seeing the result of premature openings that ignored scientific advice, appear to be moving toward the painful steps needed to get the virus under control.


Those jurisdictions that did succeed in getting the pandemic under control -- such as metropolitan areas around Washington, DC -- are now beginning to face yet another test: enforcing social distancing and mask wearing as cases tick up after slow openings.


The White House response to all this is to deny that it's happening, to politicize grave choices about vital questions of how and when to reopen schools, and to create complete distractions, like Trump's meandering mess of a news conference on Tuesday.


And it starts at the top. The President, who has always been in denial about the pandemic, has laid out no plan for school openings, has failed to set up the national testing and tracing network that could keep the virus under control and is  to discredit the government's top infectious disease official, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

它从顶部开始。一直否认这种大流行的总统没有制定开学计划,没有建立可以控制病毒的国家测试和追踪网络,并抹黑了政府的最高传染病官员Anthony Fauci博士。

After he was eviscerated in a  -- a trade adviser who has no medical expertise, Fauci told The Atlantic, "I cannot figure out in my wildest dreams why they would want to do that. I think they realize now that that was not a prudent thing to do, because it's only reflecting negatively on them."


Fauci also appeared at a White House coronavirus task force meeting Wednesday, pictures of which were tweeted by Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to smooth over the flap.

福奇还出现在周三的白宫冠状病毒特别工作组会议上,副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)在推特上发布了这张照片,以期使襟翼平整。

But the President left the White House before the meeting started and headed for Atlanta, flouting mask-wearing protocols on the airport tarmac and holding an event on a topic that had nothing to do with the crisis: transportation infrastructure. It wouldn't be unusual for a President to visit Atlanta during a national medical emergency, given that the city hosts the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but Trump gave the agency a wide berth.


Meanwhile, Trump joined his daughter Ivanka in yet another diversionary controversy, , a major Hispanic-owned business facing a consumer backlash after its CEO appeared at the White House last week and lavished praise on the President. Their marketing pitch, which saw Trump pose behind a range of Goya products at the revered Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, probably broke executive branch ethics rules.

同时,特朗普与他的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka)发生了另一场引起争议的争议,这是一家大型西班牙裔企业,在其首席执行官上周出现在白宫之后,受到了消费者的强烈反对,并对总统大加赞赏。他们的市场推广活动使特朗普在椭圆形办公室备受尊敬的Resolute Desk背后摆出了一系列Goya产品,可能违反了行政部门的道德规范。

But more than anything, it came across as crass and inappropriate a day after 900 more Americans died from Covid and as Wednesday's inexorable toll mounted.


Trump's decision to ignore the deepening calamity is doing him no good politically -- raising what seems to be a point obvious to everyone but the President that his prospects for November's election are unlikely to improve when the Covid-19 emergency becomes more dire by the day.


showed only 36% of registered voters approving of how Trump is handling his job. A  had Biden up 11 points and the President's approval rating down at 37%.

仅显示36%的注册选民批准特朗普如何处理他的工作。 A使拜登(Biden)上涨11点,而总统的支持率降至37%。

There is no secret as to what works. Stay-at-home and shutdown orders, combined with social distancing and increasing use of masks, have been shown to peg back the virus in US states such as New York and foreign nations such as Italy, France and South Korea. Other governments, in Hong Kong and Australia, for instance, have taken strenuous steps to tackle new hot spots when they emerge, unlike the US President, who is still pushing for new openings as the disaster worsens.


If the current situation -- an average of 60,000 new infections a day, a rising death toll and increased hospitalizations across the country -- is not daunting enough, things could soon get much worse. Talk of a second spike in the virus in the fall has given way to a realization that America is still in a first wave likely to crash into a resurgence of the virus and flu season when people go back inside as the weather cools.


Fauci said on Wednesday that America opened and he saw "pictures and photos and films of people at bars with no masks, congregating in crowds," and "the inevitable happened."


"Now we're hanging around 60,000. That's untenable. We've got to turn that around, and that's really the issue we've got to address right now," he told The Atlantic.


A closely watched model also warned Wednesday that a total of 224,000 Americans could be dead from the virus by November 1.


Dr. Chris Murray, of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, said a rise of 14,000 from last week's projection could be put down to fast-rising cases countrywide.

华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所的克里斯·穆雷(Chris Murray)博士说,较上周的预测增加了14,000,这可以归因于全国范围内快速上升的病例。

"That increase in our forecasts is being driven by the big upsurge in, you know, the ones we know about in Florida, Texas, Arizona, California," Murray told CNN's Don Lemon. "There's a longer list of states where deaths are going up, as well as hospitalizations. So that includes Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah."

默里告诉美国有线电视新闻网的唐·柠檬说:“我们的预测增长是由我们所知道的佛罗里达州,德克萨斯州,亚利桑那州,加利福尼亚州的急剧增长推动的。” “有越来越多的州死亡和住院人数上升。因此包括路易斯安那州,肯塔基州,密西西比州,内华达州,新墨西哥州,南卡罗来纳州,田纳西州和犹他州。”

