

  1. gs_checkperf

    openGauss 不仅提供了gs_checkperf工具来帮助用户了解openGauss的负载情况。

    • 使用数据库安装用户登录服务器,执行如下命令进行查看数据库性能:
      [omm@opengauss03 ~]$ gs_checkperf  -i PMK
      Cluster statistics information:
          Host CPU busy time ratio                     :    1.70       %  
          MPPDB CPU time % in busy time                :    91.66      %
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    99.80      %
          In-memory sort ratio                         :    0
          Physical Reads                               :    431
          Physical Writes                              :    455
          DB size                                      :    34         MB
          Total Physical writes                        :    455
          Active SQL count                             :    4
          Session count                                :    6
      [omm@opengauss03 ~]$ gs_checkperf -i PMK --detail
      Cluster statistics information:
      Host CPU usage rate:
          Host total CPU time                          :    33179390.000 Jiffies
          Host CPU busy time                           :    568840.000 Jiffies
          Host CPU iowait time                         :    18830.000  Jiffies
          Host CPU busy time ratio                     :    1.71       %
          Host CPU iowait time ratio                   :    .06        %
      MPPDB CPU usage rate:
          MPPDB CPU time % in busy time                :    89.78      %
          MPPDB CPU time % in total time               :    1.54       %
      Shared buffer hit rate:
          Shared Buffer Reads                          :    451
          Shared Buffer Hits                           :    178772
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    99.75      %
      In memory sort rate:
          In-memory sort count                         :    0
          In-disk sort count                           :    0
          In-memory sort ratio                         :    0
      I/O usage:
          Number of files                              :    97
          Physical Reads                               :    421
          Physical Writes                              :    320
          Read Time                                    :    6167       ms
          Write Time                                   :    3547       ms
      Disk usage:
          DB size                                      :    34         MB
          Total Physical writes                        :    320
          Average Physical write                       :    90217.08
          Maximum Physical write                       :    320
      Activity statistics:
          Active SQL count                             :    4
          Session count                                :    6
      Node statistics information:
          MPPDB CPU Time                               :    510710     Jiffies
          Host CPU Busy Time                           :    568840     Jiffies
          Host CPU Total Time                          :    33179390   Jiffies
          MPPDB CPU Time % in Busy Time                :    89.78      %
          MPPDB CPU Time % in Total Time               :    1.54       %
          Physical memory                              :    2606247936 Bytes
          DB Memory usage                              :    4896587776 Bytes
          Shared buffer size                           :    268435456  Bytes
          Shared buffer hit ratio                      :    99.75      %
          Sorts in memory                              :    0
          Sorts in disk                                :    0
          In-memory sort ratio                         :    0
          Number of files                              :    97
          Physical Reads                               :    421
          Physical Writes                              :    320
          Read Time                                    :    6167
          Write Time                                   :    3547
      Session statistics information(Top 10):
      Session CPU statistics:
      1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Session CPU time                             :    3
          Database CPU time                            :    510760
          Session CPU time %                           :    0.00       %
      2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Session CPU time                             :    0
          Database CPU time                            :    510760
          Session CPU time %                           :    0.00       %
      3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Session CPU time                             :    0
          Database CPU time                            :    510760
          Session CPU time %                           :    0.00       %
      4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Session CPU time                             :    0
          Database CPU time                            :    510760
          Session CPU time %                           :    0.00       %
      Session Memory statistics:
      1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Buffer Reads                                 :    1607
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    93.05
          In Memory sorts                              :    0
          In Disk sorts                                :    0
          In Memory sorts ratio                        :    0
          Total Memory Size                            :    6566592
          Used Memory Size                             :    5338376
      2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Buffer Reads                                 :    283
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    100.00
          In Memory sorts                              :    0
          In Disk sorts                                :    0
          In Memory sorts ratio                        :    0
          Total Memory Size                            :    6542016
          Used Memory Size                             :    5281600
      3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Buffer Reads                                 :    39
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    100.00
          In Memory sorts                              :    0
          In Disk sorts                                :    0
          In Memory sorts ratio                        :    0
          Total Memory Size                            :    5518016
          Used Memory Size                             :    5055232
      4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Buffer Reads                                 :    1023
          Shared Buffer Hit ratio                      :    100.00
          In Memory sorts                              :    1
          In Disk sorts                                :    0
          In Memory sorts ratio                        :    100.00
          Total Memory Size                            :    11617840
          Used Memory Size                             :    9327632
      Session IO statistics:
      1 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Physical Reads                               :    120
          Read Time                                    :    2383
      2 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Physical Reads                               :    0
          Read Time                                    :    0
      3 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Physical Reads                               :    0
          Read Time                                    :    0
      4 dn_6001-postgres-omm:
          Physical Reads                               :    0
          Read Time                                    :    0
  2. gs_collector

    当openGauss发生故障时,使用 gs_collector 此工具收集OS信息、日志信息以及配置文件等信息,来定位问题。

    • 设置收集配置文件,新建collector.json文件,添加如下内容:

          "Collect": [
                  "Content": "RunTimeInfo,HardWareInfo",
                  "Count": "1",
                  "Interval": "0",
                  "TypeName": "System"
                  "Content": "Coordinator,DataNode,Gtm,ClusterManager",
                  "Count": "1",
                  "Interval": "0",
                  "TypeName": "Log"
                  "Content": "pg_locks,pg_stat_activity,pg_thread_wait_status",
                  "Count": "1",
                  "Interval": "0",
                  "TypeName": "Database"
                  "Content": "Coordinator,DataNode,Gtm",
                  "Count": "1",
                  "Interval": "0",
                  "TypeName": "Config"
    • 执行如下命令进行信息收集:

      gs_collector --begin-time="20240103 07:00" --end-time="20240103 22:30" -C /home/omm/collector.json


      Successfully parsed the configuration file.
      create Dir.
      Successfully create dir.
      do system check interval 0 : count 1
      Collecting OS information.
      The cmd is source /home/omm/.bashrc; python3 ‘/opt/install/om/script/local/LocalCollect.py’ -t system_check -U omm -l /opt/install/log/omm/omm/om/gs_local.log -C ‘{#Content#: #ps,ioStat,netFlow,spaceUsage,cpuInfo,memInfo,disk,#, #Count#: #1#, #Interval#: #0#, #TypeName#: #System#}’
      Failed to collect OS information.
      do database check interval 0 : count 1
      Collecting catalog statistics.
      Successfully collected catalog statistics.
      do log check interval 0 : count 1
      Collecting Log files.
      Successfully collected Log files.
      do Config check 0:1
      Collecting Config files.
      Successfully collected Config files.
      Collecting files.
      Successfully collected files.
      All results are stored in /opt/install/tmp/collector_20240103_214254.tar.gz.


      [omm@opengauss03 ~]$ tar -zvxf /opt/install/tmp/collector_20240103_214254.tar.gz -C ./
      [omm@opengauss03 ~]$ ll
      total 8.0K
      drwx------. 2 omm dbgrp 4.0K Jan 3 21:43 collector_20240103_214254
      -rw-------. 1 omm dbgrp 703 Jan 3 21:41 collector.json
      [omm@opengauss03 ~]$ cd collector_20240103_214254/
      [omm@opengauss03 collector_20240103_214254]$ ll
      total 84K
      -rw-------. 1 omm dbgrp 2.3K Jan 3 21:43 Detail.log
      -rw-------. 1 omm dbgrp 76K Jan 3 21:43 opengauss03.tar.gz
      -rw-------. 1 omm dbgrp 1.1K Jan 3 21:43 Summary.log
      [omm@opengauss03 collector_20240103_214254]$ cat Summary.log

  3. gs_check


    • 示例如下:检查CPU\MTP\PING
      gs_check -i CheckCPU,CheckMTU,CheckPing
