Weekly note

Chapter11: Why was Su Tungpo so enchanted by Hangchow ?

Chapter12:How did Su Tungpo voice his disgruntled heart towards the political events through writing protest poems and satiric verses?

Chapter13:Why the Yellow Tower was so meaningful to Su Tungpo? 

Chapter14: How did Su Tungpo’s poems get him arrested and into the jail?

Chapter15:What was the farmer and poet - Su Tungpo’s life like in eastern slope during his confinement at Huangchow?

Chapter 16:How Huangchow affected Su Tungpo’s poems?

这一周的内容相对来说比较有兴趣,欣赏了林语堂先生笔下的杭州西湖风景,风土人情,禁不住有想去看看一看的冲动;I like to compare the west lake to ‘Miss West’, pretty in a gay dress, and pretty in simple again.“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”,其实很喜欢这句诗,可是看了翻译之后顿时觉得毫无美感而言,突然就觉得中国诗歌的美真的无与伦比,即使翻译的再好也会失去他本真的美,就如我不能理解翻译成汉语的欧美诗歌一样,怪不得说多一门语言,多一个世界呢。苏东坡到哪里哪里就是诗和远方啊,在黄州那么清苦的日子里也把自己的地方收拾的诗情画意,就Snow Hall这个名字就会引起人的无限遐想,就连期待已久的东坡肉也出现了,哈哈,读到他田边休憩,醉酒翻墙,泛舟赤壁的画面,不仅会想要是苏东坡生活在现代,这样一个明明可以靠脸吃饭,却偏偏又才气冲天,潇洒不羁,一生正气的人,不知道会有多少人为他狂打Call呢。

Words and expressions:

1.On completing the poem, Su threw down his pen and said, ”I am really incorrigible.’

incorrigible:adj(disapproving or humorous) having bad habits which can’t be changed or improved

eg: He is a incorrigible lair.

2.How he cultivated that mental poise and

selfpossession we shall see in the next chapter.

self-possession: n, the trait of resolutely(果断的) controlling your own behavior

eg: He looked surprised but soon recovered his self-possession.

3.I have loitered round the mud flat for too long?

loiter: If you loiter somewhere, you remain there or walk up and down without any real purpose.

Eg: The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square.

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