To set the record straight, we talked to the people behind, and the graduates of our MA programs in photonics and optical computing. In this article you’ll learn about part-time work available for photonics students, graduates’ job-hunting prospects, and the academic career options that open up.
为了保持纪录,我们与后面的人以及光子学和光学计算专业的硕士课程的毕业生进行了交谈。 在本文中,您将了解可用于光子学学生的兼职工作,毕业生的求职前景以及开放的学术职业选择。
ITMO UniversityITMO大学We reached out to Anton Tsypkin, the head of the Femtosecond Optics and Femtotechnologies lab at the International Institute of Photonics and Optical Information Technology. He claims that MA students get their first taste of professional work right at the university: “Our students work at the labs they use for their thesis. This greatly benefits their research. Actual studying only takes up half of their time, so the rest of it can be spent on other scientific projects.”
我们与国际光子学和光信息技术研究所飞秒光学和飞技术技术实验室的负责人安东·齐普金(Anton Tsypkin)取得了联系。 他声称,硕士研究生是在大学里就首先体验到专业工作的:“我们的学生在他们用于论文的实验室工作。 这极大地有利于他们的研究。 实际学习只占用他们一半的时间,因此其余时间可以用于其他科学项目。”
Kseniya Volkova, a recent ITMO graduate, was an engineer at the university’s quantum computing lab during her time as a student: “We were developing a free-space quantum communication system for a government-funded remote data center management project. My work in particular had to do with the system’s multiplexing capabilities. This research ended up becoming the foundation of my university dissertation. It’s good to know that my findings were immediately put to use in a commercial project commissioned by SMARTS JSC.”
ITMO刚毕业的Kseniya Volkova在学生时期曾是该大学量子计算实验室的一名工程师:“我们正在为政府资助的远程数据中心管理项目开发自由空间量子通信系统。 我的工作尤其与系统的多路复用功能有关。 这项研究最终成为我大学论文的基础。 很高兴知道我的发现立即用于SMARTS JSC委托的商业项目中。”
Kseniya notes that outside work can be troublesome — the schedules might overlap. That is not the case when you’re employed by the university itself: “You can easily work while studying at ITMO, particularly if you get involved with an interesting research project. During my time at the university around 30% of all students worked “on the side”. The number of students employed by the university itself was significantly higher.”
Kseniya指出,外部工作可能很麻烦-时间表可能会重叠。 当您被大学本身雇用时,情况并非如此:“在ITMO学习期间,您可以轻松地工作,尤其是当您参与有趣的研究项目时。 在我上大学期间,大约30%的学生是“旁人”工作。 大学本身雇用的学生人数大大增加了。”
ITMO UniversityITMO大学Another graduate, Maksim Melnik, has had a similar experience. He got a master’s degree in 2015, and a Ph.D in 2019: “I got a job at the Femtosecond Optics and Femtotechnologies lab in 2011, as a third-year undergrad. At first, I only did research. After I started my Ph.D, I was assigned a bunch of administrative tasks.” Maksim highlights the benefits of this approach — it lets you get a lot of practice: “Almost all my classmates had research jobs during their time at the university.”
另一位毕业生Maksim Melnik也有类似的经历。 他于2015年获得硕士学位,并于2019年获得博士学位:“我于2011年在飞秒光学和微技术技术实验室获得了工作,是三年级的本科生。 起初,我只是做研究。 在开始攻读博士学位后,我被分配了一堆管理任务。” 马克西姆(Maksim)强调了这种方法的好处-它使您可以进行很多练习:“几乎我所有的同学在上大学期间都从事过研究工作。”
MA students’ work opportunities are not limited to those provided by the university itself. Businesses that welcome the help of current students and hunt recent graduates include the Krylov State Research Center, the pre-clinical and translational medicine dep. of the Almazov National Medical Research Center, and more.
硕士学生的工作机会不仅限于大学本身提供的工作机会。 欢迎当前学生的帮助并寻找应届毕业生的企业包括Krylov国家研究中心,临床前和转化医学部门。 阿尔玛佐夫国家医学研究中心等等。
— Maksim Melnik
— Maksim Melnik
Yuri Kapoiko chose a different career path. “He started out as an engineer at CRTS, where he’s currently the chief constructor of the Almanac aircraft surveillance system. The system is already in use at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo airport, and will be deployed to a number of other airports across the country,” — says Olga Smolyanskaya, the head of the Femtomedicine lab at the International University of Photonics and Optical IT.
Yuri Kapoiko选择了不同的职业道路。 “他最初是CRTS的工程师,目前是Almanac飞机监视系统的首席制造商。 该系统已经在圣彼得堡的普尔科沃机场使用,并将部署到全国各地的其他机场。”-国际光子学和光学IT大学Femtomedicine实验室负责人Olga Smolyanskaya说。
ITMO UniversityITMO大学University staff tends to support students’ — including non-seniors’ — desire to work. “Several of my students work as programmers, engineers or drafting technicians. They were all given research options that closely align with their professional activities. They range in age from freshmen to seniors,” — says Olga Smolyanskaya.
大学工作人员倾向于支持学生(包括非高年级学生)的工作愿望。 “我的几个学生是程序员,工程师或制图技术员。 他们都获得了与其专业活动紧密相关的研究选择。 他们的年龄范围从新生到高年级学生都可以。”-奥尔加·斯莫良斯卡亚(Olga Smolyanskaya)说。
Future employers highly value their hires’ ability to use specialised optical equipment and software. You’re expected to be able to measure objects’ optical properties, estimate the measuring systems’ resolutions, gather and analyse data. Machine learning skills are also a huge plus.
未来的雇主高度评价他们的员工使用专用光学设备和软件的能力。 您应该能够测量物体的光学特性,估计测量系统的分辨率,收集和分析数据。 机器学习技能也是一大优势。
— Kseniya Volkova
— Kseniya Volkova
Not all MA graduates want to transition to commercial work. Some want to continue doing research at their alma mater. This was Maksim Melnik’s choice. He got promoted to the position of deputy executive engineer, and is currently in charge of the department’s international collaborations:
并非所有硕士毕业生都希望过渡到商业工作。 有些人希望继续在母校进行研究。 这是Maksim Melnik的选择。 他被提升为副执行工程师,目前负责该部门的国际合作:
Research Summer Camp in Photonics”, as well as sit on the board of the “ 光子学研究夏令营 ”,并且是“ Basic Problems of Optics” conference. At the moment, I am responsible for the successful completion of 4 government-funded scientific projects.” 光学基本问题 ”会议的董事会成员。 目前,我负责成功完成4个政府资助的科学项目。”ITMO UniversityITMO大学— Maksim Melnik
— Maksim Melnik
A number of ITMO labs are interested in hiring students that want to build a career in science: “We work with folks who want to dedicate their lives to science. Smart young people are in demand all around the world — including Europe and in the USA. For example, this spring [2019] our collaborator from Shenzhen (China) was looking for postdoctorate researchers and offering a $3,500 monthly salary,” — says Nikolai Petrov, the head of the Laboratory of Digital and Display Holography.
许多ITMO实验室对雇用想要建立科学职业的学生感兴趣:“我们与希望将生命奉献给科学的人们一起工作。 全世界,包括欧洲和美国,都需要聪明的年轻人。 例如,今年春天[2019年],我们来自深圳(中国)的合作伙伴正在寻找博士后研究人员,并提供3500美元的月薪,” – 数字和显示全息照相技术实验室负责人Nikolai Petrov说。
ITMO University is well regarded by the international scientific community, and its graduates can easily build academic careers outside the walls of their alma mater. Kseniya Volkova picked this particular path — and is applying for a Ph.D program in Switzerland. “Many of my acquaintances [from ITMO] are employed by foreign universities or have their work funded by international grants,” — says Maksim Melnik. As you can see, work and study aren’t mutually exclusive — particularly, if you’re an ITMO postgrad. Our university welcomes students that want to practice what they study, and, upon graduation, these people can easily find jobs.
ITMO大学在国际科学界享有很高的声誉,其毕业生可以轻松地在母校之外建立学术职业。 Kseniya Volkova选择了这一特殊途径-并正在瑞士申请博士学位。 “我的许多熟人(来自ITMO)都受过外国大学的聘用,或者其工作由国际拨款资助,” — Maksim Melnik说。 正如您所看到的,工作和学习不是相互排斥的,特别是如果您是ITMO研究生。 我们的大学欢迎想要练习所学知识的学生,毕业后,这些人可以轻松找到工作。
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