8 函数

# ~ def greet_user():

    # ~ """打印Hello"""

    # ~ #文档字符串(docstring)的注释,描述函数作用,三个引号括起,用来生成程序中函数的文档

    # ~ print('Hello')

# ~ greet_user()

# ~ def greet_user(user_name):

    # ~ print("Hello, "+user_name.title()+"!")

# ~ greet_user('jerry')

# ~ def describe_pet(type,name):

    # ~ """显示宠物信息"""

    # ~ print("\nI have a "+type+".")

    # ~ print("My "+type+"'s name is "+name.title()+'.')

# ~ describe_pet('hamster','harry')



# ~ describe_pet(type='hamster',name='harry')

# ~ describe_pet(type='harry',name='hamster')


# ~ def describe_pet(name,type='dog'): #形参指定默认值

    # ~ print("\nI have a "+type+".")

    # ~ print("My "+type+"'s name is "+name.title()+'.')   

# ~ describe_pet(name='harry')

# ~ describe_pet('mili')

# ~ def format_name(first_name,last_name):

    # ~ full_name = first_name+' '+last_name

    # ~ return full_name.title()

# ~ music = format_name('liu','longfei')

# ~ print(music)

# ~ def format_name(first_name,last_name,middle_name=''):

    # ~ if middle_name: #Python将非空字符串解读为True

        # ~ full_name = first_name+' '+middle_name+' '+last_name

    # ~ else:

        # ~ full_name = first_name+' '+last_name

    # ~ return full_name.title()

# ~ music = format_name('liu','long','fei')

# ~ print(music)

# ~ music = format_name('liu','longfei')

# ~ print(music)



# ~ def build_person(first_name,last_name):

    # ~ person = {'first':'first_name','last':'last_name',}

    # ~ return person

# ~ music = build_person('liu','shuai')

# ~ print(music)


#结合使用函数和 while 循环

# ~ def format_name(first_name,last_name):

    # ~ full_name = first_name+' '+last_name

    # ~ return full_name.title()

# ~ while True:

    # ~ print("\nPlease tell me your name:")

    # ~ print("(enter 'q' at any time to quit)")

    # ~ f_name = input("First name:")

    # ~ if f_name =='q':

        # ~ break

    # ~ l_name = input("Last name:")

    # ~ if l_name == 'q':

        # ~ break

# ~ format_name0 = format_name(f_name,l_name)

# ~ print("\nHello,"+format_name0+'!')



# ~ def users(names):

    # ~ for name in names:

        # ~ msg = 'Hello, '+name.title()

        # ~ print(msg)

# ~ username = ['A','B','C']

# ~ users(username)



# ~ unprinted_designs = ['iphone','samsang','huawei']

# ~ completed_models = []

# ~ while unprinted_designs:

    # ~ completed_model = unprinted_designs.pop()

    # ~ print("Current:"+completed_model)

    # ~ completed_models.append(completed_model)

# ~ print('completed_models has printed')

# ~ for xx in completed_models:

    # ~ print(xx)


# ~ def remove(unprinted_designs,completed_models):

    # ~ while unprinted_designs:

        # ~ completed_model = unprinted_designs.pop()

        # ~ print("Current:"+completed_model)

        # ~ completed_models.append(completed_model)

# ~ def show_model(completed_models):

    # ~ print('completed_models has printed')

    # ~ for xx in completed_models:

        # ~ print(xx)

# ~ unprinted_designs = ['iphone','samsang','huawei']

# ~ completed_models = []

# ~ remove(unprinted_designs,completed_models)

# ~ show_model(completed_models)


#function_name(list_name[:]) 将列表的副本传递给函数

# ~ unprinted_designs = ['iphone','samsang','huawei']

# ~ completed_models = []

# ~ remove(unprinted_designs[:],completed_models)

# ~ print(unprinted_designs)

# ~ print(completed_models)


# *形参,传递任意数量(包括0)的实参


# ~ def make_pizza(*toppings):

    # ~ print('\nMaking a pizza with following toppings')

    # ~ for top in toppings:

        # ~ print('- '+top)

# ~ make_pizza('mushroom')

# ~ make_pizza('apple','orange','banana')

# ~ def make_pizza(size,*toppings):

    # ~ print('\nMaking a '+str(size)+'-inch pizza')

    # ~ for top in toppings:

        # ~ print('- '+top)

# ~ make_pizza(12)

# ~ make_pizza(12,'mushroom')

# ~ make_pizza(12,'apple','orange','banana')

# **形参,传递任意数量(包括0)的键值对


# ~ def build_profile(first,last,**info):

    # ~ profile = {}

    # ~ profile['first_name'] = first

    # ~ profile['last_name'] = last

    # ~ for key,value in info.items():

        # ~ profile[key] = value

    # ~ return profile

# ~ user_profile = build_profile('li','ming',age=24,sex='male')

# ~ print(user_profile)


# 将函数存储在模块(独立文件)中

# 导入整个模块

# ~ import function 

# ~ function.make_pizza(16)

# ~ function.make_pizza(16,'mushroom','green peppers')

# 给模块制定别名

# ~ import function as f

# ~ f.make_pizza(16)

# ~ f.make_pizza(16,'mushroom','green peppers')

# 导入特定的函数,调用时无需指定模块名

# from module_name import function_name

# 导入一个函数

# from module_name import function_0, function_1, function_2

# 导入任意个函数

# ~ from function import make_pizza

# ~ make_pizza(16)

# ~ make_pizza(16,'mushroom','green peppers')

# as给函数指定别名

# ~ from function import make_pizza as mp

# ~ mp(16)

# ~ mp(16,'mushroom','green peppers')

# *导入模块所有函数

from function import *


make_pizza(16,'mushroom','green peppers')

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