LSI MegaRAID:MegaRAID SAS系列、LSI HBA:LSI SAS系列阵列卡、直通卡 Linux 管理软件安装 Readme 文档中英双语版


MegaRAID 存储管理器 (MSM) 安装

CLI 打包策略


MSM 安装先决条件:

运行 MSM 远程管理的先决条件


支持的 RAID 控制器

适用于 Linux 的 LSI SNMP 代理

SNMP 陷阱禁用功能

VMWare 上的 MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) 卸载:

MSM 性能改进


本发行说明及其随附的软件版权所有 (c) 2012,Avago Technologies 或其供应商,并且只能根据软件随附的许可证进行安装和使用。

This release note and the software that accompanies it are copyright (c) 2012, Avago Technologies or its suppliers, and may only be installed and used in accordance with the license that accompanies the software.

本软件是根据许可提供的,并且只能根据该许可的条款使用或复制。本文档未通过禁止反言或其他方式授予任何知识产权的明示或暗示的许可。本软件如有更改,恕不另行通知,并且不应被视为 AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES 或其供应商对营销、许可、销售或支持任何产品或技术的承诺。除非提供本软件的许可证中另有规定,否则本软件按原样提供,不提供任何类型的明示或暗示的保证。除非软件许可证明确允许,英特尔公司及其供应商均不对本文中可能出现的任何错误或不准确之处承担任何责任或义务。除非软件许可证明确允许,未经 AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES 明确书面同意,不得复制本软件的任何部分、将其存储在检索系统中、以任何形式传输或以任何方式分发。

This Software is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of that license. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. The Software is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES or its suppliers to market, license, sell or support any product or technology. Unless otherwise provided for in the license under which this Software is provided, the Software is provided AS IS, with no warranties of any kind, express or implied. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, neither Intel Corporation nor its suppliers assumes any responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear herein. Except as expressly permitted by the Software license, no part of the Software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or distributed by any means without the express written consent of AVAGO TECHNOLOGIES.

MegaRAID 存储管理器 (MSM) 安装


MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) Installation


从 MSM 版本 开始,用户在安装 MSM 之前需要遵循以下先决条件。

From MSM version user need to follow below Pre-Requisites before installing the MSM.





在 MSM 安装或升级之前设置 JRE。请按照以下说明进行设置。


Prior to the MSM installation or Upgrade setup a JRE.  Follow the below instructions to setup.

Recommended JRE version: AdoptOpenJDK8u282-b08.

第 1 步:下载 OpenJRE 并将其解压到您所需的位置(假设:/root/jre 文件夹)

(i)gunzip OpenJDK8U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_8u282b08.tar.gz

(ii) tar -xvf OpenJDK8U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_8u282b08.tar

(iii) (AdoptOpenJDK8 的非强制步骤)将 javax.activation.jar 文件复制到 /root/jre/jdk8u282-b08-jre/bin 文件夹。


Step 1: Download and unzip OpenJRE in your desired location ( assume: /root/jre folder)

     (i) gunzip OpenJDK8U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_8u282b08.tar.gz

     (ii) tar -xvf OpenJDK8U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_8u282b08.tar

     (iii) (Not Mandatory step for AdoptOpenJDK8) Copy javax.activation.jar file to /root/jre/jdk8u282-b08-jre/bin folder.



(i) vi /etc/profile(添加以下行并保存)


export JRE_HOME

(ii) source /etc/profile

Step2: Set jdk8u282-b08-jre path to profile

(i)  vi /etc/profile (add below lines and save)


export JRE_HOME

(ii) source /etc/profile

步骤 3:使用新版本升级 MSM 并启动

Step 3: upgrade the MSM with new release and launch


            1)下载OpenJRE-8u282-b08 x64并从中提取


                        $JRE_HOME/bin/java -version (版本应为“1.8.0_282”)


            1)         Download OpenJRE-8u282-b08 x64 and extract from

            2)         Version check: Open the new terminal and check for the java version.

                        $JRE_HOME/bin/java -version (Version should be "1.8.0_282")



要以非交互或静默模式安装产品,用户可以使用安装盘中的命令“./install.csh [-options] [ -ru popup]”。选项有:






“-ru popup”将从安装列表中删除弹出窗口。


The kit contains both mode of installation. The interactive and non-interactive.

To, install the product using interactive mode, the user should execute the command "./install.csh" from the installation disk.

To, install the product in a non-interactive or silent mode, the user may use the command "./install.csh [-options] [ -ru popup]" from the installation disk. The options are:

  a, for Complete installation

  c, for Client Component Only

  s, for StandAlone

  l, for Local

  d, for Server

The "-ru popup" will remove popup from installation list.

User may also run non-interactive installation using "" command.


用法 [-选项]


au - 仅更新 MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM) 的完整安装

cu - MSM 的仅更新客户端组件程序

su - MSM 的仅更新独立组件

lu - MSM 的仅更新本地组件

du - MSM 的仅更新服务器组件

Below are the set of commands to be used for update only installation for different setup types.

Usage : [-option]

The options are :

au - The update only Complete Installation of MegaRAID Storage Manager (MSM)

cu - The update only Client components only program of MSM

su - The update only StandAlone component of MSM

lu - The update only Local component of MSM

du - The update only Server component of MSM


1. 完成 - 这将安装产品的所有功能。

2. 仅客户端组件 - 在此类安装中不会安装产品的 storelib 功能。因此,驻留系统将只能管理和配置子网中的所有服务器,而不能充当服务器。

3. StandAlone - 此选项将仅安装本地服务器管理所需的组件。该系统不会被其他 MSM 自动发现

子网中的 MSM 服务器,并且不会自动发现子网中的其他 MSM 服务器。 (多播将被禁用)但系统可以连接

通过在主机视图屏幕中提供 IP 地址来连接到其他 MSM 服务器,并且可以由子网中的其他 MSM 客户端连接。

4. 本地 - 此选项将仅安装本地配置所需的组件。不允许网络上的其他系统连接


5. 服务器 - 此选项将仅安装远程服务器管理所需的组件。

The installer provides the user with five types of setup option.

1. Complete - This will install all the features of the product.

2. Client Components Only - The storelib feature of the product will not be installed in this type of installation. As a result, the resident system will only be able to administer and configure all the servers in the subnet, but will not be able to serve as a server.

3. StandAlone - This option will only install components required for local server management. This system will not be discovered automatically by other MSM

   servers in the subnet and it will not discover other MSM servers in the subnet automatically. (multicasting will be disabled) But the system can connect

   to other MSM servers by providing the ipaddress in the hostview screen and can be connected by the other MSM clients in the subnet.

4. Local - This option will install only components required for local configuration. Will not allow other systems on the network to connect to

   this server and cannot connect to other servers. This MSM installation mode only uses the loopback interface.

5. Server - This option will only install components required for remote server management.


The installation will help the user to select any of the setup type, but if the user directly run "", it will install the complete feature.


            1. 对于RHEL 5,安装rpm之前需要安装compat-libstdc++版本33-3.x。

            2. 对于SLES-10 SP3 64位操作系统,需要安装libstdc++33-32bit-3.3.3-7.8.1.x86_64.rpm

            在安装 MSM 之前。此 RPM 可在操作系统 DVD 中找到

            (路径为 /media/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server_001/suse/x86_64)

            RPM 和库版本号可能因其他版本的操作系统而异。

            3. 对于SLES-9 32位操作系统,需要安装compat-libstdc++-lsb-4.0.2_20050901-0.4.i586.rpm

            在安装 MSM 之前。此 RPM 可在操作系统 DVD 中找到(路径为 /media/dvd/suse/i586)

            4. 对于RHEL 3,需要先安装RPM libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386,然后再安装MSM。

            5. 需要在RHEL 6中启用shadow密码才能登录MSM。

            6. 在 RHEL6.x x64 操作系统上安装 MSM 的前提条件

            在 RHEL6.x x64 系统上安装 MSM 之前,请安装以下 rpm,

            如果没有这些文件/RPM,MSM 可能无法正确安装或无法按预期工作。


            1. For RHEL 5, it is necessary to install compat-libstdc++ version 33-3.x before installing rpm.

            2. For SLES-10 SP3 64bit OS, it is necessary to install libstdc++33-32bit-3.3.3-7.8.1.x86_64.rpm

               before installing MSM. This RPM is available in the OS DVD

               (path is /media/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server_001/suse/x86_64)

               The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's.

            3. For SLES-9 32bit OS, it is necessary to install compat-libstdc++-lsb-4.0.2_20050901-0.4.i586.rpm

               before installing MSM. This RPM is available in the OS DVD (path is /media/dvd/suse/i586)

            4. For RHEL 3, it is necessary to install the RPM libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386 before installing MSM.

            5. It is necessary to enable shadow password in RHEL 6 to login to MSM.

            6. Prerequisites for installing MSM on RHEL6.x x64 operating system

               Before installing MSM on RHEL6.x x64 system, Please install the following rpms,

               Without these files/RPM's MSM may not be install properly or may not work as expected.











            另请注意,MSM 需要安装完整的操作系统 RHEL6.x 才能工作。

                        上述 rpm 是 RHEL6 OS DVD 的一部分。这些 RPM 可能需要

            还有其他依赖的 RPM,所有依赖的 RPM 也必须安装在目标系统上。

            RPM 和库版本号可能因其他版本的操作系统而异。

                Also note that RHEL6.x complete OS installation is required for MSM to work.

                        The above mentioned rpm's come as part of RHEL6 OS DVD. These RPM's may need

                additional dependent RPM's as well, all the dependent RPM's also must be installed on the target system.

               The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's.

            7. 在安装代理 rpm 之前,需要安装 Net-SNMP rpm。

            7. Net-SNMP rpm installation is required before we install agent rpms.

                        RHEL 4.8:







                        RHEL 5.3




                        RHEL 5.5



                        RHEL 5.6



                        RHEL 5.7



                        RHEL 5.8



                        RHEL 5.10



                        RHEL 5.11



                        RHEL 6.0



                        RHEL 6.1



                        RHEL 6.2



                        RHEL 6.3



                        RHEL 6.4



                        RHEL 6.5



                        RHEL 6.6



                        RHEL 7.0 和 RHEL 7.1






                        SLES11 SP3







            8. 如果您无法安装 lsi snmp 代理 rpm,请使用 rpm -ivh --force *.rpm 然后您可以使用 rpm -e *.rpm 卸载 lsi rpm。

            8. In case you are unable to install lsi snmp agent rpms, use rpm -ivh --force *.rpm and then you can uninstall the lsi rpms using rpm -e *.rpm.

            9. 如果安装多个rpm出现问题并陷入循环冗余问题,可以在一个命令行中安装所有 rpm。

            (示例:rpm -ivh net-snmp- perl-SNMP-

            9. In case of problems with installing multiple rpms and get into cyclic redundancy issue, one can install all rpms in one command line.

               (Example: rpm  -ivh net-snmp- perl-SNMP-

            10、对于VMware 3.5,安装存储管理器(MSM)前需要安装libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386.rpm。 rpm 可以从以下位置下载


            10. For VMware 3.5, it is necessary to install libstdc++34-3.4.0-1.i386.rpm before installing MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM). The rpm can be downloaded from


            11.对于VMware 4.1,安装MegaRAID 存储管理器(MSM)前需要创建如下软链接。运行以下命令创建工作所需的MegaRAID 存储管理器 (MSM)必要的软链接。

            “sudo ln -sf /lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/”

            11.For VMware 4.1, it is necessary to create a softlink as mentioned below before installing MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM). Run the below command to create the necessary soft link required for MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) to work.

               "sudo ln -sf /lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/"

            12. JRE1.6 差异 - 在 Linux 32/64 位中:MSM 随 JRE 1.6 U37 一起提供,与 Windows/Solaris 等其他平台不同,因为操作系统与 JRE1.7 的向后兼容性问题 这是我们可以找到 JRE1.7 操作系统支持矩阵的链接


            12. JRE1.6 differences - In Linux 32/64 bit: MSM is shipped with JRE 1.6 U37 unlike other platforms like Windows/Solaris because of the OS compatibility issues with JRE1.7 Here is the link where we can find out the OS support matrix for JRE1.7


            13. Linux平台下用户必须手动升级OpenSSL v0.9.8za以避免安全问题。

            13. User has to manually upgrade OpenSSL v0.9.8za in Linux platforms to avoid security issues.

            14. Linux 64 位中的软链接:对于 64 位平台上的 RHEL/SLES,安装MegaRAID 存储管理器 (MSM) 64 位软件包前需要创建以下软链接。

“ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/”

“ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/”

            14. Soft links in Linux 64 bit: For RHEL/SLES on 64 bit platform(s), it is necessary to create the below soft links before installing MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) 64 bit package.

"ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/"

"ln -sf /usr/lib64/ /lib64/"

            15. 需要在RHEL/SLES操作系统上安装“xterm”rpm包。

在 RHEL/SLES 系统上安装 MSM 之前,请安装以下 rpm,

如果没有这些文件/RPM 的 MSM 可能无法正确安装/卸载,或者可能无法按预期工作。


这些 RPM 可能还需要额外的依赖 RPM,所有依赖 RPM 也必须安装在目标系统上。

RPM 和库版本号可能因其他版本的操作系统而异。

            15. It is necessary to install "xterm" rpm packages on RHEL/SLES operating system.

Before installing MSM on RHEL/SLES systems, Please install the following rpms,

Without these files/RPM's MSM may not be install/uninstall properly or may not work as expected.


These RPM's may need additional dependent RPM's as well, all the dependent RPM's also must be installed on the target system.

The RPM and library version number may differ across other versions of OS's.

或者也可以使用 yum 命令来安装 xterm rpm。

                        “yum install xterm”。

or alternatively the yum command can be used to install xterm rpm's.

                        "yum install xterm".


CLI 打包策略


MSM 主要版本(N):N-1 GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.

MSM 指示版本(N):N GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.


CLI Packaging Strategies


MSM Major Release(N):N-1 GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.

MSM Point Release(N):N GA/point release of CLI (latest) will be bundled.

其中: N – Release stream。

Where: N – Release stream.




1) 从 MR5.3 开始,MSM 添加了 256 位加密,并且出厂时默认禁用此选项。

需要启用 256 位加密的最终用户应执行以下步骤




1) From MR5.3 MSM is added with 256 bit encryption and this option is disabled by default from factory.

   The end user(s) who needs to enable 256 bit encryption is\are expected to perform the below steps

            1.转到 \ StrongSSLEncryption.ini



            1.Go to \ StrongSSLEncryption.ini

            2.Modify the property SSL_STRONG_ENCRYPTION to "ENABLE"

            3.Restart the MSM Framework

            警告:请注意,启用 256 位加密会限制用户与以前版本的 MSM 进行通信,因为通信通道中存在较高位与较低位加密握手。

            Warning : Please be aware that enabling 256bit encryption would restrict the user from communicating with the previous versions of MSM due to the higher Vs lower bit encryption handshake in the communication channel.

2) MSM框架使用3071端口,请确保该端口没有被其他应用程序占用,以避免出现诸如GUI刷新和监视器事件日志记录问题等问题。

2) MSM Framework uses the 3071 port, please make sure this port is not occupied by other application to avoid the issues like Ex: GUI refresh and Monitor Events logging issues.

3) 增加/减少公钥/私钥 RSA 密钥的强度:

3) Increase/Decrease strength of Public/Private RSA keys:

Linux MSM 安装程序为用户提供了一个选择自签名密钥大小的选项。


            - 停止 MSMFramework 服务。

            - 确保服务已停止

            - 编辑以下位置中可用的

            \MegaRAID 存储管理器



            - 注释/取消注释用于密钥大小选择的 VIVALDI_KEY_FILE 字段。

            - 保存 文件。

            - 启动 MegaRAID 存储管理器框架服务。

            - 启动 MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\

        Linux MSM Installer provides an option to user to select Self signed key size.

        Upon installation user can still switch the keys and below were the steps to perform the same:

            - Stop MSMFramework Service.

            - Make sure service is Stopped

            - Edit the available in below locations

                   \MegaRAID Storage Manager



            - Comment/Uncomment the VIVALDI_KEY_FILE field for Key size selection.

            - Save the file.

            - Start the MegaRAID Storage Manager Framework service.

            - Start the MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\

4) 用户选择的警报通知:

4) Alert notifications of users choice:

Linux MSM 安装程序为用户提供了一个选项来选择警报通知选项。


            - 停止 MSMFramework 服务。

            - 确保服务已停止

            - 编辑以下位置中可用的


            - 注释/取消注释 EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHOICE 字段以进行警报通知选项选择。

            - 保存 文件。

            - 启动 MegaRAID 存储管理器框架服务。

            - 启动 MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\

注意:此列表是根据咨询的症状/使用描述得出的,AVAGO 工程师不具备对影响分析的 openssl 代码段的洞察力

        Linux MSM Installer provides an option to user to select alert notifications choice.

        Upon installation user can still switch the alert notifications choices and below were the steps to perform the same:

            - Stop MSMFramework Service.

            - Make sure service is Stopped

            - Edit the available in below location


            - Comment/Uncomment the EVENT_NOTIFICATION_CHOICE field for alert notification choice selection.

            - Save the file.

            - Start the MegaRAID Storage Manager Framework service.

            - Start the MegaPopup (\MegaPopup\

Note: This list had been derived based on the symptoms / usage descriptions of advisory and AVAGO engineers are not equipped with insight of openssl code segment of impact analysis





Known Restrictions


1) 适用于 Windows/Linux/Solaris 的最新 LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager 使用已过期的 SSL 认证(已于 2009 年 8 月 18 日过期)。



“vivaldikey”、“server.cert”和“server.key”的更新需要在客户端和框架上完成,即如果我们在客户端和框架中更新密钥,则最新版本的 MSM 将无法与早期版本一起使用Framework 的版本,这意味着部署环境中存在限制。在 LSI MegaRAIDStorageManager MSM GUI 中,MegaPopup 充当客户端,Framework 充当服务器。

2) MSM 不支持 IPv6 网络。安装 MSM 之前请确保禁用 IPv6。

3) 如果是多网卡环境,MSM 服务会自动选择 JAVA API 建议的有效网卡地址。

因此,没有强制选项来指定 MSM 服务的 NIC 地址

1) Latest LSI MegaRAID Storage Manager for Windows/Linux/Solaris is using an expired SSL certification (it was expired in Aug 18, 2009).

   Though MSM is not a Web-based application, MSM uses the Socket connection over SSL to handshakes only with the legitimate clients of its own using the proprietary key files which were generated using java's key tool with the limited life time.

   Though it has been identified as an issue as the key was expired, this is not a constraint to end-user anymore.

   The renewal of "vivaldikey" , "server.cert"  and "server.key"  needs to be done with both client and Framework i.e. if we renew the key in both the client and Framework the latest version of the MSM will not work with earlier versions of the Framework which implies a limitation in the deployment environment.In LSI MegaRAIDStorageManager MSM GUI, MegaPopup acts as Client and Framework act as Server.

2) MSM do not support IPv6 network.Make sure IPV6 is disabled before installation of MSM.

3) In case of multiple NIC environment, MSM Service automatically picks a valid NIC Address which is suggested by JAVA API.

   Hence there is no force option to specify the NIC address for MSM service

MSM 安装先决条件:


MSM 安装脚本还会安装 LSI SNMP 代理 rpm。

LSI SNMP 代理应用程序依赖于标准 SNMP Utils 包。

在安装 MSM 之前,请确保系统中存在 SNMP-Util 软件包。 SNMP-Util 软件包包括 rpm.s net-snmp-libs 、 net-snmp-utils 和其他依赖的 RPM 。在安装 MSM 之前,请确保这些 RPM 是从操作系统介质安装的。

Prerequisite for MSM installation:


MSM installation scripts also installs the LSI SNMP agent rpm.

The LSI SNMP agent application depends upon standard SNMP Utils package.

Please ensure that the SNMP-Util package is present in the system before installing MSM. SNMP-Util package includes the rpm.s net-snmp-libs , net-snmp-utils  and additional dependent RPM.s. Please make sure that these RPM.s are installed from the OS media before installing the MSM.

在安装 MSM 之前,检查 /usr/lib 目录中是否存在 和 库。如果不存在/安装,需要安装提供这些库的Linux软件组件RPM。

这些 RPM 将在操作系统 DVD 中提供。

Prior to install MSM, check for existence of and librareis are present in /usr/lib directory. If not present/ installed,  then install the Linux software component RPM that provides these libraries.

These RPM's will be available in the OS DVD.

在执行 install.csh 之前,检查 /bin/csh 是否存在。如果不存在/安装,则安装提供 /bin/csh 的 Linux 软件组件 RPM。

Prior to executing install.csh, check for existence of /bin/csh. If not present/ installed, then install the Linux software component RPM that provides /bin/csh.

运行 MSM 远程管理的先决条件


Prerequisites to run MSM remote admin


1. 使用有效的 IP 地址配置系统。确保子网中没有IP地址冲突。

1. Configure the system with valid IP address. Make sure there is no IP address conflict with in the sub network.


2. Ports such as 3071 and 5571 are open and available for MSM framework communication.

3. 禁用所有安全管理器和防火墙。

3. Disable all security manager and firewall.

4. 配置多播,确保 D 类多播 IP 地址已注册(至少应注册,MSM 才能工作),如果没有使用以下命令创建静态路由:

4. Configure the multicasting, make sure class D multicast IP addresses are registered (at least should be register for MSM to work), if not create static route using the following command:

route add dev eth1


请注意,此命令不会修改路由表以使其在重新启动后保持不变。请遵循每个操作系统的指南,将上述 IP 地址作为静态条目添加到路由表中,以便在重新启动后保持不变。

            Note that this command will not modify the routing table to be persistent across reboots. Please follow the guidelines per operating system to add the above mentioned IP address as a static entry into the routing table to be persistent across reboots.

您可能希望将整个 IP 地址范围( 到添加到路由表中。请注意,这需要在不同类型和版本的操作系统之间进行不同的过程,并且可能会产生安全隐患。

            You may wish to add the entire range of IP addressess ( through into the routing table. Please note that this requires procedures that varies between different flavours and versions of operating system and may have security implications.

5. 安装 MSM,如果已安装,则重新启动 MSM 框架。

5. Install MSM, if already installed then restart MSM framework.



如果网络未配置 DNS,则 .hosts。必须手动编辑安装 MSM 的系统的文件,以映射 CIMOM 服务器的 IP 地址和主机名。此外,它还应该有一个自己的IP地址(不是环回地址)和主机名的映射,以支持指示。

CIMPlugin Support


In case of networks that doesn't have DNS configured, the .hosts. file of the systems where MSM is installed must be manually edited to map the IP address & the host name of your CIMOM server.  In addition, it should also have a mapping of its own IP address (not the loop back address) and host name for the indications to be supported.



可以使用程序菜单中创建的“卸载”快捷方式卸载该产品。用户也可以直接运行脚本“/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager/”来卸载MSM。

MSM Uninstallation


The product can be uninstalled using "Uninstall" short-cut created in Program menu. The user may also directly run the script "/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager/" to uninstall MSM.


1. 本版本支持MSM升级。换句话说,这个版本可以通过未来的版本进行升级。


1. MSM upgrade is supported in this release. In other word, this release can be upgraded by future releases.

2. 要关闭 MSM Framework 服务,请运行“/etc/init.d/vivaldiframeworkd stop”。

2. To shutdown MSM Framework service, run "/etc/init.d/vivaldiframeworkd stop".

3.“任何内核升级都需要重新启动 MSM 框架和服务”

例如,RedHat Linux命令重新加载或重新启动网络(以root用户登录):


# service network start

Debian Linux 重新加载或重新启动网络的命令:

# /etc/init.d/networking restart

  3. "Any kernel upgrade requires restart of the MSM Framework and Services"

      for example,  RedHat Linux command to reload or restart network (login as root user):

      To start Linux network service:

      # service network start

      Debian Linux command to reload or restart network:

      # /etc/init.d/networking restart


支持的 RAID 控制器




Supported RAID Controllers


This download supports the following controllers

LSI MegaRAID:MegaRAID SAS 9362-4i、MegaRAID SAS 9362-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9361-4i、MegaRAID SAS 9361-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9363-4i、MegaRAID SAS 9380-8e、

MegaRAID SAS 9381-4i4e、MegaRAID SAS 9361-8iCC、MegaRAID SAS 9380-8eCC、MegaRAID SAS 9364-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9340-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9341-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i、

MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i/8i、MegaRAID SAS 9260-4i/8i/16i、MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9280-4i4e、MegaRAID SAS 9280-8e、MegaRAID SAS 9280-16i4e、

MegaRAID SAS 9280-4i4e、MegaRAID SAS 9265-8i、MegaRAID SAS 9285-8e、MegaRAID SAS 8704EM2、MegaRAID SAS 8708EM2、MegaRAID SAS 8880EM2、MegaRAID SAS 8888ELP

LSI HBA:LSI SAS3041E-R、LSI SAS3041X-R、LSI SAS3080X-R、LSI SAS3081E-R、LSI SAS3442E-R、LSI SAS3442X-R、LSI WarpDrive SLP-300、9212 4i4e-R 规格、9211-8i/4i -R 规格,LSI Nytro WarpDrive WLP4-200,LSI Nytro WarpDrive WLP4-400,LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-400,LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-800,LSI Nytro WarpDrive BLP4-1600,LSI Nytro XD BLP4-400,LSI Nytro XD BLP4 -800,LSI SAS 9207-4i4e,LSI SAS 9217-4i4e,LSI SAS 9207-8i,LSI SAS 9217-8i,LSI SAS 9207-8e,LSI SAS 9201-16e,LSI SAS 9200-8e

********************************************************** ******************

适用于 Linux 的 LSI SNMP 代理

********************************************************** ******************


    LSI SNMP agent for Linux


LSI SNMP Agent安装步骤(适用于SUSE和Red Hat Linux)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Installation procedure for LSI SNMP Agent(For SUSE and Red Hat Linux)


1. LSI SNMP Agent rpm 安装代理。

1. LSI SNMP Agent rpm's installs the agents.

2. rpm 将负责 snmpd.conf 文件中运行代理所需的必要修改。


注意:安装前请检查snmpd.conf中是否有以1. OID开头的pass命令,如果有则删除所有以1. OID开头的旧pass命令。

(如果系统中安装了任何先前的 LSI SNMP 代理,则可能会发生这种情况)


2. rpm will take care of the necessary modification needed in the snmpd.conf file for running the agent.


NB: Before installation please check,there is any pass command starts with OID in snmpd.conf, if available then delete all the old pass commands starts with OID.

(This could be possible if there is any previous LSI SNMP Agent was installed in the system)


3. snmpd.conf 文件结构应与 lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf 相同。作为参考,/etc/lsi_mrdsnmp 目录中有一个示例conf 文件 (lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf)。

3. The snmpd.conf file structure should be same as lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf. For reference,a sample conf file (lsi_mrdsnmpd.conf) will be there in the /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp directory.

4. 要从远程 m/c 运行 SNMP 查询,请在 snmpd.conf 文件中添加该 m/c 的 IP 地址,如下所示。

com2sec          snmpclient172.28.136.112                    public


4. For running SNMP query from a remote m/c add the ip address of that m/c in the snmpd.conf file like this..

   com2sec       snmpclient             public

   Here ipaddress of the remote m/c is

5. 要接收特定 m/c 的 snmp 陷阱,请在 snmpd.conf 文件的 com2sec 部分中添加该 m/c 的 IP 地址。例如,要在 中获取 Trap,请将以下行添加到 snmpd.conf。

#      source                          community

com2sec          snmpclient10.0.0.144                public

5. For receiving snmp trap to a particular m/c, add the ip address of that m/c in the com2sec section of snmpd.conf file. For example, to get Trap in, then add following line to snmpd.conf.

# source                          community

   com2sec       snmpclient                     public

6. 运行/停止 snmpd 守护程序。

            /etc/init.d/snmpd start/stop

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0:systemctl start/stop snmpd.service

6. To Run/stop the snmpd daemon.

            /etc/init.d/snmpd start/stop

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl start/stop snmpd.service


7. 在发出任何 snmp 查询之前启动/停止 SNMP 代理守护程序。

/etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd start/stop

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0:systemctl start/stop lsi_mrdsnmpd.service

7. To start/stop the SNMP Agent daemon before issuing any snmp query.

    /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd start/stop

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl start/stop lsi_mrdsnmpd.service


8. 可以通过以下命令来检查 SNMP 代理守护程序的状态

/etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd status

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0:systemctl status lsi_mrdsnmpd.service

8. Status of the SNMP Agent daemon can be checked by issuing the following command...

    /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd status

            RHEL 7.x/OEL 7.0: systemctl status lsi_mrdsnmpd.service


9. 您可以像这样发出 snmp 查询...

snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost .

9. You can issue snmp query like this...

snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost .

10. 您可以通过以下命令从本地 m/c 获取 snmp 陷阱

snmptrapd -P -F "%02.2h:%02.2j TRAP%w.%q from %A %v\n"

10. You can get the snmp trap from local m/c by issuing the following command...

snmptrapd -P -F "%02.2h:%02.2j TRAP%w.%q from %A %v\n"

11. 对于SLES-11平台,请按照以下步骤配置陷阱。

            编辑 /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp/sas/sas_TrapDestination.conf 文件并如下所示添加 ipaddress

11. For SLES-11 platform, please follow the below steps to configure traps.

            Edit /etc/lsi_mrdsnmp/sas/sas_TrapDestination.conf file & add ipaddress as

            shown below.


            # 代理服务需要 IP 地址来发送陷阱

            # 陷阱目标可以在此文件中指定,或者

            # 使用 snmpd.conf 文件。可设置以下指标

            # 在“TrapDestInd”上指示代理选择 IP

            # 作为目的地。

            # 1 - 仅来自 snmpd.conf 的 IP

            # 2 - 仅来自此文件的 IP

            # 3 - 两个文件中的 IP



            # Agent Service needs the IP addresses to sent trap

            # The trap destination may be specified in this file or

            # using snmpd.conf file. Following indicators can be set

            # on "TrapDestInd" to instruct the agent to pick the IPs

            # as the destination.

            # 1 - IPs only from snmpd.conf

            # 2 - IPs from this file only

            # 3 - IPs from both the files


            TrapDestInd 3

            #############Trap Destination IP##################





为了使 SNMP 组件能够工作,Linux 系统必须已经存在 snmp-net 软件包(rpm)。

假设 snmpd.conf 位于 /etc/snmp(对于 Redhat)和 /etc(对于 SuSE)。无论如何,用户可以从 /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd 文件更改文件位置

在安装新版本之前,需要卸载所有以前的版本。尚未创建 rpm 来支持 -U 版本。 rpm -U 最有可能在此 rpm 下失败。


            For SNMP components to work, it is necessary that linux system should have snmp-net packages(rpm) to be already present.

            It is assumed that snmpd.conf is located at /etc/snmp for Redhat and /etc for SuSE. Anyway, user can change the file location from /etc/init.d/lsi_mrdsnmpd file

            It is neccessary to uninstall all the previous version before installing a new version. The rpm has not been created to support -U version. The rpm -U is most likely to fail with this rpm.

SNMP 陷阱禁用功能


用户可以使用“-notrap”作为安装(install.csh)参数来禁用 SNMP 陷阱功能。

SNMP Trap Disable functionality


User may disable SNMP Trap functionality using "-notrap" as install(install.csh) parameter.

VMware 上的 MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) 安装:

=================================================== ====

要在 VMWare 操作系统上安装 MSM,用户应从安装盘执行命令“./”。

MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) Installation on VMware :


To, install the MSM on VMWare operating system, the user should execute the command "./" from the installation disk.


1. 最终用户许可协议。

2. 操作系统(VMware 3.5 或 VMware 4.0)。

3. 选择 Storelib(内置 Storelib 或 MSM 包中的 Storelib)。

The installer provides the user to choose the License agreement,operating system and storelib to be used as mentioned below.

1. End user license agreement.

2. Operating system  (VMware 3.5 or VMware 4.0).

3. Select the Storelib (Inbox Storelib or Storelib from MSM package).


1. VMware 操作系统(VMware 3.5 或 VMware 4.0)不支持 LSI SNMP 代理配置。

2. 确保在 32 位或 64 位 VMware 操作系统上安装 32 位 MegaRAID Storage Manager 软件。

3.特定于 ESXi 服务器的解决方法:

1. LSI SNMP Agent is not a supported configuration on VMware Operating system (VMware 3.5 or VMware 4.0).

2. Ensure that on a 32 bit or on a 64 bit VMware operating system, you install the 32 bit MegaRAID Storage Manager software.

3. Workaround Specific to ESXi Server: 

  1. 确保第三方应用程序服务(例如“slpd 和 sfcbd-watchdog 服务”)在 ESXi 服务器上启动并运行”。

(/etc/init.d/slpd status & /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog status)。

  1. Ensure that the thirdparty application services like "slpd and sfcbd-watchdog services are up and running on ESXi server".

(/etc/init.d/slpd status & /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog status).

b) 确保 ESXi 服务器上的防火墙已禁用。

(检查防火墙状态:“esxcli 网络防火墙获取” 要禁用防火墙:“esxcli 网络防火墙卸载”)。

b) Ensure that firewall has been disabled on ESXi server.

   (Check Firewall status : "esxcli network firewall get" To Disable Firewall : "esxcli network firewall unload").

c) CIMOM 服务器中的 sfcb 超时套接字错误导致 AEN 被 sfcb-cimom 阻止,并可能导致客户端中的重复条目具有不正确的事件描述。

            要解决此问题,用户需要在 VMware ESXi 中重新启动 sfcb 服务。

            重新启动命令:/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop。

                                     /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start。

c) sfcb timeout socket error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by sfcb-cimom and may lead to duplicate entries in client with incorrect event description.

              To get rid of this, user is required to restart sfcb service in VMware ESXi.

              Command to restart : /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop.

                                    /etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start.

同样的情况也针对 VMware。更多详情请参阅链接[]

The same has been raised against VMware. Refer to the link further details[]

d) CIMOM 服务器中的 CURL 错误导致 AEN 被 CIMOM 服务器阻止到上层(CIMProvider-->MSM)。如果服务器位于不同的子网中或者存在任何不完整的 AEN 订阅,则可能会发生这种情况。


            任何不完整的 AEN 订阅都需要通过 CIMClient 删除

            在 VMware 服务器中进行任何更改后,建议重新启动 sfcb 服务或重新启动服务器。

d) CURL error in CIMOM server results in AEN blocked by CIMOM server to upper layer(CIMProvider-->MSM). This can happen if servers are in differnt subnet or if there is any incomplete AEN subscritions.

            To get rid of this, user is required to have both client and server in same subnet.

            Any incomplete AEN subscriptions needs to be removed via CIMClient

            Either restart of sfcb service or reboot the server is recommended after any change in VMware server.

e) 从 RHEL 7.x 到 Mangae VMware ESXi,用户必须在安装 MSM 之前执行以下命令

            1) ebtables服务重启


e)  To Mangae VMware ESXi from RHEL 7.x user has to execute below commands before installation of MSM

            1) service ebtables restart

            2) service iptables stop

f) 对于由于配置的协议而导致的任何 VMware 连接错误,请参阅


            有关 sfcb 的更多信息,请参阅 VMware 网站文档

f)  For any VMware connection errors due to configured protocols please refer


            For additional information related to sfcb, please refer to the VMware website documentation

VMWare 上的 MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) 卸载:

=================================================== ====


“/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager/”。

MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) Uninstallation on VMWare :


The MSM can be uninstalled by running the script

"/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager/".

MSM 性能改进


为了提高 MSM 的性能,当执行任何堆密集型(例如繁重 IO)或计算任务时,通过包含以下命令“-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m”来改进 Java堆,其中:

1024m 分配的堆大小。指定的大小取决于机器的硬件配置。

-Xms1024m 将 Java 堆的初始大小设置为 1024 MB

-Xmx1024m 将最大堆大小设置为 1024 MB

MSM Performance improvement


For better performance of MSM, when subjected to any heap-intensive (say heavy IOs) or computational tasks,improve the heap by including the following command "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m", where

 1024m           Size of the heap allocated. The specified size is dependent on the machine's Hardware configuration.

 -Xms1024m       Sets the initial size of the Java heap to 1024 Mbytes

 -Xmx1024m       Sets the maximum heap size to 1024 Mbytes

1. 转到产品主文件夹 (/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager)。

2. 以可编辑模式打开 文件。

3. 在“$JRE_HOME/bin/java”后面包含命令 -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MSM_HOME/lib $JRE_HOME/bin/java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -DVENUS=true...

1. Goto product home folder (/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager).

 2. Open file in editable mode.

 3. Include the command -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m after "$JRE_HOME/bin/java"


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MSM_HOME/lib $JRE_HOME/bin/java -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -DVENUS=true....





Known Issues & Limitations


1) 使用组件版本 MR 5.8 或 MR 6.1(或更高版本)固件以及 MR5.5、5.6、5,7 和 MR6.0 MSM 版本时,4k 驱动器会出现以下问题:

1. 当用户尝试创建条带大小低于32K的任何逻辑驱动器时,配置创建将失败

2. 当用户尝试创建条带大小超过32K的逻辑驱动器时,配置创建将导致条带大小值不正确

为了避免此问题,请使用最新的 MR 5.8 或 MR 6.1(或更高版本)MSM 版本。

1)With the usage of the components version MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) firmware and MR5.5, 5.6, 5,7 & MR6.0 MSM builds, the following issues are observed with 4k drives:

  1. When user tries to create any logical drive with stripe size below 32K, configuration creation will fail

  2. When user tries to create logical drive with stripe size more than 32K, configuration creation will result in a incorrect stripe size value

To avoid this issue use the latest MR 5.8 or MR 6.1 (or greater) MSM build.

2)MSM 设备树始终显示 BBU 状态的绿色复选图标。有关 BBU 状态的更多详细信息,请参阅 BBU 属性页面中的“状态”属性。请参阅缺陷:SCGCQ00323453 了解更多详细信息。

3)MSM 在弹出通知中显示 java 图标而不是 MSM 图标

4)MSM 报告的 VD 大小比大型 VD 配置的原始大小稍大(0.001)

2)MSM Device tree always shows green check icon for BBU status. Refer "Status" property in the BBU properties page for more details on BBU Status. Please refer defect:SCGCQ00323453 for more details.

3)MSM shows java icon instead of MSM icon for Pop-Up Notification

4)MSM reports VD size slightly larger (by 0.001) than original size for large VD configuration

5) 如果服务器包含 MR 和 IR 控制器的组合,则 MSM 登录页面中显示的健康状态将采用以下格式/顺序:

            --> MR,IR3,IR2,IR1

例如: 1) 如果 MR 控制器包含离线 VD 和 IR-3 Contians Degraded VD,则系统运行状况将显示为离线。

            2) 如果 MR 包含 Degraded VD 并且 IR-3 包含 Offline VD,则系统运行状况将显示为 degraded。

            3) 如果上述控制器都没有离线/降级的 VD,则运行状况将是最佳的。

5)Health status displayed in MSM Login page will be in below format/order if server contains combination of MR and IR Controllers:

            --> MR,IR3,IR2,IR1

  For Example: 1) If MR Controller contains offline VD and IR-3 Contians Degraded VD, then System health will be displayed as offline.

                   2) System health will be Displayed as degraded if MR Contains Degraded VD and IR-3 contains Offline VD.

                   3) Health will be optimal if none of the mentioned controllers has offline/degraded VD.


7) 在设备树中,MSM 将不会显示具有安全功能的 JBOD PD 的安全图标。如果在控制器上启用了安全性,下面的文本将显示在 Decive 树中,以区分安全和非安全 jbod。

            FDE JBOD 驱动器 --> 具有安全功能

            FDE JBOD 安全驱动器 --> 安全

6)Manage MegaRAID Advanced Software Options window may not be proper if it is opened using mnemonics.

7)In Device tree MSM will not show Security ICON for Secure capable JBOD PD. Below text will be displayed in Decive tree  to differentiate between secure and non-secure jbod, if security is enabled on controller.

            FDE JBOD drive --> Security Capable

            FDE JBOD secured drive --> Secured

8) 如果 MSM(较旧的 MSMv6.8)与季度版本后期的固件有任何混合和匹配使用,MSM 会将一些控制器属性重置为“0”。

举个例子,如果客户使用旧版本的 MR 6.7 MSM,其不支持此字段(例如“errorThreshold”),而最新版本的固件 MR6.8,

在 FW 中提供此支持会带来一个问题,因为 Ctrl Prop 结构中特定偏移处的保留字段正在将 MSM 默认值 0 发送到 FW,这会覆盖 FW 默认值。

此问题在 MR6.8 中已完全修复。此修复将从 MR6.8 MSM 开始向后移植到 N-2 版本。 (N=MR6.8MSM)

  1. 如果任何使用 N-2 版本(MR6.6/MR6.7)之前版本的客户遇到此问题,需要迁移到 MR6.8。

8)MSM resets a few controller property to "0" if there is any mix and match use of MSM (older of MSMv6.8) vs FW from later of the quarterly releases.

  To provide an example, if the customer is using older version of MR 6.7 MSM which does not have the support of this field (say "errorThreshold") with latest version of FW MR6.8,

  which has this support in FW brings an issue as the reserved field at that particular offset in the Ctrl Prop structure is sending the MSM defaults value of 0 to FW which overwrites the FW default value.

  This issue is completely fixed in MR6.8. This fix will be back ported to N-2 version starting from MR6.8 MSM. (N=MR6.8MSM)

  1. In case of any customer who uses older than N-2 version (MR6.6/MR6.7) and encounter this issue, need to be moved to MR6.8.
