
CHAPTER 37 How to Prepare Grant Proposals   (How to write and publish a scientific paper, 2016)


• 研究目标是有价值的(the goal of the proposed research is worthwhile)

• 研究目标符合基金的资助范围(the goal is relevant to the funding body’s mission)

• 研究计划是合理的(the proposed research approach is sound)

• 相关的研究人员具备相应的能力(the staf is capable of doing the proposed work)

• 具有充分的设备和条件(adequate facilities will be available)

• 申请的基金数目是合理的(the requested amount of funding is reasonable)


1. 研究背景;2. 研究目标;3. 研究计划;4. 预算;5. 参与人员的资质介绍。如果要求更多,还可以包含一个标题页和摘要。

Regardless of length, a good proposal generally includes background information relating to the proposed endeavor, a statement of goals, a research plan (or a program plan, in the case of an education or service project), a budget, and information about the qualifications of those who are to do the work (for example, curricula vitae). If a proposal runs several pages or more, it may well include a title page and an abstract.


Look carefully at written materials from the source in this regard. Also, feel free to consult staf members at the funding source (sometimes known as program officers) whose role includes advising prospective grant applicants.


For a lengthy proposal, at least 6 months beforehand can be advisable, particularly if others will collaborate in preparing it.


1. 没有遵守申请的指导 (failure to follow the instructions for application.);

2. 缺乏原创性(lack of originality);

3. 浮于表面的或不够聚焦的研究计划(a superficial or unfocused research plan);

4. 研究计划缺乏逻辑合理性(lack of a valid scientific rationale);

5. 提出了过量的研究内容(Proposing an unrealistically large amount of work can lead to rejection);

6. 不合实际的预算(Unrealistic budgeting also can contribute to rejection)。



For some types of research, proposals typically contain preliminary data. Find out whether such data are expected, and proceed accordingly.


Be especially alert for inconsistencies—which can arise if, for example, you alter the research plan but neglect to revise the abstract accordingly.
