


英语还是潘多拉。kill time doing 浪费时间在什么什么上。fritter away 挥霍浪费时间金钱或机会。



数学遇到了很大的困难,首先肯定的是数学还是一定要学的,但是从目前的角度看,把时间花在看那本Gaussian Process上并不值得。首先按照目前的进度来看3周时间肯定看不完。然后又没有多少理解,原因是底层知识的欠缺。所以还是明天早上从基础开始学起,第一本是概率论,每天花1.5个小时投资这个技能。

Many things happened today. No German. Initially I thought I could spend some time on learning German after the beginning ceremony of financial courses. But there was a phone call from my mom..... Pandora English: kill time doing-> waste time doing fritter away-> spend a lot of time on doing unnecessary things. Financial courses: Insurance. It let me know the difference between community insurance and commercial insurance. Physical examination. No training. I encountered a big obstacle on math toady. I found that if I only focus on Gaussian Process. I could only make very small progress each day which I still can not finish the whole book when I leave. So I decide to build the foundation first. i choose to learn Probability first.
