


Autoconf是操作M4宏的工具包,使用GNU M4来生成configure文件,通过configure生成makefile文件。

Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts脚本 to automatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt the packages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems without manual user intervention干预. Autoconf creates a configuration script for a package from a template file that lists the operating system features that the package can use, in the form of M4 macro calls.

Producing configuration scripts using Autoconf requires GNU M4. You should install GNU M4 (at least version 1.4.6, although尽管 1.4.13 or later is recommended) before configuring Autoconf, so that Autoconf's configure script can find it. The configuration scripts produced by Autoconf are self-contained, so their users do not need to have Autoconf (or GNU M4).





