Comments on 《English Thinking 》(Shihailang)

At the very first place, I would like to thank you very much for this book,It inspires and entertains me indeed . Let me first say some of my most impressive memories about this book. There is no doubt that this book has stretched much further our understanding of English language and English learning than the ones we have read before, and proclaims that there is far too much more about studying a language than just reciting individual words, sentences and passages, and also leads us to the revelation that English language is truly shaped by some beautiful and elegant philosophical thinking and sufficient recognition and comprehension of this background can consequently free us from unpredictable changes in various English expressions and subsequently empower us to command a language, rather than being commanded by it. And many of the explanations, demonstrations and stories in this book have raised my awareness of many vital facts of English language and provoke my thinking about English learning and English thinking, so obviously this book has changed my way of looking at language learning and directed me to learn it more effectively.

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