Recommendation :western Hunan under a stilted buildings 荐书:《吊脚楼下的湘西》

Recommendation :western Hunan under a stilted buildings


The best way to know, understand and learn from a person is to read his articles. In this way, you can hear his true inner voice, understand his knowledge, character, interpersonal communication, outlook on life, values, world outlook and mental process, and see a person's true nature of life.


At present, Mr. Fan Cheng and I are only micro friends, not acquainted with each other. But from the book Xiangxi under the stilted building, I know Mr. Fan: a pure, compassionate and compassionate person, who praises the truth, the good and the beautiful, who is indifferent to peace, and who deserves my respect and study.


Writing a book is like having a child, and better than having a child. Pregnant in October, once childbirth. Writing a book, I do not know how much time to spend, how many sleepless nights, how many ups and downs experienced, more difficult.


As Mr. Zhou Zhenhua, vice president of the Chinese prose society, said in the preface of this book, it is actually a work of "heart and soul". If you have a good friend, it is worth reading.


This book is a collection of essays about Xiangxi. Among them, there are not only the description of the unique minority villages and folk customs in Western Hunan, but also the description of the rare animals and plants and famous landscapes in Western Hunan, the recollection of the agricultural culture imprinted by modern civilization, and the remembrance of the influential historical people and objects in various fields in western Hunan. This book is not only a small encyclopedia of Western Hunan knowledge, but also the author's affectionate confession of his life station.

本书是一部介绍湘西的散文集。其中既有对湘西独具特色的少数民 族村落和民俗风情的描画,也有对湘西珍奇动植物、著名景观的记述; 既有对即将被现代文明吞噬的农耕文化印迹的追忆,也有对湘西各领域 叱咤风云的历史人物的缅怀。本书不仅是一部介绍湘西方方面面知识的 小百科,也是作者对自己生活工作多年的人生驿站的深情告白。

“There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.”


Different readers will get different reading experience. - Wei Ming。



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