第十三章 使用SSH

第十三章 使用SSH




  1. 创建类的实例。
  2. 使用Connect()实例方法连接到服务器。
  3. 使用AuthenticateWithKeyPair()AuthenticateWithUsername()向服务器验证身份。
  4. 使用%Net.SSH.Session的其他方法执行进出远程系统的单个文件的SCP(安全复制)操作、执行远程命令、传输TCP通信或执行SFTP操作。





Method SFTPDir(ftpserver, username, password) As %Status
    set ssh = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()
    do ssh.Connect(ftpserver)
    do ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)
    //open an SFTP session and get that returned by reference
    do ssh.OpenSFTP(.sftp)
    //get a list of files
    do sftp.Dir(".",.files)
    set i=$ORDER(files(""))
    while i'="" {
        write $listget(files(i),1),!
        set i=$ORDER(files(i))
    quit $$$OK


/// Demonstrates the execution of a remote command (by default, uname -a).
ClassMethod TestExecute(host As %String, username As %String, password As %String, command As %String = "uname -a", pTimeout As %Integer = -1) As %Status
    Set s = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()
    Set sc = s.Connect(host)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    If pTimeout'=-1 {
        Set sc = s.SetTimeout(pTimeout)
        Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set sc = s.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set sc = s.Execute(command,.tDevice)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set $ZT="Trap"
    For {
        Use tDevice
        Read X
        Use $P
        If X'[$C(13) {
            For i=1:1:$L(X,$C(10)) Write $P(X,$C(10),i),!
        } Else {
            Write X
    Use $P
    Close tDevice
    Quit sc
    Set sc = $S($ZE["":$$$OK,1:$$$ERROR($$$CacheError,$ZE))
    Goto Exit
/// Demonstrates the use of port forwarding to whatismyipaddress.com via the remote SSH server.
ClassMethod TestForwardPort(host As %String, username As %String, password As %String, remotehost As %String = "whatismyipaddress.com", remoteport As %Integer = 80) As %Status
    Set s = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()
    Set sc = s.Connect(host)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set sc = s.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set sc = s.ForwardPort(remotehost,remoteport,.tDevice)
    Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
    Set $ZT="Trap"
    Use tDevice
    Write "GET / HTTP/1.0"_$C(13,10,13,10)
    Write *-3 // Flush
    // Now the response
    For {
        Use tDevice
        Read X
        Use $P
        If X'[$C(13) {
            For i=1:1:$L(X,$C(10)) Write $P(X,$C(10),i),!
        } Else {
            Write X
    Use $P
    Close tDevice
    Quit sc
    Set sc = $S($ZE["":$$$OK,1:$$$ERROR($$$CacheError,$ZE))
    Goto Exit

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