My unique friendship with Daisy (80% Fiction and 20% non-fiction)

                                                                                                                              By: May (Mei Tian)                                                                                                                            “I’m so excited that I could fly to the moon!” I yelled.

      One afternoon, in Hawaii, Daisy and I went on a trip on a medium sized boat with our families. The boat was beautiful. It’s two decks, the first deck was not covered and the second deck was under covered with light blue with dark blue strips on it and it seemed to be disappearing in the sea. Daisy was sitting on the edge of the first deck eating an ice cream. I was going to get an ice cream from the second deck and our families were also chatting happily there.

      Suddenly, there were a lot of strong winds blowing toward us. We didn’t know what had happens. “Now we must change the plan, we’ll go to the shore as fast as we could and prepare to get inside of the boat, the strong wind will blow you away!” the helpful captain reminded us. But the boat turned extremely fast when it was almost by the shore.

    “Oh no!” I screamed and remembered that Daisy was still sitting on the edge of the boat and she might fell off! So I ran extremely fast down the stairs. I almost fell on to the floor when the boat was turning. When I went there, I saw her sliding out of the boat really fast and she was really scared. Her mango ice cream went all over her shirt and face.

    When I almost got there, I saw Daisy fell into the water and realized she couldn’t swim. She knew that I could swim really well, so she yelled at me when she was drowning, her eyes were half opened and half closed. “Help! Help me! May!”

      My mind suddenly went as fast as lightning and thought about the good and happy things we had done that morning. We were chatting in a café. “Hey, May! Do you see how beautiful Hawaii is? The sea is turquoise, blue and shiny. There are a lot of flowers covering a giant field, and lots of cold things to eat and drink. Coconut milk, fruit smoothies, ice cream and ice bubble tea with special flowers in it. Well, I guess you need to look at the menu because there are so many things that I couldn’t even say it!” said Daisy quickly.

      “Wow, there are so many great desserts. I’m so hot that I’m sweating all over my shirt. I need to get a mango ice cream and a strawberry smoothie. What would you like for dessert, my dear friend Daisy?” I asked her politely.

        “Oh, I’ll get an ice tea with special flowers in it, because I think that sounds really cool.” answered Daisy gently.

        When the desserts they ordered came, they were very excited and wondered why they were so pretty, and it tasted so good. They were only made of milk, ice, some fruits, bubbles, and special flowers. Perhaps they spent a lot of time decorating them just to make them pretty. We actually saw them made the special ice tea. The flowers in the ice tea were special, because the flowers only grow in Hawaii. If you planted them in another place, they would die and the seed would be wasted. This is why they were really expensive and seldom seen.

      Then I heard a sound that was calling me, “ May!” Daisy screamed as she used her last breath to call me. She helped my mind to go back.

      I had no idea what to do when that moment came. The boat was still moving really fast and my friend Daisy was in the water behind the boat. So I had no hesitation whatsoever. All we needed was a buoy so I grabbed the orange life buoy and dived into the water and swam as fast as I could toward Daisy. I didn’t tell our families that I went to save her, because I didn’t have enough time and they were also on the second deck, and couldn’t hear me either because the boat had some annoying sound when it was moving. When I got to her, I whispered to her, “Don’t worry I’m here, you will be fine!” Then I gave the orange life buoy to her. She almost lost her breath from the moment that she closed her eyes. At that time, I used my life to swim as fast as I could to the shore. I could see there were only less than 100 m left and with my whole heart, I must grab her in her back because if I grabbed her in her front, then she’ll probably accidentally punch me down. There were three steps to do when I was rescuing Daisy. First, I must wash off the ice cream that was on her shirt and face. Second, I need to make sure that Daisy’s arms were all on the life buoy. Third, pull the life buoy when I was swimming. I worked so hard!

      “I could do it!” I yelled confidently.

    When I arrived to the shore, my mom suggested. “ Now we must do some artificial respiration to get her breath back. And I guess her mother will do it carefully. And please go and tell her and be quick.”

    “ No, it doesn’t work at all!” cried Daisy’s mother disappointedly. 

    “ Oh! It’s not working! We must take her to the hospital and get some help there.” my mom declared.

    When we arrived at the hospital, the nurse quickly brought us a famous doctor who knew everything about water accidents. He put a breathing mask on Daisy’s face, and checked something else about her breathing. He used almost half an hour to do that. Thankfully, “The patient appears to have regained consciousness. You are really lucky!” sighed the doctor proudly.

    “Thank you so much for saving her! You are the best doctor I have ever seen! Thank you!” cried my poor little mommy and Daisy’s mother. They were so happy and thankful that Daisy was saved.

        When I heard that, my heart was full of sunshine and happiness, I was so proud of myself that I had saved her without any hesitation and thankfully she brought my mind back to saving her when I need to do something really important like something about life. From there, we became best friends and loved to teach or help each other during school time, home time or free time. We were actually at the same school and in the same class.

      I met Daisy when we just started grade 1. On the first day of Junior School, she forgot to bring an eraser for writing class so she asked me to lend her one. I was smiling at her, “Here you go! You can have it if you want.” I said sweetly. The cute eraser was a pretty bunny eating a carrot. I guess she loved it, and it also really matched her pencil case because her pencil case also had a cute bunny on it and it was totally pink!

        And, she was my first friend at Junior School, so that was why I called our friendship special. Now she became a really important member of my family. After that scary trip in Hawaii, Daisy decided to learn swimming from me so I was very proud of her that she chose the correct “road” to go.

      I learned lots of things during this trip in Hawaii. I’m sure Daisy did too! She was jumping all around the room. “Well, It is the most useful and good trip I’ve ever had! Yelled Daisy.

      Another important thing that made a deep impression on me was that Daisy finally knew how to swim and could take care of herself under water. It wasn’t just my contribution, it was also Daisy’s hard working. It took her only two months to learn how to swim. I was extremely proud of her. I was so happy! From now on, we could swim together, play games under the water, do some activities in the water and I’ll definitely teach her how to turn a somersault under the water.

        I am pretty sure that she loves water now, because water is really important in our life. We can do a lot of things that use water and they are all great fun! I am also really happy that I don’t need to save her anymore when she falls into the water.

About the Author    

        May Tian was born in Beijing, China. She currently lives in Vancouver, BC, with her family. She also really likes art, public speaking and writing. She plays four kinds of instruments, they’re piano, cello, ukulele and guitar. Her dream is to become a musician who is really good at art, also to publish a lot of books to improve her writing!

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