CSC8012_Software Development Techniques and Tools


▶Inheritance is a mechanism that allows us to define one class as an extension of another.
▶ It allows us to create two classes that are similar without the need to write the identical part twice.
▶ A new class derived from an existing class is called a subclass (or child class) of the existing class.
▶ The original class from which the other class is derived is called a superclass (or parent class).
▶ The subclass inherits the properties of the superclass and can have more fields and methods than its parent. This is why we say that the subclass extends the superclass.
▶ In Java a class can extend the definition of only one class.
▶ However, more than one class can inherit from the same superclass.
▶ Inheritance is transitive: that means that if a is a child class of b, and b is a child class of c, then c is related by inheritance to a.
▶ Classes can form an inheritance hierarchy.

▶ General syntax:
public class ClassName extends ExistingClassName
// class members

Superclasses and Subclasses

▶ The private members of the superclass are private to the superclass. Hence, the methods of the subclass cannot directly access them.
▶ The subclass can directly access the public members of the superclass.
▶ The subclass can have additional fields and/or methods.
▶ The subclass can overload the public methods of the superclass.
That means, in the subclass, you can have a method with the same name as a method in the superclass, but different number and/or
types of parameters.
▶ The subclass can override (redefine) the public methods of the
superclass. That means, in the subclass, you can have a method with
the same name, number and types of parameters as a method in the
superclass. However, this redefinition applies only to the objects of
the subclass, and not to the objects of the superclass.
▶ All fields of the superclass are also fields of the subclass.
▶ The methods of the superclass (unless overridden) are also methods
of the subclass.

Constructors of the Superclass and Subclass

▶ When an object is created, the constructor of that object makes sure that all object fields are initialised to some reasonable state.
▶ When a subclass object is created, it inherits the fields of the superclass, but the subclass object cannot directly access the private fields of the superclass. The constructors of the subclass can directly initialise only the fields of the subclass.
To initialise the private inherited fields we need to call one of the constructors of the superclass.
▶ To call a constructor of the superclass we use the keyword super
▶ For a constructor without parameters
▶ For a constructor with parameters
super(actual parameter list);
▶ A call to the constructor of the superclass must be the first statement in the body of a constructor of the subclass

protected Members of a Class

▶ The private members of the superclass are private to the superclass. The methods of the subclass cannot directly access them.
▶ In our last example, we had the following field declarations:
private String name; //in the Animal class
private int grassNeeded; //in the Herbivore class
▶ The above private fields can be accessed in the Elephant class
using public methods of the Animal and Herbivore classes.
public void printCharacteristics()
System.out.print(getName() + " ");
System.out.print(getGrassWeight() + " ");
System.out.println(tuskLength + " ");
▶ The superclass can give direct access to its private members to the
subclasses by declaring them protected instead.
▶ protected members of the superclass can be accessed directly in
the subclasses. They can be also accessed directly in other classes in
the same package.
private String name; //在Animal类中
private int grassNeeded; //在Herbivore类中
public void printCharacteristics()
System.out. println();
System.out. println();

Dynamic Binding

▶ When there are several versions of a method in a hierarchy(because it was overridden), the one in the closest subclass to an object is always used.
▶ So, what happens when an object of the subclass is assigned to a variable of the superclass’s type?
Animal a, aRef;
Herbivore h;
a = new Animal(“Lion”);
a.printInfo(); // calls Animal version of printInfo
h = new Herbivore(“Rhino”,200);
h.printInfo(); // calls Herbivore version of printInfo
aRef = h;
aRef.printInfo(); // calls Herbivore version of printInfo
▶ Even though aRef was declared as a variable of the type
Animal, when the program executes, in the last statement the printInfo method of the Herbivore class is called. This is called dynamic binding — the method to call is determined at execution time rather than at compile time.
a = new Animal(“Lion”);
a.printInfo(); //调用printInfo的Animal版本
h = new Herbivore(“Rhino”,200);
h.printInfo(); //调用printInfo的Herbivore版本
return h;
aRef.printInfo(); //调用printInfo的草食动物版本

Abstract Classes

▶ An abstract method is a method that has only the heading, with no
body. The heading of an abstract method contains the reserved word
abstract and ends with a semicolon. For example:
public void abstract print();
▶ An abstract class is a class that is declared with the reserved word
abstract in the heading:
public abstract class ClassName { … }
▶ An abstract class can contain instance variables, constructors and non-abstract methods.
▶ An abstract class can contain abstract method(s).
▶ If a class contains an abstract method, then it must be declared as abstract.
▶ You cannot instantiate an object of an abstract class type. You can only declare a reference variable of an abstract class type.
▶ You can instantiate an object of a subclass of an abstract class,but only if the subclass implements (defines) all the abstract methods of the superclass.
▶ Abstract classes are used as superclasses from which other subclasses within the same context can be derived. They can implement their shared behaviour.
abstract抽象and ends结束with a pronouns子.举例来说:
public void print();
public abstract class Class { }


▶ Method names in Java are polymorphic (literally, have many shapes). They have a different meaning depending on the context.
▶ Method polymorphism is achieved in Java by:
▶ method overloading in classes;
▶ method overriding in subclasses and
▶ having methods with the same name (but different implementations) in different classes that implement the same interface.
▶ Reference variables in Java are polymorphic. A variable can hold references to objects of many types: the declared type or any subtype of the declared type.
▶ When declaring a reference variable, we can use two different types on the left and right sides of the assignment operator:
StaticType var1 = new DynamicType(…);
var1 = new DifferentDynamicType(…);
▶ The same method call may at different times invoke different methods, depending on the dynamic type of the variable (due to dynamic binding).
System. out. println = new System. out. println();
var 1 = new DifferentDynamicType(.);


▶ An exception is an occurrence of a failure during program execution.
▶ Examples:
▶ division by zero,
▶ inputting a letter when a number is being read in,
▶ referring to a file that cannot be found,
▶ using array index which is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the length of the array.
▶ Java provides a number of exception classes for different types of
exceptions. For the exceptions listed above, we have the following classes:
▶ ArithmeticException
▶ NumberFormatException
▶ FileNotFoundException
▶ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
▶ Programmers are allowed to create their own exception classes.
▶ When an exception occurs in a method, an object of a specific exception class is created and “thrown”. The exception can be either “caught” and handled by the method or propagated to a higher level
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Explaining the Hierarchy

▶ The Throwable class, which is derived from the Object class,is the superclass of all the exception classes in Java.
▶ The Error class indicates a disaster of some kind — these are usually so serious that it is almost never worth catching them.
▶ The Exception class is the root of all classes of exceptions which are worth catching.
▶ The RuntimeException class and its subclasses indicate exceptions that are almost always the results of programming errors.
▶ The IOException class and its subclasses indicate exceptions which are thrown when something in the environment behaves badly.
▶ Programmers are allowed to create their own exception classes, by extending the Exception class or one of its subclasses.

▶ The Throwable class is contained in the java.lang package.
▶ It contains some useful methods which are inherited by its subclasses:
▶ public String getMessage()
returns the detailed message stored in this object.
▶ public String toString()
returns the detailed message stored in this object as well as the name of the exception class.
▶ public void printStackTrace()
prints the sequence of method calls when an exception occurs

Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

▶ Java’s predefined exceptions are divided into two categories:
checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions.
▶ Any exception that can be detected by the compiler is called a
checked exception. For example, FileNotFountExceptions and IOExceptions are checked exceptions.
▶ If a checked exception occurs in a method, then the method can either handle this exception or throw it to a higher level.
In the latter case, it must include an appropriate throws clause in its heading.
▶ An exception that cannot be detected by the compiler is called an unchecked exception. For example,RuntimeExceptions are unchecked exceptions.
▶ If an unchecked exception occurs in a method, then the method does not need to include any throws clause in its heading when throwing this exception to a higher level.

try/catch/finally Block

▶ A try block contains the code you would normally write to carry out the standard task.
▶ Placing the code in the try block recognises that one or more possible exceptions may occur during its execution.
▶ The try block is followed by zero or more catch blocks.
▶ A catch block takes a parameter which defines the type of exception it is prepared to deal with, and contains a code to handle this type of exception.
▶ The last catch block may be followed by a finally block. If a try block has no catch block, then it must have a finally block.
▶ Executing the try/catch/finally block:
▶ If no exception occurs in a try block, all catch blocks associated with
the try block are ignored and program execution resumes after the last
catch block.
▶ If an exception occurs in a try block, the remaining statements in the
try block are ignored. The program searches the catch blocks (in the
order in which they appear after the try block) looking for an appropriate
exception handler (a catch block with the parameter type matching the
type of the thrown exception). If one is found, the code of that catch
block is executed and the remaining catch blocks are ignored.
▶ The finally block (if there is one) always executes regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.

Generic Programming

▶ Generic programming is the creation of programming constructs that can be used with many different types.
▶ In Java, generic programming can be achieved with inheritance or with type variables (discussed later).
▶ Inheritance allows us to assign an object of any type to a reference variable of type Object.
▶ Type variables can be substituted with any class or interface type.
▶ However, you cannot treat values of primitive types as objects.
Similarly, you cannot substitute any of the primitive types for a type variable. Java’s solution to this problem is wrapper classes. For example:
▶ The wrapper class for int is called Integer.
▶ The wrapper class for char is called Character.
▶ Whenever a value of a primitive type is used in a context that requires a wrapper type, it is automatically converted to an appropriate wrapper object. This is called autoboxing. The reverse operation, unboxing, is also performed automatically.

▶ In Java, generic programming can be achieved with type variables.
▶ The java.util.ArrayList class is a generic class, which has been
declared with a type variable E. The type variable denotes the element
public class ArrayList
public ArrayList() {…}
public void add(E element) {…}

▶ Type variables can be instantiated with class or interface types, or
wrapper types of primitive types. For example:
ArrayList triangles = new ArrayList();
ArrayList polygons = new ArrayList ();
ArrayList integers = new ArrayList();

Defining a Generic Method

▶ Generic methods can be defined inside ordinary and generic classes.
▶ We can define a generic method that depends on type variables using the following syntax:
modifiers returnType
{ body }
▶ For example:
public static void print(E[] a)
for(E e: a)
System.out.print(e + " ");
▶ Type variables declared at the class level can only be used by non-static members and methods. So generic methods are particularly useful for defining static generic methods.
▶ When calling a generic method, it is necessary to instantiate the type

Big-O Notation

▶ We can describe an algorithm’s performance by considering how many basic operations (assignments, number of comparisons etc.) are required for a given input of size n (e.g. an array with n items).
▶ Example: Consider an algorithm for displaying an array of numbers. For an input array of size n, how many operations are required?
▶ Big-O is a notation that gives a rough upper bound on an algorithm’s performance.
▶ It only considers dominant terms (as n approaches infinity):
2n + 5 = O(n)
n2 − 100n = O(n2)
2n + 5n4 = O(2n)

▶ Consider what happens if we double input size n for different
Big-O bounds:
O(1) Nothing (constant)
O(n) Doubles
O(n log n) Slightly more than double
O(n2) Factor of 4
O(n3) Factor of 8
O(2n) Square
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Selection Sort

▶ Suppose we have an array with n items.
▶ Selection sort works by selecting the sorted items one at a time.
▶ The smallest item belongs in position 0 of the sorted array, so exchange it with whatever item is stored there.
▶ Now select the next smallest item from the n − 1 remaining items and store it at position 1.
▶ On the each subsequent iteration, select the smallest item from the remaining items and store it at the right position.
▶ After i iterations, the first i array locations will contain the first i smallest items in sort order. Thus, after n − 1 iterations, the whole array will be sorted.

public static > void selectionSort(E[] a)
E temp;
int minIndex;
for (int j=0; j { // this is the outer loop
minIndex = j;
for (int k=j+1; k {
if (a[k].compareTo(a[minIndex])<0)
minIndex = k;
temp = a[minIndex];
a[minIndex] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;

▶ For the array with n items we have:
▶ The number of assignments related to swaps:
3(n − 1) = O(n)
▶ The number of comparisons:
(n − 1) + (n − 2) + · · · + 2 + 1 = n(n − 1)/2 = O(n2)
▶ The performance of the algorithm is therefore O(n2)
▶ This algorithm is good only for small size arrays because O(n2) grows rapidly as n grows.
▶ The selection sort algorithm does not depend on the initial arrangement of data. The number of comparisons is always O(n2) and the number of assignments is O(n)

Insertion Sort

▶ The idea of Insertion sort is to sort the array from left to right.
▶ The array can be viewed as containing two parts: sorted and unsorted. At the beginning the sorted part contains only the item at position 0. The rest is considered unsorted.
▶ The items in the unsorted part are to be moved one at a time to their proper places in the sorted part.
▶ In each iteration, we take the first item of the unsorted part(called value) and all the items from the sorted part that should follow value are shifted by one position to the right to make room for value.
▶ After i iterations, the first i + 1 array items are sorted, so after n − 1 iterations the whole array is sorted.
▶ If the array is already nearly sorted, Insertion sort is very efficient.
在i次迭代后,数组的前i + 1个元素被排序,所以在n-1次迭代后,整个数组被排序。

public static > void insertionSort(E[] a)
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
E value = a[i];
int j;
for (j = i; j > 0; j–)
if (a[j-1].compareTo(value)<0)
a[j] = a[j-1];
a[j] = value;

▶ We analyse behaviour in terms of the number of comparisons
Cn needed for an array of size n.
▶ We always execute the outer loop n − 1 times.
▶ Best case: array is already sorted
▶ The inner loop exits after the first comparison.
▶ So Cn = n − 1.
▶ Performance is O(n).
▶ Worst case: array is in reverse order (i.e. descending)
▶ The inner loop is executes i times for i = 1, . . . , n − 1.
▶ So Cn = n(n − 1)/2.
▶ Performance is O(n2)
▶ Average case: behaviour on random data
▶ The inner loop is executed i/2 times for i = 1, . . . , n − 1.
▶ Approximately Cn = n2/4 comparisons.
▶ Performance is O(n2)

Other Sorting Algorithms

▶ There are other sorting algorithms. For example: Bubble sort,Shell sort, Merge sort, Quick sort.
▶ Merge sort and Quick sort are examples of divide-and-conquer algorithms: they partition the array and recursively sort the partitions.
▶ Elementary sorting algorithms which are based on comparing adjacent array items are usually O(n2).
▶ However, “divide-and-conquer” algorithms can have better performance:
▶ Merge sort is O(n log n).
▶ Quick sort, on average, makes O(n log n) comparisons to sort n items. In the worst case, however, it makes O(n2) comparisons, though this behaviour is rare. Quick sort is often
faster in practice than algorithms like Merge sort.
▶ It can be proved that any sorting algorithm which uses comparisons requires at least O(n log n) operations.
快速排序,平均来说,对n个项目进行排序的比较是O(n log n)。但是,在最坏的情况下,它进行O(n2)比较,尽管这种行为很少见。快速排序通常
可以证明任何使用比较的排序算法至少需要O(n log n)操作。

Sequential Search

▶ A sequential search of an array examines each item in turn,looking for a specific item.
▶ The search terminates when a matching item is found or when there are no items left.
▶ If the array is ordered, then it is possible to terminate the search sooner.
▶ Sometimes it is possible to rearrange the items in the array to speed up subsequent searches.
▶ However, all sequential searching algorithms are O(n) in the worst-case.


public static >
int seqSearch(E[] a, E searchItem)
int loc;
boolean found = false;
for (loc = 0; loc < a.length; loc++)
if (a[loc].compareTo(searchItem) == 0)
found = true;
if (found)
return loc;
return -1;

Ordered Searching

▶ A disadvantage of a sequential search is that it is necessary to examine every item in case the item we are looking for is not present. If the items of the array are sorted into order, then
the search can be terminated early.
▶ Assuming the items are sorted in increasing order, once a “bigger” item (according to the compareTo method) is found,there is no point in looking any further.
▶ But this is still an O(n) algorithm.
▶ If we are searching an ordered array, we can do much better using Binary Search.

Binary Search

▶ A sequential search of an ordered array is still O(n) even though only half the items have to be examined on average.
However, an important property of an array is that you do not have to access its items in sequence.
▶ You can access any array item at constant cost i.e. array
access is O(1).
▶ It is possible to exploit this property to develop an O(log2 n) algorithm for searching a sorted array.
▶ At each stage, the array is divided into two roughly equal halves.
▶ By examining the item stored at the mid-point, it is easy to determine which half of the array might contain an item being sought (assuming such an item is present).
▶ Thus, at each stage the number of items to be searched is halved, so that after log2 n stages there is only one item left to be examined.
这是一个O(log2 n)的算法,可以用来搜索一个有序数组。
因此,在每一个阶段,要搜索的项目数量减半,这样在log2 n阶段之后,只剩下一个项目要检查。

public static >
int binarySearch(E[] a, E searchItem)
int first = 0;
int last = a.length - 1;
int mid = -1;
boolean found = false;
while (first <= last && !found)
// comparing searchItem with the middle element of the
// currently examined portion of the array
if (found)
return mid;
return -1;
while (first <= last && !found)
mid = (first + last) / 2;
int result = a[mid].compareTo(searchItem);
if (result == 0)
found = true;
if (result > 0)
last = mid - 1;
first = mid + 1;

▶ Suppose a is a sorted array of size n.
▶ Moreover, suppose that n is a power of 2, for example:
n = 2m (m = log2 n).
▶ After each iteration of the while - loop about half the items are left to search. This means the search sub-array for the next iteration is half the size of the current sub-array. For example, after the first iteration, the search sub-array is of size n/2 = 2m−1.
▶ The maximum number of iterations for the while loop is m + 1, and each iteration makes two comparisons
▶ So, the maximum number of comparisons to determine whether an item x is in a is:
2(m + 1) = 2(log2 n + 1) = 2 log2 n + 2 = O(log2 n).

▶ The Collections class of java.util package contains static sort and binarySearch methods:
▶ The sort method sorts the specified list into ascending order,according to the natural ordering of its elements. All elements in the list must implement the Comparable interface.
▶ The binarySearch method searches the specified list for the specified object using the binary search algorithm. The list must be sorted into ascending order according to the natural ordering of its elements prior to making this call. It returns the index of the search object, if it is contained in the list.
▶ These methods can be used to sort an ArrayList of objects:
int[] intArray = {13, 2, 10, 7, 1};
ArrayList integers = new ArrayList();
for (Integer i: intArray) integers.add(i);
int index = Collections.binarySearch(integers, 10);


▶ A stack is a way of organising a list of items so that only the most recently added item is accessible.
▶ This item is said to be at the top of the stack.
▶ It is as if the items were stacked on top of each other with only the top item being visible.
▶ Thus, one way to visualise a stack is as a tower of items. New items are added at the top of the stack.
▶ When a new item is added, the item that used to be at the top of the stack is hidden.
▶ When an item is removed from the stack, the item which it was hiding (the old top of the stack) becomes visible again.
Only the item on the top of the stack can be removed, so items are removed in the reverse of the order in which they were added.

The LIFO Property

▶ The last item to be added to a stack is at the top of the stack.
▶ The first item to be added to a stack is at the bottom of the stack.
▶ Items in between are ordered according to when they were added to the stack.
▶ The more recently an item has been added to a stack, the closer it is to the top of the stack.
▶ Only the item at the top of the stack can be removed, so only the most recently added item is accessible.
▶ Removing the top item exposes the next item (the next most recently added item) and makes it accessible.
▶ Thus, the order in which items can be removed from a stack is the reverse of the order in which they were added to the stack.
▶ In other words, items are removed from a stack in Last In,First Out or LIFO order - this is the LIFO property of a stack.

Real World Examples

▶ Stack of plates in a cafeteria
▶ Spring loaded
▶ Only the top plate accessible
▶ Often difficult to remove more than one plate at a time
▶ Trucks/carriages in a railway siding
▶ Buffer prevents access at one end
▶ Shunting engine can only couple to first truck
▶ Possible to remove more then one truck at a time
▶ Possible to add more than one truck at a time
▶ Several sidings are usually employed as stacks in tandem
▶ In-tray
▶ Jobs removed from the top
▶ Some jobs may remain in the in-tray forever
▶ Some sorting mechanism to impose priority essential
▶ Several trays (urgent, non-urgent) often employed

Stack Operations

▶ push(item)
▶ Add a new item to the top of the stack
▶ pop()
▶ Return and remove the most recent item
▶ peek()
▶ Return the value of the item at the top of the stack
▶ empty()
▶ A stack which contains no items is said to be empty
▶ Attempting to pop an empty stack is an error
▶ This error is sometimes referred to as stack underflow
▶ size()
▶ Return the number of elements on the stack

Stacks as Templates

▶ The items stored on a stack must all have the same type, e.g.Stack of Integer, Stack of BankAccount etc.
▶ However, the behaviour of a stack does not depend on the type of the items it stores.
▶ Thus, we want to be able to use the same definition of a Stack class, regardless of the type of items that the stack contains.
▶ To do this in Java, we use generic types.

Stack Interface

public interface Stack
public void push(E x);
public E pop() throws EmptyStackException;
public E peek() throws EmptyStackException;
public boolean empty();
public int size();

Stack Applications

▶ The LIFO property of stacks turns out to be just what is required to solve many problems.
▶ Stacks can be used to store a nested sequence of values that need to be retrieved in reverse order. Many problems have this kind of nested structure.
▶ For example, if a problem can be solved using a series of
nested steps, then a stack can be used to remember
intermediate results.
▶ Similarly, a stack can be used to simplify an algorithm that
has to process data with a nested structure. In particular,
stacks can be used to implement recursive algorithms.
▶ If an algorithm is recursive, then it needs to save a partial
result somewhere while it goes off and computes another
result recursively.
▶ As the recursion unwinds, these partial results are retrieved in
LIFO order so they could be stored on a stack.


▶ Ignore all the input characters except brackets.
▶ Use the stack to remember the start of each bracket pair and match the corresponding closing bracket.
▶ Push each opening bracket character onto the stack.
▶ When a closing bracket is found, pop the corresponding opening bracket off the top of the stack.
▶ If the brackets don’t match, then the program contains a syntax error.

Reverse Polish Notation

▶ Expressions involving operators with different precedences are
usually written using brackets e.g. (3 + 4) * 5 vs.
3 + (4 * 5).
▶ Using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), operators such as +
and * are written after operands such as 3 and 4.
▶ Since each operator refers to the previous two operands or
results of operations, there is no need for brackets.
▶ For example:
▶ 3 4 + 5 * means the same as (3 + 4) * 5
▶ 3 4 5 * + means the same as 3 + (4 * 5)
▶ Calculators which work with RPN use a stack internally:
▶ Operands are pushed onto the stack.
▶ Operators take their operands off the stack and push the result
back on again - if there are not enough operands on the stack,
the expression is invalid.
▶ The result of the expression should be the only value left on
the stack at the end of the algorithm.

Evaluating RPN Expressions

public static void main(String[] args)
Stack stack = new ArrayStack();
String expression = “9 5 2 + -”; // or read from keyboard
String[] token = expression.split(" ");
for (int i=0; i {
if (token[i].charAt(0) == ’+’)
int rhs = stack.pop();
int lhs = stack.pop();
stack.push(lhs + rhs);
else if (token[i].charAt(0) == ’-’)
int rhs = stack.pop();
int lhs = stack.pop();
stack.push(lhs - rhs);
} //end of for
System.out.println("Result is " + stack.pop());
} //end of try
catch (EmptyStackException e)
System.out.println(“Missing operand”);
if (!stack.empty())
System.out.println("ERROR - too many operands in the expression. " +
“The result is incorrect.”);
} //end of main

Implementing Stacks Using Arrays

▶ An array is a convenient place to store the items on a stack.
▶ However, the size of an array is fixed, whilst the number of items on a stack can vary.
▶ Thus, it is necessary to keep track of which part of the array is being used to store the contents of the stack.
▶ Typically, this will grow and shrink as items are pushed and popped from the stack.
▶ What happens when the array fills up?
▶ There are two possibilities:
▶ give a stack overflow error,
▶ expand the array.
▶ We will avoid overflow by expanding the array.

Keeping Track of the Top of the Stack

▶ An integer variable topOfStack is used as an array index to
keep track of the top of the stack.
▶ As items are pushed onto the stack, topOfStack is increased;as items are popped off the stack, topOfStack is decreased.
▶ There are two possible conventions for the value of topOfStack:
▶ topOfStack points to the item on the top of the stack
▶ topOfStack points to where the next item will be added.
▶ The difference is whether topOfStack must be incremented before or after pushing an item onto the stack.
▶ We will choose the first convention i.e. topOfStack will point to the position of the top item.
▶ Since an empty stack doesn’t have a top item, we shall use position -1 for this case.

▶ A stack is initially empty so the value of topOfStack should be initialised accordingly.
▶ Arrays are indexed from 0 in Java, so the first item will be added when topOfStack is at position -1.
▶ Thus, the Stack constructor must set the value of topOfStack to -1 to indicate that the stack is initially empty.
▶ If theArray can only hold DEFAULT_CAPACITY items, then the stack is full when topOfStack == DEFAULT_CAPACITY-1.

Stack Operations

▶ ArrayStack() // constructor
▶ create theArray object with some fixed size
▶ set topOfStack to -1
▶ empty()
▶ return (topOfStack == -1)
▶ size()
▶ return (topOfStack + 1)

▶ push(item)
if (stack is full)
expand array
increase topOfStack and store item in theArray[topOfStack].
▶ pop()
if (stack is empty)
throw stack underflow exception
return theArray[topOfStack] and decrement topOfStack

public class ArrayStack implements Stack
private E[] theArray;
private int topOfStack;
public static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 20;
public ArrayStack()
theArray = (E[]) new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
topOfStack = -1;

public void push(E x)
if (topOfStack == theArray.length - 1)
theArray[topOfStack] = x;

public E peek() throws EmptyStackException
if (empty())
throw new EmptyStackException(“Stack peek”);
return theArray[topOfStack];

public E pop() throws EmptyStackException
if (empty())
throw new EmptyStackException(“Stack pop”);
E result = theArray[topOfStack];
return result;

public boolean empty()
return topOfStack == -1;
public int size()
return topOfStack + 1;

// To expand an Array object, you need to create another
// reference to the array, create a new larger array
// and then copy the items across from the smaller array
private void doubleArray()
E[] temp = theArray;
theArray = (E[]) new Object[temp.length2];
// cannot say new E[temp.length
for (int i=0; i {
theArray[i] = temp[i];
} // end of class

Expansion Factor

▶ How much bigger should the new array be? One approach would be to increase the size of the array by a fixed amount each time. However, expanding an array is an expensive operation because of all the copying involved.
▶ A good approach is to use an adaptive strategy and increase the array size in proportion to its current size. The bigger the array becomes, the more it is expanded by each time it overflows.
▶ For example, if the array size started at 16 and grew by 50%
each time the array was expanded, successive sizes would be:
16, 24, 36, 54, 81, 120, 180, 270 etc.


▶ A queue is a way of organising a list of items in order of arrival.
▶ Items arrive at the back of the queue and are eventually removed from the front of the queue.
▶ The item at the front of the queue arrived earlier than any of the other items in the queue.
▶ The item at the back of the queue was the last one to arrive.
▶ Items are removed from the queue in order of arrival.
▶ Thus, only the item at the front of the queue can be removed.
▶ New items are put at the back of the queue.
▶ A queue is a First In, First Out (FIFO) data structure, unlike a stack which is Last In, First Out (LIFO).

Real-world Examples

▶ Queues are used to resolve any situation which is “First Come,First Served” e.g. ticket returns at the Theatre Box Office.
▶ Queues are also used whenever there is a customer/server relationship:
▶ a queue at the stottie shop,
▶ a queue at the post office,
▶ a queue at the supermarket checkout.
▶ Customers arrive at the back of the queue and are served in turn as they reach the front of the queue.
▶ If there is more than one server, then it is fairest if there is only one queue.
▶ However, sometimes each server has their own queue and you have to guess which queue will move the fastest.

Queue Operations

▶ offer(item)
▶ Add a new item to the back of the queue if possible.
▶ The rest of the queue remains unchanged.
▶ poll()
▶ Return and remove the item stored at the front of the queue.
▶ The queue “moves up,” but remains in order.
▶ peek()
▶ Return the item stored at the front of the queue.
▶ empty()
▶ Is the queue empty?
▶ size()
▶ How many elements are on the queue?

Queue Interface

public interface Queue
public boolean empty();
public int size();
public boolean offer(E x);
public E peek(); // returns null if queue empty
public E poll(); // returns null if queue empty

Implementation Issues

▶ In theory, a queue can grow in size indefinitely and contain an arbitrary number of elements.
▶ In the real world, this might happen if the servers were too slow and customers arrived very quickly.
▶ In practice, customers arrive in bursts (e.g. everyone getting off a train or coming out of a lecture) and the queue only needs to be big enough to hold the biggest burst.
▶ A queue needs memory to hold all the elements which have been added to the queue and not yet removed.
▶ Like stacks, queues can be implemented using either a fixed amount of storage (arrays) or a variable amount (linked lists).
▶ We will show an implementation of Queue based on arrays.

▶ offer(item)
▶ if (queue is full)
return false
▶ increment back modulo n
▶ store item at theArray[back]
▶ increment currentSize
▶ return true

▶ poll()
▶ if (queue is empty)
return null
▶ remember the item at theArray[front] as the result
▶ increment front modulo n
▶ decrement currentSize
▶ return result

public class ArrayQueue implements Queue
private E[] theArray;
private int front;
private int back;
private int currentSize;
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 20;
private int increment(int x)
return (x + 1) % theArray.length;

public ArrayQueue()
theArray = (E[]) new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
private void makeEmpty()
front = currentSize = 0;
back = -1;
public boolean empty()
return currentSize == 0;

public boolean offer(E x)
if (currentSize == theArray.length)
return false;
back = increment(back);
theArray[back] = x;
return true;

public E peek()
if (empty())
return null;
return theArray[front];
public int size()
return currentSize;

public E poll()
if (empty())
return null;
E frontItem = theArray[front];
front = increment(front);
return frontItem;
