The slog begins: Britain and the EU

Jan 15th 2018

The slog begins: Britain and the EU

After the cabinet reshuffle, the agenda of Theresa May, the prime minister, will again become dominated by Brexit.

  • reshuffle 〈比喻〉(政府等的)改组;重新配置;(牌的)重洗

The EU wants a deal by October, allowing time for ratification before March 2019, Britain’s leaving date.

  • ratification 认可;正式批准;承认

Negotiations on a transition period, during which the country will probably still follow EU rules, start this month and should be straightforward.

Tougher will be trade—particularly how to handle regulatory divergence.

  • divergence 分歧;发散

The EU is talking tough: if Britain leaves the single market and customs union, and wants to set its own regulations, any deal must mainly be restricted to goods.

  • restricted (大小或数量)有限的;(指能做的事)有限的;受(法规)制约的

Britain also wants free access for services, particularly finance firms.

It is unique, it says, in starting negotiations in full compliance with EU law.

  • compliance 遵从;顺从;服从

EU leaders will issue negotiating guidelines by April.

But when hard bargaining begins, Britain hopes the EU countries’ united front will crumble.

  • bargaining [n.]讨价还价;商谈;商讨
  • crumble 崩溃;崩裂;瓦解

Several have much to lose from erecting trade barriers.

  • erect 建立;树立
  • trade barrier 贸易障碍,贸易壁垒

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