
之前发现pwn虚拟机从零开始配置pwn环境:CTF PWN 做题环境-CSDN博客无libc,magic等指令,后来查资料发现是没有安装Pwngdb,按如下处理解决该问题


cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/scwuaptx/Pwngdb.git 

gedit ~/.gdbinit
source /home/giantbranch/pwndbg/gdbinit.py
source ~/peda/peda.py
source ~/Pwngdb/pwngdb.py


libc : Print the base address of libc
ld : Print the base address of ld
codebase : Print the base of code segment
heap : Print the base of heap
got : Print the Global Offset Table infomation
dyn : Print the Dynamic section infomation
findcall : Find some function call
bcall : Set the breakpoint at some function call
tls : Print the thread local storage address
at : Attach by process name
findsyscall : Find the syscall
fmtarg : Calculate the index of format string
You need to stop on printf which has vulnerability.
force : Calculate the nb in the house of force.
heapinfo : Print some infomation of heap
heapinfo (Address of arena)
default is the arena of current thread
If tcache is enable, it would show infomation of tcache entry
heapinfoall : Print some infomation of heap (all threads)
arenainfo : Print some infomation of all arena
chunkinfo: Print the infomation of chunk
chunkinfo (Address of victim)
chunkptr : Print the infomation of chunk
chunkptr (Address of user ptr)
mergeinfo : Print the infomation of merge
mergeinfo (Address of victim)
printfastbin : Print some infomation of fastbin
tracemalloc on : Trace the malloc and free and detect some error .
You need to run the process first than tracemalloc on, it will record all of the malloc and free.
You can set the DEBUG in pwngdb.py , than it will print all of the malloc and free infomation such as the screeshot.
parseheap : Parse heap layout
magic : Print useful variable and function in glibc
fp : show FILE structure
fp (Address of FILE)
fpchain: show linked list of FILE
orange : Test house of orange condition in the _IO_flush_lockp
orange (Address of FILE)
glibc version <= 2.23


giantbranch@ubuntu:~/Re/3$ gdb ./wdb_2018_2nd_easyfmt 
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
pwndbg: loaded 175 commands. Type pwndbg [filter] for a list.
pwndbg: created $rebase, $ida gdb functions (can be used with print/break)
Reading symbols from ./wdb_2018_2nd_easyfmt...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /home/giantbranch/Re/3/wdb_2018_2nd_easyfmt 
Do you know repeater?
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.

EAX: 0xfffffe00 
EBX: 0x0 
ECX: 0xffffcf98 ("c\nAA.%p.%p.%p.%"...)
EDX: 0x64 ('d')
ESI: 0xf7fb7000 --> 0x1b2db0 
EDI: 0xf7fb7000 --> 0x1b2db0 
EBP: 0xffffd008 --> 0x0 
ESP: 0xffffcf68 --> 0xffffd008 --> 0x0 
EIP: 0xf7fd7fd9 (<__kernel_vsyscall+9>:	pop    ebp)
EFLAGS: 0x246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0xf7fd7fd3 <__kernel_vsyscall+3>:	mov    ebp,ecx
   0xf7fd7fd5 <__kernel_vsyscall+5>:	syscall 
   0xf7fd7fd7 <__kernel_vsyscall+7>:	int    0x80
=> 0xf7fd7fd9 <__kernel_vsyscall+9>:	pop    ebp
   0xf7fd7fda <__kernel_vsyscall+10>:	pop    edx
   0xf7fd7fdb <__kernel_vsyscall+11>:	pop    ecx
   0xf7fd7fdc <__kernel_vsyscall+12>:	ret    
   0xf7fd7fdd:	nop
0000| 0xffffcf68 --> 0xffffd008 --> 0x0 
0004| 0xffffcf6c --> 0x64 ('d')
0008| 0xffffcf70 --> 0xffffcf98 ("c\nAA.%p.%p.%p.%"...)
0012| 0xffffcf74 --> 0xf7ed9c43 (<__read_nocancel+25>:	pop    ebx)
0016| 0xffffcf78 --> 0x0 
0020| 0xffffcf7c --> 0x80485c0 (:	add    esp,0x10)
0024| 0xffffcf80 --> 0x0 
0028| 0xffffcf84 --> 0xffffcf98 ("c\nAA.%p.%p.%p.%"...)
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGINT
0xf7fd7fd9 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 EAX  0xfffffe00
 EBX  0x0
 ECX  0xffffcf98 ◂— 0x41410a63 ('c\nAA')
 EDX  0x64
 EDI  0xf7fb7000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂— 0x1b2db0
 ESI  0xf7fb7000 (_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_) ◂— 0x1b2db0
 EBP  0xffffd008 ◂— 0x0
 ESP  0xffffcf68 —▸ 0xffffd008 ◂— 0x0
 EIP  0xf7fd7fd9 (__kernel_vsyscall+9) ◂— pop    ebp
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ► 0xf7fd7fd9 <__kernel_vsyscall+9>     pop    ebp
   0xf7fd7fda <__kernel_vsyscall+10>    pop    edx
   0xf7fd7fdb <__kernel_vsyscall+11>    pop    ecx
   0xf7fd7fdc <__kernel_vsyscall+12>    ret    
   0xf7ed9c43 <__read_nocancel+25>      pop    ebx
   0xf7ed9c44 <__read_nocancel+26>      cmp    eax, 0xfffff001
   0xf7ed9c49 <__read_nocancel+31>      jae    __syscall_error <0xf7e1c740>
   0xf7e1c740 <__syscall_error>         call   __x86.get_pc_thunk.dx <0xf7f23c7d>
   0xf7e1c745 <__syscall_error+5>       add    edx, 0x19a8bb
   0xf7e1c74b <__syscall_error+11>      mov    ecx, dword ptr gs:[0]
   0xf7e1c752 <__syscall_error+18>      neg    eax
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
00:0000│ esp  0xffffcf68 —▸ 0xffffd008 ◂— 0x0
01:0004│      0xffffcf6c ◂— 0x64 /* 'd' */
02:0008│      0xffffcf70 —▸ 0xffffcf98 ◂— 0x41410a63 ('c\nAA')
03:000c│      0xffffcf74 —▸ 0xf7ed9c43 (__read_nocancel+25) ◂— pop    ebx
04:0010│      0xffffcf78 ◂— 0x0
05:0014│      0xffffcf7c —▸ 0x80485c0 (main+117) ◂— add    esp, 0x10
06:0018│      0xffffcf80 ◂— 0x0
07:001c│      0xffffcf84 —▸ 0xffffcf98 ◂— 0x41410a63 ('c\nAA')
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 ► f 0 f7fd7fd9 __kernel_vsyscall+9
   f 1 f7ed9c43 __read_nocancel+25
   f 2  80485c0 main+117
   f 3 f7e1c647 __libc_start_main+247
Program received signal SIGINT
gdb-peda$ libc
libc : 0xf7e04000
gdb-peda$ magic
========== function ==========
========== variables ==========
__malloc_hook(0x1b3768)             : 0xf7e76380
__free_hook(0x1b48b0)               : 0x00000000
__realloc_hook(0x1b3764)            : 0xf7e763d0
stdin(-0xefdb9fa0)                  : 0xf7fb75a0
stdout(-0xefdb9f9c)                 : 0xf7fb7d60
_IO_list_all(0x1b3ca0)              : 0xf7fb7cc0
__after_morecore_hook(0x1b48ac)     : 0x00000000
