
1. 背景

最近笔者在开发大数据平台XSailboat数据资产目录 模块。它的其中一个功能是能定义并查看资产数据。我们支持的资产类型不仅有关系数据库表,也支持Kafka主题,hdfs上的文件等。对于Kafka主题,hdfs文件等,它们没有强模式约束和描述,但为了理解、查看和约束其中的结构化数据,我们支持在这类资产上附加上模式定义的功能。

对于模式的描述/模型,我参考了JsonSchema,OpenAPI 3.0的Schema,最终决定自己定义模式结构。这种模式结构能扩展、能转换成那些标准模式,为后续扩展和适应性调整留余地。


	"type":"object" ,
		"name" : "f0" ,
		"description" : "字段0的描述信息" ,
		"dataType" : "string"
 	} ,
 		"name" : "f1" ,
 		"description" : "字段1的描述信息" ,
 		"dataType" : {
 			"type" : "array" ,
 			"itemType" : "string"
 	} ,


  • string
  • double
  • long
  • int
  • bool
  • datetime


  • object
  • array

基本类型在我们的Java Bean定义中,它是一个类型为BaseType的JavaBean,不是字符串,所以如何序列化成JSON时,得到

	"dataType" : "string" ,


	"dataType" : ["BaseType" , "string"]
	"dataType" : {
		"type" : "string"


2. 代码

  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.Type
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;

	    use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, // Were binding by providing a name
	    include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, // The name is provided in a property
	    property = "type", // Property name is type
	    visible = true // Retain the value of type after deserialisation
	    , defaultImpl = BaseType.class	// 如果不是下面指定的那两种,就缺省认定它是BaseType类型的,走它的反序列化逻辑。
@JsonSubTypes({//Below, we define the names and the binding classes.
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ArrayType.class, name = "array") ,
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ObjectType.class, name = "object")
public interface Type
  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.BaseType
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import com.cimstech.xfront.common.reflect.XClassUtil;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIdentityInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIdentityReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.ObjectIdGenerators;

import lombok.Data;

@JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class , property = "name"
		, resolver = BaseTypeIdResolver.class , scope = BaseType.class)			// 用name来做id
@JsonIdentityReference(alwaysAsId = true)		// 总是使用Id来代表这个类的对象
public class BaseType implements Type
	public static BaseType STRING = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_String) ;
	public static BaseType LONG = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_Long) ;
	public static BaseType DOUBLE = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_Double) ;
	public static BaseType INTEGER = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_Integer) ;
	public static BaseType BOOLEAN = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_Bool) ;
	public static BaseType DATETIME = new BaseType(XClassUtil.sCSN_DateTime) ;
	public static BaseType of(String aTypeName)
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_String:
			return STRING ;
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_Long:
			return LONG ;
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_Double:
			return DOUBLE ;
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_Integer:
			return INTEGER ;
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_Bool:
			return BOOLEAN ;
		case XClassUtil.sCSN_DateTime:
			return DATETIME ;
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("未知的基本类型:"+aTypeName) ;
	final String name ;
	private BaseType(String aName)
		name = aName ;
	public String toString()
		return name ;
  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.ArrayType
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class ArrayType implements Type
	 * 数组的元素类型
	Type itemType ;
  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.ObjectType
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import java.util.List;

import lombok.Data;

public class ObjectType implements Type
	 * 字段
	List<Field> fields ;

  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.Field
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class Field
	String name ;
	String description ;
	Type dataType ;

  • com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema.BaseTypeIdResolver
package com.cimstech.sailboat.common.schema;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.ObjectIdGenerator.IdKey;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.ObjectIdResolver;

public class BaseTypeIdResolver implements ObjectIdResolver
	public void bindItem(IdKey aId, Object aPojo)

	public Object resolveId(IdKey aId)
		return BaseType.of(aId.key.toString()) ;

	public ObjectIdResolver newForDeserialization(Object aContext)
		return this ;

	public boolean canUseFor(ObjectIdResolver aResolverType)
		return aResolverType.getClass() == getClass() ;

