smart by bites 想变聪明?哪就被舞狮咬吧

It is legend that if you want to beome smarter, you must have been bit by shishima (舞狮). Maruko  talked with her friends and one of them verify it.

It is Japanese tradition that children will become smart bit by shishima. Parents bring their children travel around to find the shishima.

Marsk come to class and told Maruko he has been bit by numbers of shishima so he is very smart. even though math exam are ultra hard he earn the perfect 100 points. it make others are jealous to regret.

Maruko came home and told with her grandpa, she want to become smart to win Nobell prize and bring him travel around. It makes grandpa touched and find shishima for her.

It seems not true but good wish, does Chinese have similar legend as well ?

你可能感兴趣的:(smart by bites 想变聪明?哪就被舞狮咬吧)