Finishing line in sight? Macedonia

Jan 24th 2019

Finishing line in sight? Macedonia

  • Finishing line 精整作业线,终点线;
  • Macedonia 马其顿

The Greek parliament votes today to ratify an agreement ending a marathon dispute over the name of its northern neighbour.

  • ratify 正式批准;使正式生效

In antiquity the first marathoner dropped dead on arrival in Athens.

  • antiquity 古代(尤指古希腊和古罗马时期) the ancient past, especially the times of the Greeks and Romans

The unpopular deal with Macedonia will probably survive.

Macedonia has already agreed to redesignate itself as North Macedonia if the Greeks ratify the deal, to quell (unfounded) fears it has its eyes on part of historic Macedonia in northern Greece.

  • quell 平息;制止;消除;镇压

Even so, riots engulfed Athens last weekend over the Greek government’s support for the plan.

  • riot 骚乱;骚动;暴动;混乱
  • engulf 淹没;吞噬;陷入

If it passes, technicalities, such as a protocol on Greek assent to North Macedonia joining NATO, will still take weeks.

NATO membership would thwart any potential alliance with Russia and secure Macedonia’s borders.

  • thwart 阻止;阻挠;对…构成阻力

That would be timely because other Balkan borders may soon take centre stage.

Leaders from Kosovo and Serbia are discussing a territorial exchange, an idea that has deeply divided their people and Western partners.

  • territorial 区域的;领地的;土地的

Expect another marathon.

  • marathon 马拉松赛跑(距离约 42 公里,合 26 英里)

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