【常考句型】(17)be of+抽象名词/表达做某事有困难句型/否定前移句型

1.在“be of+抽象名词”句型中,常见的抽象名词有value, importance, use, interest, significance;在这些抽象名词前面可以加little, some, any, no, great等限定语。

例This invention is of great value to mankind. 这项发明对人类很有价值。

The decision is of great importance. 这个决定很重要。

拓be of+抽象名词= be+抽象名词的形容词:

The decision is of great importance.=The decision is greatly important. 这个决定很重要。

2....have difficulty (trouble/a hard time) (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

例People from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other. 来自那两个国家的人们在相互理解上是没有任何困难的。

考I had great difficulty ______ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.(上海高考)

A. find

B. found

C. to find

D. finding

选D。句意:我在那家餐馆的菜单上很难找出适合的食物。此处考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.这一句型,difficulty后面应该使用动名词形式,故本题应选D。

3.含有宾语从句的主句的谓语动词为think, believe, imagine, suppose, consider, expect, guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致。

例I don’t think he will come this afternoon. 我认为他今天下午不会来。

I don’t believe that man is killed by Jim, is he? 我认为那个人不是吉姆所杀的,是不是?


1.The suits are ______ and are worth ______.

A. of great quality; to buy

B. great quality; to buy

C. of great quality; buying

D. great quality; buying

2.The two rooms are ______ the same size.

A. at

B. for

C. on

D. of

3.I wonder what trouble he had ______ the plan.

A. to carry out

B. carrying out

C. carried out

D. with carrying out

4.I don’t think David could have done such a stupid thing last night, ______?

A. did he

B. didn’t he

C. do I

D. don’t I

5.Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera, ______?

A. is she

B. isn’t she

C. doesn’t she

D. does she


01-05 CDBAD

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