Kotlin map flatten flatMap 区别


  • map
  • flatten
  • flatMap


The mapping transformation creates a collection from the results of a function on the elements of another collection.


	val numbers = setOf(1, 2, 3)
	println(numbers.map { it * 3 })
	// return [3, 6, 9]	



	// case 1
	collection.map { it.property }
	// case 2
	collection.map { it * 3 }
	// case ...




If you operate nested collections, you may find the standard library functions that provide flat access to nested collection elements useful.


	val numberSets = listOf(setOf(1, 2, 3), setOf(4, 5, 6), setOf(1, 2))
	// return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2]



  flatMap函数的词根是 map,而前缀才是 flat,因此是映射基础上的展开。实际上可以按照次序先后拆分为一个map函数和一个flatten函数。即先对调用的Collection进行映射,生成一个新的Collection,然后再对新生成的Collection的每个(Collection)元素进行展开。


data class Player(
    val name: String,			// 角色名
    val items: List<Item>		// 装备列表

data class Item(
    val name: String,			// 装备名
    val damage: Int,			// 伤害值
    val defense: Int			// 防御值


    val itemList1 = listOf(Item("泰阿剑", 86, 0), Item("纯钧剑", 102, 0))
    val itemList2 = listOf(Item("玄晶甲", 0, 48), Item("浸血甲", 0, 68))
    val player1 = Player("剑侍", itemList1)
    val player2 = Player("豪杰", itemList2)
    val playerList = listOf(player1, player2)
    println(playerList.flatMap { it.items })
    // 等价于
    // println(playerList.map { it.items }.flatten())

  其中,playerList.flatMap { it.items }playerList.map { it.items }.flatten()在效果上是等价的。
