一 最最想记忆的搭配:
1 impromptu get-togethers
impromptu /ɪm'prɑmptu/ adj 即兴的,无准备的。eg: an impromptu/improvised speech, an impromptu game, am impromptu dance. Ps: improvise,v; wing,v
get-together(n, an informal meeting; a party)很喜欢的一个小词。
I have a small get-together with my friends on Wednesday.
2 deliver maximum efficiency with minimum effort.
deliver maximum A with minimum B
eg: Deliver maximum effort with minimum reward. (情景:方法不对)
3 A lot of time it's better to be a quitter than a hero. 主动认怂,没啥不对的。(谦虚)
more often than not = a lot of times
as often as not = often
eg: More often than not, I skip breakfast.
As often as not, she skips school.
4 become a constant. 成为常态 eg: Learning English becomes my constant. (constant和constantly 口语频繁)
5 likewise 除了有表示also, 还可以表示我也是,我有同感(相同的感受)
eg: A: Let me know if you need any help. B:Likewise.
6 Have a quality day. B: Likewise
7 back to back =on end = in a row = consecutively /kən'sɛkjətɪv/
eg: I used to stay up with my friends for three days back to back.
8 high-maintenance/'mentənəns/ 耗费精力的,耗神的 ---- low-maintenance
eg: Luckily, I don't have any high-maintenance friends.
a high-maintenance bookshop.
a low-maintenance garden.
1 specs /spɛks/ = specification /'spɛsəfə'keʃən/ 说明书
3 hefty=overwhelming =mount
4 Find a judo solution..... whenever you face an obstacle, look for a way to judo it。
根据语境,灵活运用... whenever you face a obstacle, look for a way to Eric it.
4 It'll come back to bite them in the ass. 善有善报恶有恶报 (很形象好玩的一个表达)
5 harmless = corrosive
6 The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会哭的孩子有奶吃
(if you bitch loud enough, you'll eventually get your way.)
7 timid 犹豫不决的、瞻前顾后的 ( 做胆小时:gut -- chicken )
eg:she has a timid voice.
二 背诵
Also, don’t be timid about your conclusions. Sometimes abandoning what you’re working on is the right move, even if you’ve already put in a lot of effort. Don’t throw good time after bad work.
三 一个Tip: