Chapter One | 5-Not Mass, Not spam, Not Shameful...

 Let's have a case study.

 Why penguin magic are succeed? They are professional.

The people who run the site realized that professional magicians rarely buy tricks because they only need ten or twenty regular tricks in their bag. Since the audience changes every night, they don't worry about repeating themselves.

And amateur, on the other hand, always has the same audience and so he's hooked on constantly changing the routine.

And I think there are two good sentences for me to learn.

Your emergency is not a license to steal my attention. Your insecurity is not a permit to hustle me or my friends.

What can we do to do good marketing?

It's time to stop making average stuff for average people while hoping you can charge more than a commodity price.

1 run the site 运营网站

2 amateur 业余爱好者

3 hook on 着迷于

4 not a license to ... 不是... 的通行证

5 commodity 商品

你可能感兴趣的:(Chapter One | 5-Not Mass, Not spam, Not Shameful...)