The Wise Delight in Water; The Good Delight in Mountains
With the merchants of a maritime country conditions are otherwise.
They have greater opportunity to see different people with different customs and different languages; they are accustomed to change and are not afraid of novelty.
Nay, in order to have a good sale for their goods, they have to encourage novelty in the manufacture of what they are going to sell.
It is no accident that in the West, the industrial revolution was first started in England, which is also a maritime country maintaining her prosperity through commerce.
What was quoted earlier in this chapter from the Lv-shih Ch'un-ch'iu about merchants can also be said of the people of maritime countries, provided that, instead of saying that they are corrupt and treacherous, we say that they are refined and intelligent.
We can also paraphrase Confucius by saying that the people of maritime countries are the wise, while those of continental countries are the good.
And so we repeat what Confucius said: "The wise delight in water; the good delight in mountains. The wise move; the good stay still. The wise are happy; the good endure."
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to enumerate evidences to prove the relationship between the geographic and economic conditions of Greece and England on the one hand, and the development of Western scientific thought and democratic institutions on the other.
But the fact that the geographic and economic conditions of Greece and England are quite different from those of China suffices to constitute a negative proof for my thesis in regard to Chinese history as mentioned in this chapter.
From YLYK《中国哲学的故事》专辑S02E14