gns3 连接虚拟服务器,GNS3 为什么连接不到虚拟机啊!!!!


FIX TO - GNS3 VM Greyed out , GNS3 VM not getting green

Open Discussion

·  April 27, 2020 at 10:58 EDT

The following steps has been working for me for almost a week with respect to the title above, on this note i feel i have to share to help everyone with this challenge.

First be sure you have followed all the necessary protocols to install GNS gui and GNS VM.

Remember  both GNS gui and VM should be of the same version number.

For example the current version as of this post is 2.2.7, kindly make sure you are using GNS gui 2.2.7 and GNS VM 2.2.7

if you are on the current version. Though i strongly believe this procedure will work for other version numbers having the same challange.

FIrst of all take note that i have had GNS vm not turning green / greyed out on  me when i installed version 2.2.7. As a result of this challenge i installed older versions and it will
