

  1. 打开(outlook,wechat, or gmail)
  2. 从当天的第一封(指的是时间最早)邮件或微信消息开始看(一次只看一个,并确定存放再哪里archive or evernote ,如果2分钟能解决的事情立即去做), 如果是平时的check那么只要看完本周/月的就行,如果是周末的花需要整个收件箱清零。(微信的话就存在文件传输助手并放在evernote)
  3. 一个软件处理完毕后深呼吸重新阅读步骤,重复操作另一个软件。
  4. 存在evernote里面的note决定放在哪里,周计划调整
  5. inbox out

1. 收件箱现状


  • email (CEH work email and teams, Edinburgh University, gmail)
  • wechat

2. 处理收件箱的原则

2.1 Zero Inbox

What, When, Where Processing: The act of deciding what the next step is, when you're going to do it, and where its home is - Dave Crenshaw


  • archive (可能有用的信息archive并且同步到evernote input folder)
  • 2分钟以内能解决的事情可以处理,超过2分钟的事情就放入evernote inbox and schedule a time to do
  • 尽量不要点开链接。

2.2 Inbox Review Pattern

  • every work day 12:00
  • weekend schedule a time to clean all

我发现,如果每天查两次邮件,上午十点和下午四点是最佳时机。这样一来,你就可以在将近中午的时候弄清有哪些紧急邮件,然后在下班回家前全部搞定。不过,每个人的作息时间不一样,你应该根据自己的工作习惯、日程安排和特定需求,弄清最适合自己的时机,然后坚持下去。 避免一大早就查邮件。提高效率的秘诀之一就是不要在一大早查邮件。 《少做一点不会死》

2.3 Digital Minimalism

  • 限制收件箱的数量。


The Digital Declutter Process

  1. Put aside a thirty-day period during which you will take a break from optional technologies in your life.
  2. During this thirty-day break, explore and rediscover activities and behaviors that you find satisfying and meaningful.
  3. At the end of the break, reintroduce optional technologies into your life, strating from a blank slate. For each technology you reintroduce, determine what value it serves in your life and how specifically you will use it so as to maximize this value.
